What's the difference between abhor and disgust?



  • (v. t.) To shrink back with shuddering from; to regard with horror or detestation; to feel excessive repugnance toward; to detest to extremity; to loathe.
  • (v. t.) To fill with horror or disgust.
  • (v. t.) To protest against; to reject solemnly.
  • (v. i.) To shrink back with horror, disgust, or dislike; to be contrary or averse; -- with

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Surely this is a government which abhors unnecessary interference with legal market activity and pledges death to red tape.
  • (2) MrMopp ‘As a traditional Labour voter I abhor its abandonment of its traditional voters’ I have been a Labour voter for 30 years, but will be voting for Ukip in the forthcoming general election.
  • (3) Many of those who have left the taps of infection still open are more likely to listen to him than to others that talk a language that they abhor.
  • (4) The other caste – CEOs, industrialists, wealthy professionals, and pundits who abhorred Grillo until the end of last week, are now praising him.
  • (5) I’m still not sure what it means but I think it’s something like pretending to abhor public decapitation to elicit approval while secretly loving it.
  • (6) Sexist chanting at Chelsea’s Eva Carneiro cannot be swept under the carpet | Owen Gibson Read more A Chelsea spokesman said: “The issue of equality is one we take extremely seriously and we abhor discrimination in all its forms, including sexism.
  • (7) "We know these people act in the name of Islam but we also know the vast and overwhelming majority of Muslims here and abroad are decent and law-abiding people who abhor this act of terrorism," he said in a televised statement from Downing Street.
  • (8) Yemen's 23 million citizens, among the poorest in the Arab world, have many grievances: the government is widely seen as corrupt and is abhorred for its association with the US in fighting al-Qaida.
  • (9) Yet Russell hated Hollywood, regarding the whole place as deeply corrupt and horribly predicated towards the kind of timidity and compromise he abhorred.
  • (10) Buyers’ remorse is said to be gripping some casual Brexit voters, just as it gripped some Corbyn backers last year Like nature, politics abhors a vacuum, and the risk always exists that bad men, bad women too, may move quickly into that space.
  • (11) Water may "abhor" the hydrophobic side of the channel, explaining the small effects of residue charge changes on ion selectivity.
  • (12) This is a moment of truth for the clear majority in the international community who abhor these war crimes: do we take back the initiative to save lives or watch paralysed as we did in Rwanda?
  • (13) Sessions said: “I abhor the Klan and what it represents, and its hateful ideology.” He denied ever condemning the activities of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) as “un-American” or describing a white attorney in Alabama as a race traitor.
  • (14) Not pounds and pence, plans and policies, but people.” In a moment of arch-mischief, he thanked his dumbfounded tribe for their part in backing causes many of them still abhor: “It wasn’t just me who put social justice, equality for gay people, tackling climate change, and helping the world’s poorest at the centre of the Conservative party’s mission – we all did.” You could see them looking at one another, as if to say: did we?
  • (15) You will know that the Sunday Times abhors antisemitism and would never set out to cause offence to the Jewish people – or any other ethnic or religious group.
  • (16) And one hopes, too, that those who abhor Mo Yan's timidity would manifest a finer awareness of their inherited assumptions of moral superiority and advantages of cultural power – those that create the illusion that writers in "free" societies are invariably correct, even ideologically neutral, and those elsewhere egregiously and objectionably political.
  • (17) I can no longer do what I and others did in 2008, putting to one side the statements, insults and gestures that had offended me, my fellow Jews and – one hopes – every Londoner who abhors prejudice.
  • (18) And, at the risk of being called a Ukip supporter again, much as I abhor the Conservatives’ tax and spending plans, I would absolutely defend the idea that Westminster should be where the budget is decided.
  • (19) Ivens said the Sunday Times "abhors antisemitism and would never set out to cause offence to the Jewish people".
  • (20) Gently grilled, or fried till crisp – not 'crispy', a description Elizabeth David abhorred.



