What's the difference between admire and posture?



  • (v. t.) To regard with wonder or astonishment; to view with surprise; to marvel at.
  • (v. t.) To regard with wonder and delight; to look upon with an elevated feeling of pleasure, as something which calls out approbation, esteem, love, or reverence; to estimate or prize highly; as, to admire a person of high moral worth, to admire a landscape.
  • (v. i.) To wonder; to marvel; to be affected with surprise; -- sometimes with at.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Hettinga can be admired, and his heart is in the right place.
  • (2) The Chinese model of development, which combines political repression and economic liberalism, has attracted numerous admirers in the developing world.
  • (3) But that promise was beginning to startle the markets, which admire Monti’s appetite for austerity and fear the free spending and anti-European views of some Italian politicians.
  • (4) Admirable, but will destroying ivory get that message through to poachers, ivory traffickers and the workshops in east Asia and elsewhere that buy smuggled raw ivory?
  • (5) I read somewhere that one of the actresses you admire is Charlize Theron and she's another great beauty who started out modelling but whose breakthrough role came when she uglied up [to play serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster ].
  • (6) Greatly admired Murdoch is certainly putting his money where his mouth is.
  • (7) Steve Bell on Jeremy Corbyn not singing the national anthem – cartoon Read more Admiral Lord West, former Labour security minister, said the decision not to sing the anthem was extraordinary.
  • (8) Trawling through the private telephone conversations of royals, politicians and celebrities in the hope of picking up scandalous gossip is not seen as legitimate news gathering and the techniques of entrapment which led to the recent Pakistani match-fixing scandal , although grudgingly admired in this particular case, are derided as manufacturing the news.
  • (9) You had to admire the party’s commitment to its Alan Partridge roots.
  • (10) While Claude Moraes MEP's committee on surveillance is admirably pursuing this agenda, member states remain unresponsive.
  • (11) No wonder celebrities all take selfies of themselves all day long, admiring and capturing their specialness for themselves.
  • (12) This is a team who have found their feet after that winless group section, a side who have already seen off the much admired Croatia and who can ruffle the feathers of the hosts or the reigning world champions.
  • (13) But somewhere along the way, his passion for good, fresh food – admirable and infectious in every respect – appears to have transformed into evangelical life-coaching.
  • (14) Admirably, Clinton kept her cool throughout, particularly Trump when spoke over her to call her “such a nasty woman”.
  • (15) When he had those Aids I went to my synagogue and I prayed for him.” Sterling said he admired Johnson, 53, as a “good” man, then contradicted himself.
  • (16) But it's still a neat model to watch – and admire.
  • (17) Again, he took a coasting, if not moribund, council department and turned it into an innovative, widely admired and emulated approach to social work (known as the "Hackney model").
  • (18) She insists she has no regrets about dedicating herself to the man millions admired but few really got to know.
  • (19) "I'm not going to suddenly stop admiring his unique comic talent because I've switched teams," Allen told the Guardian.
  • (20) David Puttnam, president of the Film Distributors' Association, said in a statement: "The report's clear message that everyone should have the opportunity to engage with film, and that watching, exploring, understanding and creating film is important for young people and the audience as a whole, is as admirable as it is welcome."



  • (n.) The position of the body; the situation or disposition of the several parts of the body with respect to each other, or for a particular purpose; especially (Fine Arts), the position of a figure with regard to the several principal members by which action is expressed; attitude.
  • (n.) Place; position; situation.
  • (n.) State or condition, whether of external circumstances, or of internal feeling and will; disposition; mood; as, a posture of defense; the posture of affairs.
  • (v. t.) To place in a particular position or attitude; to dispose the parts of, with reference to a particular purpose; as, to posture one's self; to posture a model.
  • (v. i.) To assume a particular posture or attitude; to contort the body into artificial attitudes, as an acrobat or contortionist; also, to pose.
  • (v. i.) Fig.: To assume a character; as, to posture as a saint.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The influence of vestibular dysfunction upon the vestibulospinal reflex (VSR) in two common peripheral syndromes was investigated by two types of posturographic examination: "static" posturography, recording and analyzing the postural sway in stance, and "kinetic" posturography, recording the stepping in place test.
  • (2) The changes in muscle activity had the same pattern and similar phase-frequency properties to those observed under analogous vestibular stimulation during the maintenance of steady posture.
  • (3) Postoperatively, an independent observer assessed conscious level, crying, posture and facial expression using a simple numerical scoring system, and also recorded heart and respiratory rates over a 2-h period.
  • (4) Nine patients were admitted to the hospital, placed on a diet containing 150 mEq sodium, and studied for periods of 4 hours, on different days, in the following conditions: (1) supine position, (2) upright posture (UP), (3) UP after 10 mg domperidone, intravenously in bolus, and (4) UP after 3 days of domperidone, 30 mg orally.
  • (5) Microinfusion of the selective 5-HT1A receptor agonist, 8-hydroxy-(di-N-propylamino)tetralin (8-OHDPAT), into the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) produced a marked behavioural hypoactivity and flat body posture.
  • (6) The influence of preanalytical factors such as food intake, posture, use of tourniquet and freezing and storing samples is great and necessitates standardisation of specimen collection.
  • (7) Unexpected displacement of the endotracheal tube during anesthesia caused by postural change of the neck or passive compression by the mouth gag was investigated under transluminal fiberoptic observation.
  • (8) Mean arterial pressure rose in upright posture in many cases, but its changes (percentage) showed no correlation with the changes (percentage) in GFR.
  • (9) Lateralization may be an expression of reflex constraints bound initially to the infant's tonic-neck posture, with later development less reflex-patterned during the acquisition of more sophisticated information-processing strategies.
  • (10) Presence of the monosynaptic reflex during platform perturbations at normal latencies suggests that balance problems in children with Down syndrome do not result from hypotonia, which researchers have defined as decreased segmental motoneuron pool excitability and pathology of stretch reflex mechanisms, but rather result from defects within higher level postural mechanisms.
  • (11) A transistor radio activated by a mercury switch was used to reinforce head posture in two retarded children with severe cerebral palsy.
  • (12) Subjects with class III malocclusion tended to a more extended head posture relatively to those with class I or class II malocclusion.
  • (13) The peripheral plasma levels of aldosterone, renin activity (PRA), potassium, corticosterone, cortisol, and in some cases angiotensin II, were measured in normal subjects undergoing postural changes, acute diuretic-induced volume depletion, and alterations in dietary sodium.
  • (14) Seizures elicited by posture change and intraperitoneal administration of convulsants were studied ontogenetically in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus).
  • (15) This paper describes a system for the quantitative analysis of posture and stance in the freely standing quadruped.
  • (16) Later, animals exposed to lifelong 5 or 2% soy lecithin preparations were hypoactive, had poor postural reflexes, and showed attenuated morphine analgesia.
  • (17) Comparisons of hominoid metacarpals and phalanges reveal differences, many of which are closely linked to locomotor hand postures.
  • (18) A definite correlation was established between the disease and the character of work and specificity of the working postures: a long stay in a bent position aggravated by the pressure of the apron strap weighing 8-10 kg on the lumbar part of the spine.
  • (19) The authors study the adaptation of the blood pressure to changes in posture in 400 people, and studied the world literature on the subject.
  • (20) After injection of tranylcypromine (a MAO inhibitor), spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) which had been previously infused with norepinephrine (NE) for 14 days displayed stroke-related behaviour including kangaroo-like posture, seizures and death.