What's the difference between agreement and exactly?



  • (n.) State of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character; concurrence; concord; conformity; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council.
  • (n.) Concord or correspondence of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person.
  • (n.) A concurrence in an engagement that something shall be done or omitted; an exchange of promises; mutual understanding, arrangement, or stipulation; a contract.
  • (n.) The language, oral or written, embodying reciprocal promises.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The predicted non-Lorentzian line shapes and widths were found to be in good agreement with experimental results, indicating that the local orientational order (called "packing" by many workers) in the bilayers of small vesicles and in multilamellar membranes is substantially the same.
  • (2) The highest rate of discontinuation occurred when method choice was denied in the presence of husband-wife agreement on method choice, and the lowest rate occurred when method choice was granted in the presence of such concurrence.
  • (3) At the heart of the payday loan profit bonanza is the "continuous payment authority" (CPA) agreement, which allows lenders to access customer bank accounts to retrieve funds.
  • (4) Interadjudicator agreement was stronger on 'originality' than on 'aesthetic pleasingness'.
  • (5) The prospectus revealed he has an agreement with Dorsey to vote his shares, which expires when the company goes public in November.
  • (6) Reasonably good agreement is seen between theoretical apparent rate-vesicle concentration relationships and those measured experimentally.
  • (7) The data for the eubacterial ribosomes are in full agreement with the model of the 50S protein topography derived from immunological data.
  • (8) Cytochemical studies on renal peroxisomes were in agreement with these biochemical findings.
  • (9) Amid the acrimony of the failed debate on the Malaysia Agreement, something was missed or forgotten: many in the left had changed their mind.
  • (10) The White House denied there had been an agreement, but said it was open in principle to such negotations.
  • (11) Couples in need of help will be "encouraged" to come to a private agreement.
  • (12) In agreement with the data in the literature, melanocytes incubated with IFN-gamma acquire HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP antigens.
  • (13) These calculated values are compared with observed values and implications of the agreement are discussed.
  • (14) In 0.17 M Na+(aq), tRNA(Phe) exists in its native conformation and the number of strong binding sites (Ka greater than or equal to 10(4)) was estimated to be 3-4 by titration experiments, in agreement with X-ray structural data for crystalline tRNA(Phe) (Jack et al., 1977).
  • (15) These data were in agreement with those from a previous comparative study which had a very different research design and a somewhat different type of schizophrenic population.
  • (16) There was good agreement between the survival of normally oxygenated cells in culture and bright cells from tumors and between hypoxic cells in culture and dim cells from tumors over a radiation dosage range of 2-5 Gray.
  • (17) Herman Van Rompuy, the European Council president chairing the summit, hoped to finesse an overall agreement on the banking supervisor.
  • (18) Time-resolved tyrosine fluorescence anisotropy shows global correlation times broadly in agreement with the NMR results, but with an additional faster correlation time [approximately 600 ps].
  • (19) Off The Hook has facilities of up to £30,000 from the bank, a signatory to the Project Merlin agreement.
  • (20) Analysts say Zuma's lawyers may try to reach agreement with the prosecutors, while he can also appeal against yesterday's ruling before the constitutional court.



  • (adv.) In an exact manner; precisely according to a rule, standard, or fact; accurately; strictly; correctly; nicely.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Meanwhile Bradley Beal has developed into a dangerous second option and complementary sidekick in exactly the same way that Dion Waiters hasn't for the Cleveland Cavaliers.
  • (2) Furthermore, the backing away from any specific yield targets is exactly the lack of clarity that the FX market will not like."
  • (3) If it works anyone can do this exactly as we have done.” The sudden release follows weeks of visual clues left on the Radiohead frontman’s Twitter and Tumblr.
  • (4) She was clearly elected on a pledge not to cut school funding and that’s exactly what is happening,” Corbyn said.
  • (5) Hamilton said it was uncanny to find themselves in another desperate emergency situation almost exactly one year on.
  • (6) He missed the start of the season while rehabbing from last season's ankle injury, played exactly six games with the Los Angeles Lakers before getting hurt again and even if he's healthy he may still sit the game out .
  • (7) Johnson said the move would save businesses £350m from not having to meet the more exacting standards, which will now only have to be met by buses.
  • (8) These experiments represent the first occasion that the sequence specificity of a DNA damaging agent, which causes only double-strand breaks, has been determined to the exact base-pair in intact cells.
  • (9) The structural region contains serines, threonines, and cysteines at exactly the positions required to give mature nisin by a series of post-translational modifications involving dehydration of serines and threonines to dehydro forms, and cross-linking with cysteine residues.
  • (10) We propose that exact definitions must be given for the auxiliary enzymes in the recommendations of standard determinations for enzyme activities.
  • (11) Early diagnosis and exact resuscitation are the two most important aspects of a plan of treatment which anticipates the need for early surgery.
  • (12) But now, that's exactly what he tried to do … and it didn't work," he said.
  • (13) Concentrations of DLIS were detectable in significantly more (58.3%) of the 12 CHF patients (group A) who were not receiving digoxin than in the 22 normal volunteers tested (13.6%) (P less than 0.05 by both chi-square and Fisher's exact test).
  • (14) One of them got a gold medal in medicine, for being top of the year, but they dropped out for exactly these reasons.” These are not alarmist stories being spread by campaigners.
  • (15) But she has struggled – quite awkwardly – to articulate her evolution on same-sex marriage, and has left environmental activists wondering what her exact energy policy is.
  • (16) The surgeon must have an exact idea of this canal before undertaking operation for plastics of the hernial defect.
  • (17) The exact timing of the introduction of the glycopeptide antibiotics teicoplanin and vancomycin in the management of the febrile neutropenic patient continues to be controversial.
  • (18) While some might deride the deliberate mainstream branding and design, saying it panders to convention, this is exactly what Hannah feels her community needs.
  • (19) The predicted yeast enzyme contains at least four potential membrane-spanning regions and several shorter hydrophobic regions that align exactly with similar sequences in the rat liver protein.
  • (20) If, for the PWC 170 will be utilized, two steps with heart-rates of greater than 140 on the lower and 160 to 170 on the higher step, the PWC 170 seems to be exactly sufficient for estimating the maximal physical working capacity for routine testing of healthy young people.