What's the difference between abort and amort?



  • (v. i.) To miscarry; to bring forth young prematurely.
  • (v. i.) To become checked in normal development, so as either to remain rudimentary or shrink away wholly; to become sterile.
  • (n.) An untimely birth.
  • (n.) An aborted offspring.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Electrophysiologic studies are indicated in patients with sustained paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation or aborted sudden death.
  • (2) The extent of the infectious process was limited, however, because the life span of the cultures was not significantly shortened, the yields of infectious virus per immunofluorescent cell were at all times low, and most infected cells contained only a few well-delineated small masses of antigen, suggestive of an abortive infection.
  • (3) The multiple pregnancy rate was 18% and the abortion rate, 18%.
  • (4) Midtrimester abortion by the dilatation and evacuation (D&E) method has generated controversy among health care providers; many authorities insist that this procedure should be performed only by a small group of experts.
  • (5) Tables provide data for Denmark in reference to: 1) number of legal abortions and the abortion rates for 1940-1977; 2) distribution of abortions by season, 1972-1977; 3) abortion rates by maternal age, 1971-1977; 4) oral contraceptive and IUD sales for 1977-1978; and 5) number of births and estimated number of abortions and conceptions, 1960-1975.
  • (6) There was a negative connection between the measure of total induced abortions in 1986 and the relative increase of abortions in the districts during 1986-87.
  • (7) Latin America has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world – 95% of abortions carried out there are performed in unsafe conditions.
  • (8) Sterilization rates at the time of abortions increased with increasing age and with increasing gravidity, but the total rates, adjusted for age and gravidity of patients, have changed little in the past 15 years.
  • (9) There were 4 spontaneous first trimester abortions and 21 live-born neonates without major problems related to the treatment or to the maternal disease.
  • (10) Only one ewe aborted, 10 days after the first infecting dose, at 94 days of gestation; L monocytogenes was isolated from several sites in both its aborted fetuses.
  • (11) Lupus anticoagulant associated with thrombocytopenia, thrombosis or recurrent abortions was diagnosed in 2 epileptic patients chronically treated with anticonvulsant drugs.
  • (12) According to a Guttmacher Institute review (pdf), about 9% of maternal deaths in India are from complications of unsafe abortions.
  • (13) Only one monoclonal antibody strongly inhibited cAMP binding by CRP, and this was accompanied by a consequent strong inhibition of both lac DNA binding and abortive initiation by RNA polymerase.
  • (14) Of the 68 successful abortions 59% of the patients aborted in 12 hours or less and 88% aborted within 24 hours.
  • (15) Although the group is constantly the target of an all-out political assault, it has a robust national fundraising operation that allows it to subsidize abortions for poor women and expand to new locations.
  • (16) Earlier this week the supreme court in London ruled against a mother and daughter from Northern Ireland who had wanted to establish the right to have a free abortion in an English NHS hospital.
  • (17) The last complete count of the number of US abortions was made by the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) in 1982.
  • (18) "Medical professionals have perhaps been the least involved [of all sectors] in debates and discussions around abortion, and anti-choice groups have very effectively carried out a deliberate strategy of targeting and influencing health professionals.
  • (19) As a member of the state Assembly, Walker voted for a bill known as the Woman’s Right to Know Act, which required physicians to provide women with full information prior to an abortion and established a 24-hour waiting period in the hope that some women might change their mind about undergoing the procedure.
  • (20) There were two spontaneous abortions, both in the first trimester, which occurred two weeks after the overdose which may be related to the paracetamol.



  • (a.) As if dead; lifeless; spiritless; dejected; depressed.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) With recent recognition by many third party carriers this equipment may amortize itself rapidly but, more importantly, it may serve to identify neurological diseases of the bladder that are undetected by other conventional methods of investigation.
  • (2) If amortized additional capital costs are included, there is a 12% reduction in overall costs.
  • (3) Purchase and amortization of the pumps decreases the cost.
  • (4) If we were to freeze the system in its current state, amortize the development and network installation costs, and add projected maintenance costs for the clinical and library applications, our integrated information system would cost $2.8 million on an annual basis.
  • (5) Indirect costs for hospitals and physicians, including depreciation and amortization, debt service, utilities, malpractice insurance, administration, billing, registration, and medical records were not included.
  • (6) In addition, our criteria outline the characteristics of "distressed transactions" that, individually or collectively, we consider when forming an opinion on whether the resulting newly issued debt has "less value than the promise of the original securities," a primary condition of a distressed exchange or similar restructuring: The combination of any cash amount and principal amount of new securities offered is less than the original par amount; The interest rate is lower than the original interest rate; The new securities' maturities extend beyond the original; The timing of payments is slowed (eg zero-coupon from quarterly paying, or bullet from amortizing); or The ranking is altered to more junior.
  • (7) These include the impact of PACS on physician productivity, maintenance costs, discount rates, and the time period for amortization of capital goods.
  • (8) assumed the following functions: a) It filled up the masseter-zygomaticus-buccinator space forming an amortizing and a slipping platform for the masticatory muscles in action; b) in the baby, it resisted to the negative pressure which acted into the buccal cavity during sucking; c) its rich venous net, provided with valve-like structures, may be implicated in the exo-endocranial blood flow by means of the pterygoid plexus.
  • (9) These bundles appear to serve as a peculiar anchor or amortizing apparatus and its elasticity might be a factor of a change of the shape and direction of the canal vessels in the bone development process.
  • (10) Cost-efficiency: Amortized costs of monitoring systems that were apparently initially very expensive can be very low, especially in comparison with other capital outlays and the costs of disposable plastics and supplies used during anesthesia.
  • (11) In the present work are analyzed the most frequently met omissions and errors in the measurement and evaluation of the general vibrations, as well as the factors, which can effect the intensity of the general vibrations; constructive and technological peculiarities, technical state, rate of machine amortization, construction, damping qualities, and regulation of the seat, motion velocity, relief, type of the performed agricultural activity.
  • (12) The expenses for the amortization of the cost of the bunker, for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, for the employed staff and for the electric power respectively, represent the 22%, 5%, 43% and 2% of the total management cost (395 milions lire per year).
  • (13) The average purchase cost of an accelerator was 1113 milions lire and the amortization cost is 111 milions lire per year.
  • (14) This goal could be achieved through a selection of significant images and examinations, considerably reducing the cost of film reproduction and allowing the amortization of a partial PACS in about 5 or 6 years.
  • (15) The EU would have to modify the fiscal compact to exempt the callable capital and allow actual losses to be amortized over a number of years.
  • (16) Exclusive of equipment costs, amortization, and data processing, the cost per study is $33.81 (Canadian), resulting in a cost of $8,277.62 for each case diagnosed.
  • (17) the readiness to bear objective as well as psychological "costs" without guarantee of amortization, is only slight.
  • (18) Excluding amortization of material and personnel costs, findings confirmed a certain number of advantages for AN: gain in time of about 34%, decrease of about 14% in charges, and notably of 83% in expenditure on films and 50% on contrast media.
  • (19) The implicity of this technique is depending however on the amortic thinking.
  • (20) Calculations of the total population exposure from nuclear medicine procedures indicate the per capita dose (amortized over the entire population) is approximately 0.4 muSv (0.04 mrem), a negligible dose compared to natural background and total medical irradiation.

Words possibly related to "amort"