What's the difference between ample and amplificatory?



  • (a.) Large; great in size, extent, capacity, or bulk; spacious; roomy; widely extended.
  • (a.) Fully sufficient; abundant; liberal; copious; as, an ample fortune; ample justice.
  • (a.) Not contracted of brief; not concise; extended; diffusive; as, an ample narrative.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) After the first stage of analysis the spin systems of 60 of the 77 residues were assigned to the appropriate residue type, providing an ample basis for subsequent sequence-specific assignments.
  • (2) Throughout the five stages, the student has ample opportunity for expression and self-evaluation in the counseling sessions that accompany each stage.
  • (3) Thirty mg was an ample in dose of PGF2alpha to cause luteolysis.
  • (4) Despite ample evidence of need for specialized psychiatric services in the nursing home setting, the majority of patients who could benefit from such care do not receive it.
  • (5) Fewer, but still ample numbers, of SP-reactive axons are present also in the ventral tegmental and retrorubral areas of the midbrain tegmentum and in the ventral pallidum of the basal forebrain, but only sparse ME-reactive axons are present in these areas.
  • (6) Treatment of the acute phase in which ample use is made of colchicine must be followed by medical and dietary treatment of the chronic condition.
  • (7) It is understood GarcĂ­a will be given ample time to make a full recovery and may be given an extended leave of absence if required.
  • (8) Despite uncertainties and differences in interpretation of various cancer studies, there is ample justification for public health measures now in place or proposed, such as restriction or elimination of smoking in the workplace and in public places.
  • (9) Despite the presence of ample drug on the cell membrane, the conjugate alone was not cytotoxic over the course of several days.
  • (10) Ample sensitivity is accomplished with a simple fluorometer by selecting a combination of Schott bandpass filters with high-transmittance characteristics at appropriate wavelengths.
  • (11) There are two fantasies about the British countryside that were given ample play in last week's furious debates about the rights and wrongs of building there.
  • (12) Hardly a surprise given ample spare capacity and in many cases continued credit rationing.
  • (13) The few that remain benefit from ample provisions, friendly volunteers and cardboard-and-curtain partitions designed by the world-famous architect, Shigeru Ban .
  • (14) Nitromethane (NM) and 2-nitropropane (2-NP) and versatile compounds employed in a wide variety of industrial applications, thus providing ample opportunity for occupational exposure.
  • (15) The main nutrition consideration during the all-day meet is fluid replacement, and swimmers should be encouraged to drink ample water, especially when in a hot environment.
  • (16) The data points were accurate to about 0.03 mm in each of the three space directions, allowing ample resolution of surface detail.
  • (17) Without hormonal treatment, the interstitial gland expressed ample amounts of P-450scc.
  • (18) A special purpose operating system, implemented on a stand-alone computer configuration, allows a high data-acquisition rate and ample data processing capacity.
  • (19) The selection process takes place during T cell maturation, in the absence of antigen and under the dominant influence of the thymus, even though there is ample evidence for selective pressure in the extrathymic environment.
  • (20) The US embassy and Nato forces in Afghanistan did not comment, but they have previously said there is "ample evidence" to suspect all the men of a role in attacks that killed or wounded 60 foreign soldiers and 57 Afghans.



  • (a.) Serving to amplify or enlarge; amplificative.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These data indicate that the well-established amplificatory effect of glucocorticoids on casein gene expression is a slow process whereas their effect on the WAP gene is rapid.
  • (2) In light of observed amplificatory interactions between serotonergic and adrenergic stimuli in functional studies on vascular tissue and platelets, we investigated the distinction and possible interactions between alpha 1-, alpha 2-, beta 1-, and beta 2-adrenergic and 5-HT1A-, 5-HT1B-, and 5-HT2-serotonergic receptor binding sites.

Words possibly related to "amplificatory"