What's the difference between appropriate and habiliment?



  • (a.) Set apart for a particular use or person. Hence: Belonging peculiarly; peculiar; suitable; fit; proper.
  • (v. t.) To take to one's self in exclusion of others; to claim or use as by an exclusive right; as, let no man appropriate the use of a common benefit.
  • (v. t.) To set apart for, or assign to, a particular person or use, in exclusion of all others; -- with to or for; as, a spot of ground is appropriated for a garden; to appropriate money for the increase of the navy.
  • (v. t.) To make suitable; to suit.
  • (v. t.) To annex, as a benefice, to a spiritual corporation, as its property.
  • (n.) A property; attribute.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Increased plasmin activity was associated with advancing stage of lactation and older cows after appropriate adjustments were made for the effects of milk yield and SCC.
  • (2) "As the investigation remains live and in order to preserve the integrity of that investigation, it would not be appropriate to offer further comment."
  • (3) Given Australia’s number one position as the worst carbon emitter per capita among major western nations it seems hardly surprising that islanders from Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and other small island developing states have been turning to Australia with growing exasperation demanding the country demonstrate an appropriate response and responsibility.
  • (4) Throughout the period of rehabilitation, the frequent changes of a patient's condition may require a process of ongoing evaluation and appropriate adjustments in the physical therapy program.
  • (5) These two types of transfer functions are appropriate to explain the transition to anaerobic metabolism (anaerobic threshold), with a hyperbolic transfer characteristic representing a graded transition; and a sigmoid transfer characteristic representing an abrupt transition.
  • (6) Brief treadmill exercise tests showed appropriate rate response to increased walking speed and gradient.
  • (7) This mode of treatment remains appropriate for cases where antibiotics are ineffective and surgery impracticable.
  • (8) In addition to the phase diagrams reported here for these two binary mixtures, a brief theoretical discussion is given of other possible phase diagrams that may be appropriate to other lipid mixtures with particular consideration given to the problem of crystalline phases of different structures and the possible occurrence of second-order phase transitions in these mixtures.
  • (9) Current recommendations regarding contraception in patients with diabetes are not appropriate for the adolescent population and therefore tend to support this phenomenon rather than relieve it.
  • (10) Multiple operations were done in 7 patients prior to the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
  • (11) The compounds 1-3 in reaction with nicotine aldehyde or p-chlorobenzaldehyde were transformed into appropriate anilides of 2,3-epoxypropionic acid 4-9.
  • (12) The use of fresh semen is possible, since results of appropriate cultures could be available and treatment instituted before clinical disease occurs.
  • (13) A programme is described in which indigenous personnel are trained to provide culturally appropriate rehabilitation services for islanders of the Pacific Basin.
  • (14) The morbidity is well known and if properly anticipated can be reduced to a minimum by judicious use of antibacterial agents and early surgical intervention when appropriate.
  • (15) Rats were injected subcutaneously with 10 ml of air into the dorsal skin to make an air-pouch and with 2 ml of antiserum at an appropriate dilution for passive sensitization, and then 5 ml of air was removed.
  • (16) The return of NE to normal levels after one month is consistent with the observation that LH-lesioned rats are by one month postlesion no longer hypermetabolic, but display levels of heat production appropriate to the reduced body weight they then maintain.
  • (17) It is intended to aid in finding the appropriate PI (proportional-integral) controller settings by means of computer simulation instead of real experiments with the system.
  • (18) Provided that adequate reflection is given and the appropriate moment chosen, it is well tolerated and provides all the necessary information.
  • (19) A careful history, a thorough physical examination, and an appropriate selection of tests will identify these patients.
  • (20) The data show that as much as a 9% difference from the correct activity can be observed for these radionuclides, even when the ampoule reference source gives the appropriate reading.



  • (n.) A garment; an article of clothing.
  • (n.) Dress, in general.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Although most studies emphasise the similarity of the australopithecines to modern man, and suggest, therefore, that these creatures were bipedal tool-makers at least one form of which (Australopithecus africanus--"Homo habilis", "Homo africanus") was almost directly ancestral to man, a series of multivariate statistical studies of various postcranial fragments suggests other conclusions.
  • (2) Advances in techniques for absolute dating and reassessments of the fossils themselves have rendered untenable a simple unilineal model of human evolution, in which Homo habilis succeeded the australopithecines and then evolved via H. erectus into H. sapiens-but no clear alternative consensus has yet emerged.
  • (3) The fossil evidence suggests that Homo habilis and Paranthropus may have attained a similar grade of bipedality at roughly 1.8 m.y.
  • (4) The one early hominid to show a significant departure from this adaptive pattern toward later hominids-cranially, dentally, and postcranially-is H. habilis from East Africa.
  • (5) Species of the Australopithecus genus were twin species for Homo habilis and H. erectus.
  • (6) Results indicate that there is no empirical basis for using a CV of 10 as a standard to detect multiple species in H. habilis.
  • (7) Supporters of this view used a CV of 10 as a standard to determine that 1) the H. habilis CV of 12.7 indicates multiple species and 2) there is a low probability of H. habilis specimens KNM-ER 1470 and KNM-ER 1813 being members of the same taxon.
  • (8) Using hindlimb joint size of specimens of relatively certain taxonomy and assuming these measures were more like those of modern humans than of apes, the male and female averages are as follows: Australopithecus afarensis, 45 and 29 kg; A. africanus, 41 and 30 kg; A. robustus, 40 and 32 kg; A. boisei, 49 and 34 kg; H. habilis, 52 and 32 kg.
  • (9) Endocranial volume (ECV) variability as measured by the coefficient of variation (CV) has been important in supporting the view that more than one species is represented in Homo habilis.
  • (10) Additionally, the broad 95% statistical confidence limits (5.1-20.3) indicate that the CV estimate of 12.7 for H. habilis is not sufficiently reliable to allow biologically meaningful interpretation.
  • (11) Significant differences in the coefficient of variation exist between all possible pairs of taxa with the exception of Homo habilis and Homo erectus.
  • (12) The evidence from ECV variability does not support the argument for multiple species in H. habilis.
  • (13) Language with this property therefore presumably evolved with the Homo line somewhere between H. habilis and H. sapiens sapiens.
  • (14) This specimen's craniodental anatomy indicates attribution to Homo habilis, but its postcranial anatomy, including small body size and relatively long arms, is strikingly similar to that of some early Australopithecus individuals.
  • (15) However, if the CV for H. habilis is actually 12.7, it still falls within the range of variation for single species of modern hominoids.
  • (16) Both phenomena may go back at least to Homo habilis, 2-3 million years ago.
  • (17) Non-dental criteria were used to allocate the specimens into four major taxonomic categories (EAFROB, EAFHOM, SAFROB and SAFGRA), approximating to the hypodigms of, respectively, A. boisei, H. habilis and Homo sp., A. robustus and A. africanus.
  • (18) The new find supports the view that the Sterkfontein toolmaker was not the earlier A. africanus, but a later hominid related to Homo habilis.
  • (19) The discovery suggests meat was on the menu far back in our evolutionary history, and long before the arrival of the first human species, Homo habilis , 2.3m years ago.
  • (20) Guests included General Haidar Saleh Habili and the Sultan of Shabwan.

Words possibly related to "habiliment"