What's the difference between awry and improperly?



  • (adv. & a.) Turned or twisted toward one side; not in a straight or true direction, or position; out of the right course; distorted; obliquely; asquint; with oblique vision; as, to glance awry.
  • (adv. & a.) Aside from the line of truth, or right reason; unreasonable or unreasonably; perverse or perversely.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Hester also pledged that customers from other banks will be repaid for 'knock-on' costs after they were left out of pocket by an IT failure that sent 20m transactions awry.
  • (2) The Boaty McBoatface saga is not the first time online polls have gone awry.
  • (3) This is supposed to "empower" them and make it much easier for them to be held to account when budgets go awry, as they have a habit of doing in defence.
  • (4) In a more applied sense, such knowledge may also provide a rational approach to controlling metabolic disease syndromes related to adipogenesis gone awry such as obesity-associated diabetes and cachexia.
  • (5) Informing the patient about a procedure that went awry can help avoid unnecessary legal procedures.
  • (6) Unless the polls are seriously awry, that seems unlikely.
  • (7) Things looked promising when Blackpool began the season brightly and remained in the top four until November but then it started to go awry in December.
  • (8) 11.23am BST It looks like the Ukranian attempt to reassert control in Slavyansk has gone awry, with some troops going over to the pro-Russian side.
  • (9) Anthony Bosch – who choked back tears in court and said the clinic was a legitimate business gone awry – sought a more lenient term because of his cooperation in the investigation, but US District Judge Darrin Gayles refused.
  • (10) This found its personification in the disappointing Ross Barkley, whose burst from near his area before an awry pass was indicative of his contribution throughout.
  • (11) A subtle operational problem with most vapor stripping techniques is that the contents of the trap are consumed with one analysis; if anything goes awry, the analysis of that trapped sample cannot be repeated.
  • (12) If you study that history as I have, you’ll realize the stakes for Langley bosses are always highest when programs have gone awry or legacies hang in the balance.
  • (13) Sleep, a vital ingredient in life, is often taken for granted until something goes awry and sleep no longer comes easily.
  • (14) It was higher up the hierarchy where things went awry.
  • (15) In the cold war we were not contemplating how a cyber-attack might go awry.
  • (16) She had her first intimation that something was awry with the 20th century when she could no longer see the pistons driving the wheels on locomotives because, with the arrival of streamlining, they "had skirts on".
  • (17) Then things went awry, not only on the pitch, but on the Juve bench.
  • (18) Hull’s only creative outlet was Snodgrass and passes soon began to go awry for Mike Phelan’s side.
  • (19) When this carefully orchestrated and regulated cell control process goes awry because one or more of the proteins in the sequence has been altered by a mutated gene, the cell divides in an uncontrolled manner and malignancy results.
  • (20) 'In a musical sense, it seemed like all the good intentions had gone awry, very quickly.



  • (adv.) In an improper manner; not properly; unsuitably; unbecomingly.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The purpose of this paper is to outline procedures that will facilitate the integration of microcomputers into the clinical milieu by (a) identifying the reasons why and how these devices are used improperly; (b) proposing ways to correct these problems; (c) providing recommendations concerning the acquisition of major microcomputer hardware, software, and adaptations; and (d) providing an annotated list of resources for further information.
  • (2) While ruling that there had been improper use of Schedule 7 powers, the judge commented: "It was clear that the Security Service, for entirely understandable reasons, was anxious if possible to get information which could not be regarded as tainted by torture allegations or which might confirm the propriety of a control order."
  • (3) Aggressive or improper toothbrushing techniques may have a detrimental impact on the gingiva.
  • (4) By abusing his power, he was engrossed in irregularities and corruption, had improper relations with several women and was wined and dined at back parlours of deluxe restaurants.
  • (5) If the sexual attack is dealt with improperly or repressed it may cause serious psychologic problems for the victim as an adult.
  • (6) He also denied there was anything improper in his taking work writing for News International newspapers immediately after retiring from the force.
  • (7) Improperly prepared home-canned products which are tasted or consumed without heating are more likely to be associated with botulism.
  • (8) "We believe that this is unavoidable following the recent costs to all the citizens of the UK as a result of banking failures, mismanagement and improper practices," said a spokesperson for the City Reform Group.
  • (9) It’s especially not appropriate for a citizen seeking election to this house or selection to the ministry canvassing for money and support to seek to damage individuals’ reputation by commencing court actions for what could only be an improper purpose.” Palmer said the former treasurer, Joe Hockey, had been staying at the resort at the time and “walked past the table” where they were sitting and “merely sat down to have a coffee”.
  • (10) In some cases, however, the enzymatic defect results from improper post-translational modification which affects precursor processing.
  • (11) These operative-technical errors were divided into three groups: improperly determined level of intestinal resection, defects of transposition, defects of anastomosis creation.
  • (12) Of the paralytic cases 22% had proper vaccination while improper vaccination was found in 78%.
  • (13) In overturning the fine, the court today found that the commission had long "practiced restraint" in exercising its authority to sanction broadcasters for indecent content, and that the mammoth fine was an improper departure from that.
  • (14) The frustrations include separation from family, uncomfortable living conditions, language barriers, and inability to change medical practices that seem improper.
  • (15) In this series, there were two treatment-related deaths, one secondary to the chemotherapy, the other to improper catheter placement.
  • (16) The authors mathematically analyze why they feel the risk was improperly computed.
  • (17) Now that we know the practice is widespread among physicians in training, we can conjecture that the demand for improper reporting of diagnostic data by sonographers is likely widespread among physicians in practice also.
  • (18) "Mourinho denied a breach of FA rule E3 in that his behaviour in re-entering the field of play and approaching the match referee [Foy] in an attempt to speak to him, in or around the 90th minute of the game against Aston Villa on 15 March 2014, amounted to improper conduct.
  • (19) Many advantages are credited with this offensive attitude which requires an appropriate organisation of the Departments of Traumatology, the intimate collaboration of surgeons called orthopedic or plastic surgeons, improperly divided by too administrative compartmentalization of the surgical specialties.
  • (20) This led to a need to carry out improper accounting on an even bigger scale, and as this was repeated, the scale of the inappropriate book-keeping also expanded,” it said.

Words possibly related to "improperly"