What's the difference between advanced and experienced?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Advance
  • (a.) In the van or front.
  • (a.) In the front or before others, as regards progress or ideas; as, advanced opinions, advanced thinkers.
  • (a.) Far on in life or time.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This selective review emphasizes advances in neurochemistry which provide a context for current and future research on neurological and psychiatric disorders encountered in clinical practice.
  • (2) Increased plasmin activity was associated with advancing stage of lactation and older cows after appropriate adjustments were made for the effects of milk yield and SCC.
  • (3) These results suggest that the pelvic floor is affected by progressive denervation but descent during straining tends to decrease with advancing age.
  • (4) An association of cyclophosphamide, fluorouracil and methotrexate already employed with success against solid tumours in other sites was used in the treatment of 62 patients with advanced tumours of the head and neck.
  • (5) When TSLP was pretreated with TF5 in vitro, the most restorative effects on the decreased MLR were found in hyperplastic stage and the effects were becoming less with the advance of tumor developments.
  • (6) Finally the advanced automation of the equipment allowed weekly the evaluation of catecholamines and the whole range of their known metabolites in 36 urine samples.
  • (7) Since the advance and return of sperm inside the tubes could facilitate the interaction of sperm with secretions participating in its maturation, the persistent infertility after vasectomy could be related to the contractile alteration that follows the excessive tubal distention.
  • (8) Over the past decade the use of monoclonal antibodies has greatly advanced our knowledge of the biological properties and heterogeneity that exist within human tumours, and in particular in lung cancer.
  • (9) The automatic half of both the motor which advances the trepan as well as the second motor which rotates the trepan is triggered by the sudden change in electrical resistance between the trepan and the patient's internal body fluid, at the final stage of penetration.
  • (10) Under a revised deal most people are now being vetted on time, but charges for the service have had to rise from £12 and free vetting for volunteers, to £28 for a standard disclosure and £33 for an advanced disclosure.
  • (11) Histological and electron-microscopic study of the lungs of 15 patients who had been treated with bleomycin for advanced squamous cell carcinoma demonstrated marked histological changes in nine.
  • (12) With better understanding of metabolic and compositional requirements, great advances have been made in the area of total parenteral nutrition.
  • (13) Meanwhile Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, waiting anxiously for news of the scale of the Labour advance in his first nationwide electoral test, will urge the electorate not to be duped by the promise of a coalition mark 2, predicting sham concessions by the Conservatives .
  • (14) 16 tube (usually a Baker tube) was inserted by gastrostomy and advanced distally into the colon.
  • (15) Of his number, 266 patients were in the advance stage of their disease while another 42 still had localized cancers.
  • (16) N-Acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (GAD) activities did not change significantly duringlate fetal, neonatal or young adult stages but increased significantly with advancing age.
  • (17) Serial antepartum platelet alloantibody quantitation by an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay revealed rising antibody titers during advancing gestation.
  • (18) Most of the progressive cases were alcoholic, and some showed progression to advanced pancreatitis within 4 years.
  • (19) Expansion of the cell sheet following attachment, and the fusion of epiblasts advancing toward each other, does not require the presence of mineralocorticoid.
  • (20) One hundred and sixteen patients with advanced and metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas were randomized to treatment with combined Streptozotocin and 5-fluorouracil or combined Streptozotocin and cyclophosphamide.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Exrerience
  • (p. p. & a.) Taught by practice or by repeated observations; skillful or wise by means of trials, use, or observation; as, an experienced physician, workman, soldier; an experienced eye.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Anesthesiology residency programs experienced unprecedented growth from 1980 to 1986.
  • (2) A 61-year-old man experienced four bouts of pancreatitis in 1 year.
  • (3) The younger patients more often experienced an acute arthritis with sacroiliitis resembling a reactive disease.
  • (4) Febrile reactions were not distributed randomly among the patients; those with respiratory tract infection experienced more febrile reactions during periods with infection than during periods without.
  • (5) One patient had amelioration of his symptoms, 5 experienced no change and in 5 their symptoms became worse.
  • (6) The patient experienced an uneventful recovery and at the 6-week follow-up, the pelvic organs were within the normal limit and all wounds had healed.
  • (7) The authors propose three regular procedures with which they are experienced: repair with a large retromuscular nonabsorbable synthetic tulle prosthesis for extensive epigastric eventrations, fillup aponeuroplasty using the sheath of the rectus abdominis associated with a premuscular patch in case of diastasis or of multiple superimposed orifices and suture associated with a small retromuscular auxiliary patch to treat small incisional hernias.
  • (8) We report the case of a premature infant, small for gestational age, who experienced rostral herniation of a portion of frontal lobe through the anterior fontanel as the result of a hemorrhagic cerebellar infarction followed by a large parieto-occipital intracerebral hemorrhage.
  • (9) All four active treatment groups also experienced significantly more relief of pelvic-abdominal pain compared with placebo: piroxicam 40 mg for two days followed by three days of 20 mg (p = 0.002), piroxicam 40 mg for one day followed by four days of 20 mg (p = 0.023), piroxicam 20 mg for five days (p = 0.012), and ibuprofen (p = 0.011).
  • (10) The patient had experienced repeated spontaneous fractures for 1.5 years such as serial rib fractures, fractures of the sternum and most recently fracture of the neck of the femur after a minimal trauma.
  • (11) The University of the Arts London and Sunderland, Sheffield Hallam, Manchester Met and Leeds Met university have also experienced sharp declines in applications.
  • (12) The percentages of women in this population who were sexually experienced were the same in all 3 years (88% in 1975, 87% in 1986 and 87% in 1989).
  • (13) Recognised risk factors for stroke were found equally in those patients with and without severe events before onset, except that hypertension was rather less common in the patients who had experienced a severe event.
  • (14) Those with an increase of 15% in mean PEFR in the week on active treatment and who experienced subjective benefit should be supplied with a compressor.
  • (15) Dental patients were classified by experienced dentists as MPD or non-MPD patients.
  • (16) "It is difficult to imagine the torment experienced by the vulnerable victims of crimes such as these.
  • (17) It is likely that the severe thrombocytopenia experienced by our patient was caused by a single dose of plicamycin.
  • (18) The effect of pH neutralization on the pain experienced during intradermal lidocaine administration was investigated in a prospective blind study of 20 adult volunteers.
  • (19) It may unsettle Exxon Mobil a little but they are pretty experienced now and I don’t think they would derail anything,” she said.
  • (20) Qualitative and quantitative comparisons between the short and the long time interval studies were performed by four experienced observers.