What's the difference between apathetic and cynical?



  • (a.) Alt. of Apathetical

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The following case highlights the diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas encountered in a middle-aged patient who presented with dementia and apathetic hyperthyroidism.
  • (2) Data also suggest that black dyads are represented more frequently in the positive categories, and white dyads are more likely to be categorized as "apathetic" or "hostile."
  • (3) Apathetic hyperthyroidism was first described in the medical literature by Lahey in 1931.
  • (4) the agitated type of involutional melancholy occurred twice as often in Canada as in Hungary, the apathetic cases were rarer in Canada, and the illness began earlier among Canadian women.
  • (5) Given that less than half of the Union's electorate are likely to vote at all, those figures suggest an overwhelming majority of Europeans are either apathetic towards the ongoing project of a common borderless European home or actively hostile.
  • (6) Among the psychosyndromes least well known to be associated with an endocrinopathy is apathetic hyperthyroidism.
  • (7) Several factors account for the relative ineffectiveness of family planning: some women abandon contraceptive methods for illogical reasons, especially after a traumatic event in their lives; sex education is still often insufficient; ignorance causes excessive fear of possible or imagined effects of contraceptives; part of the population is simply apathetic and irresponsible; finally, the availability of abortion may be a factor, although it is the worst method of birth control.
  • (8) Thatcher's children, selfish, materialist, apathetic?
  • (9) This generation, the younger generation, are supposed to apathetic, they are supposed to be not interested in politics and yet they are flocking out there to our meetings.
  • (10) The drug was clinically well tolerated in all except one animal that became apathetic and refused to eat.
  • (11) They tended to be solitary, unresponsive, inert or apathetic, and were not much liked by others.
  • (12) Trump has energised and galvanised the apathetic and apolitical.
  • (13) Asked for their opinions on Labour and politics in general, the most common response is apathetic: "I don't do politics, mate.
  • (14) By application of descriptive methods, integrating operationally estimated findings with clinically-impressively estimated "interactional atmosphere", we defined eight types of phenomenological constellations of persistent alterations ("residual-types") of functional disorders: "depletion syndrome", "apathetic-paranoid syndrome (resp.
  • (15) A 32-year-old woman was admitted because of an apathetic state.
  • (16) We here describe a case of apathetic thyrotoxicosis in a 16-year-old female subject who presented with a range of non-specific symptoms.
  • (17) The Church of England has launched a strongly worded attack on Britain’s political culture, criticising politicians of all parties for offering only “sterile arguments” that are likely to make voters more apathetic and cynical in the runup to the general election.
  • (18) Far from being apathetic, natural selection cares very much about these mutations.
  • (19) You might think Mohamed is an unusual case, an outlier in a nation of apathetic young people disengaged from politics and uninterested in the world around them.
  • (20) A 68-year-old man with a history of organic heart disease and marked weight loss was found to have apathetic thyrotoxicosis and hypercalcemia.



  • (a.) Having the qualities of a surly dog; snarling; captious; currish.
  • (a.) Pertaining to the Dog Star; as, the cynic, or Sothic, year; cynic cycle.
  • (a.) Belonging to the sect of philosophers called cynics; having the qualities of a cynic; pertaining to, or resembling, the doctrines of the cynics.
  • (a.) Given to sneering at rectitude and the conduct of life by moral principles; disbelieving in the reality of any human purposes which are not suggested or directed by self-interest or self-indulgence; as, a cynical man who scoffs at pretensions of integrity; characterized by such opinions; as, cynical views of human nature.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Still, cynics might say they can identify at least one reason it all might fail: namely form.
  • (2) But he won’t call.” Allardyce is also cynical about an offer from Swansea to compensate around 300 Sunderland fans who had booked trips to Wales before the date change.
  • (3) And it was here, several years later, that I came looking for an answer to a question which has baffled many cynical film critics: how did a low-key prison drama, which was considered a box-office flop on its initial release, become one of the most popular movies of all time?
  • (4) I have not met someone as cynical as Museveni,” Besigye told a rally in eastern Uganda in January.
  • (5) The aim of this study was to determine how individual differences in cynical hostility and defensiveness interacted with situational demands to affect cardiovascular responses in a natural setting.
  • (6) It goes on: "In a reality of ongoing occupation, of solid cynicism and meanness, each and every one of us bears the moral obligation to try to relieve the suffering, do something to bend back the occupation's giant, cruel hand."
  • (7) The present study extended this previous research by evaluating urinary cortisol excretion during routine daily activities in a sample of high and low cynically hostile young men.
  • (8) If Deng is a 21st-century Becky Sharp, we should recall that for all her cynicism, Thackeray's heroine also possessed an indomitable spirit.
  • (9) Oil companies are sponsoring the arts around the world on an “epidemic” scale as a cynical PR strategy to improve their reputation, a new book argues.
  • (10) The British ambassador to Ukraine , Simon Smith, called Yanukovych's decision "an egregious piece of cynicism".
  • (11) Cynics will tell you Camra’s membership know all about identity crises – once the rebels of the 1970s, they’re now mostly older dads and grandads – purists upholding Camra’s “cask only” creed as sacred.
  • (12) The swift action of the US in withdrawing funding is likely to increase cynicism among Palestinians about the credibility of the US as a mediator between them and the Israelis.
  • (13) Paddy Ashdown, the Liberal Democrat campaign manager, accused Cameron of using the Greens to duck TV debates, adding: “Not since the photos of Cameron driving huskies have green issues been so cynically harnessed to Tory interest.” The broadcasters have proposed three one-hour TV debates, the first involving the Ukip, Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservative leaders, the second Lib Dem, Labour and Tory.
  • (14) Police officers resigned and politicians were embarrassed as the scandal erupted, but Scotland Yard – with dazzling cynicism – has reacted by trying to silence the kind of police whistleblowers who helped to expose the failures of their leaders; and ambitious politicians continue to dine with Rupert Murdoch.
  • (15) I'm always initially very cynical: who are these people, they look ridiculous.'
  • (16) To somehow use the upcoming 2012 Olympics as a reason to do this is, in my opinion, unforgivably cynical.
  • (17) Serving on the government's Renewables Advisory Board from 2003 to 2006, I witnessed what cynics could easily have mistaken for a deliberate campaign of delay, obfuscation, and the parking, if not torpedoing, of good ideas coming from industry members of the board."
  • (18) Swansea, for whom Jefferson Montero was outstanding, levelled when Gylfi Sigurdsson curled a sublime 25-yard free-kick into the top corner, after Kieran Gibbs had cynically brought down Modou Barrow, the Swansea substitute.
  • (19) Cynics would say it has taken the scientific community a long time to achieve very little progress in our understanding of HIV-mediated CNS damage.
  • (20) The aid cynics attacking the UK’s commitment to spend 0.7% of national income on development assistance should take note.