  • (v. t.) To provoke disgust or strong distaste in; to cause (any one) loathing, as of the stomach; to excite aversion in; to offend the moral taste of; -- often with at, with, or by.
  • (v. t.) Repugnance to what is offensive; aversion or displeasure produced by something loathsome; loathing; strong distaste; -- said primarily of the sickening opposition felt for anything which offends the physical organs of taste; now rather of the analogous repugnance excited by anything extremely unpleasant to the moral taste or higher sensibilities of our nature; as, an act of cruelty may excite disgust.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The first was a passive avoidance task in which the chicks were allowed to peck at a green training stimulus (a small light-emitting diode, LED) coated in the bitter liquid, methylanthranilate, giving rise to a strong disgust response and consequent avoidance of the green stimulus.
  • (2) Black males with low intentions to use condoms reported significantly more negative attitudes about the use of condoms (eg, using condoms is disgusting) and reacted with more intense anger when their partners asked about previous sexual contacts, when a partner refused sex without a condom, or when they perceived condoms as interfering with foreplay and sexual pleasure.
  • (3) He praised the obvious disgust of local people in parts of south and west Manchester, where gang problems have been concentrated.
  • (4) That's completely and utterly grotesque and, no matter how proud we all are in the labour movement that the minimum wage exists, not a single day goes by that we shouldn't be disgusted with ourselves for that.
  • (5) Charlie Morris described the column as "vile and disgusting", adding that she hoped the writer "gets the sack".
  • (6) The Fifa ethics investigator who spent 18 months and £6m compiling a report into the controversial 2018 and 2022 World Cup bidding race has quit his post in disgust, departing with a broadside against the organisation’s culture and practices.
  • (7) He is also a vocal proponent of the benefit cap , finding it disgusting that some families can claim more in benefits than the average person earns, even while he finds it intolerable that he can only claim in accommodation expenses £2,000 more than the cap .
  • (8) However, among 27 patients examined by means of intracranial EEG recordings, it was evident that a disgust expression occurred with oro-alimentary automatisms at the beginning of mesial temporal lobe seizures, whereas a happy one occurred without oro-alimentary automatisms at the beginning of lateral temporal lobe seizures.
  • (9) 2.09pm GMT Hester: it disgusts and deeply depresses me RBS has issued a video clip of its chief executive, Stephen Hester, talking about today's fines.
  • (10) A spokesperson for Boycott Workfare, a grassroots organisation that has campaigned to stop forced unpaid work schemes, said the move was disgusting.
  • (11) He adds that he's "disgusted" at planned cuts to housing benefit, which he believes will result in greater homelessness.
  • (12) Ivens's apology was issued after a meeting with Jewish community organisations including the Board of the Deputies of British Jews, which had complained to the Press Complaints Commission on Sunday, describing the cartoon as "appalling" and "all the more disgusting" for being published on Holocaust Memorial Day, "given the similar tropes levelled against Jews by the Nazis".
  • (13) During the first Republican presidential debate, Kelly questioned whether Trump had the temperament for the job, given that he had called women he disliked “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals” in the past.
  • (14) And while Altmejd presents sexual scenes of cartoonish horror and disgust, Lucas's art has embraced lavatorial humour, abjection, self-denigration, the pithy sculptural one-liner and the obscene gesture.
  • (15) Far from being disgusted with her physicality, Ruskin – a rigorous Christian and idealist – felt anxious and subconsciously betrayed by the realisation that his love for Effie was a one-sided affair.
  • (16) According to the New York Times , he told its reporter Emily Steel that if he did not approve of her resulting article “I’m coming after you with everything I have,” adding: “You can take it as a threat.” The 65-year-old anchor – who earlier dismissed the Mother Jones article as “total bullshit”, “disgusting”, “defamation” and “a piece of garbage” – had promised that the archive tapes would comprehensively disprove the charges against him.
  • (17) However, the barrister says they could link up with others in Northern Ireland and Britain, such as the Occupy movement and UK Uncut, who are equally disgusted at the banks' behaviour during this long recession.
  • (18) Disgusting.” Shame worked on me where the fear of distant, hacking death had failed.
  • (19) The items included normal adult foods and exemplars of different adult rejection categories: disgust (e.g.
  • (20) His staunch refusal to sell his nine hectares of land needed for the development angered Trump, who described the piece of land as "disgusting".