What's the difference between between and interjacent?



  • (prep.) In the space which separates; betwixt; as, New York is between Boston and Philadelphia.
  • (prep.) Used in expressing motion from one body or place to another; from one to another of two.
  • (prep.) Belonging in common to two; shared by both.
  • (prep.) Belonging to, or participated in by, two, and involving reciprocal action or affecting their mutual relation; as, opposition between science and religion.
  • (prep.) With relation to two, as involved in an act or attribute of which another is the agent or subject; as, to judge between or to choose between courses; to distinguish between you and me; to mediate between nations.
  • (prep.) In intermediate relation to, in respect to time, quantity, or degree; as, between nine and ten o'clock.
  • (n.) Intermediate time or space; interval.

Example Sentences:



  • (a.) Lying or being between or among; intervening; as, interjacent isles.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We speculate that nodular accumulation of type II cells represents the primary lesion in CoCl2-exposed lungs and that the proliferation of such cells in interjacent areas might be suppressed by a feedback mechanism regulating surfactant production in the terminal airspaces.
  • (2) Chemicals which do penetrate, do not necessarily pass through the appendages (hair follicles and gland ducts), but mostly penetrate through the interjacent epidermis, either through the cells, or via the intracellular spaces.
  • (3) By polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it has been shown that the negative strands have the same length as the 26 S interjacent RNA at the 6th hour, and as the 42 S virion RNA at the 9th hour postinfection.
  • (4) When cultures were treated with puromycin early in the course of infection, the synthesis of interjacent RNA (26S) was preferentially inhibited.
  • (5) An additional 14 tumors occurred in both the most lateral and the interjacent zones.
  • (6) In the case of SFV, guanidine also markedly distorts the pattern of RNA synthesis by greatly decreasing the production of the 26S interjacent RNA form.
  • (7) The major species of RNA in these polysomes was identified as 26S RNA (interjacent RNA) by (i) disrupting the polysomes with EDTA; (ii) treating the infected cells with puromycin; and (iii) isolating polysomes from cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant that does not form nucleocapsids.
  • (8) Ultrastructural morphometric examination revealed no significant increase in the volume density of type II cells in the cobalt-exposed animals, as the nodular accumulation of these cells was balanced by an increased number of interjacent fields devoid of type II cells.
  • (9) Interjacent cycles of natural intercourse after clomiphene treatment served as the control.
  • (10) Three flanking divisions are defined within the lateral posterior complex; a lateral division recipient of projections from area 17, 18 and 19, and interjacent division recipient of projections of the superficial layers of the superior colliculus, and a medial division flanking the tectorecipient zone medially.
  • (11) Alteration in activity with changing bite-force direction was generally the smallest in the anterior-most region of the muscle, the largest in the posterior-most region, and the intermediate in the interjacent regions.
  • (12) In both cases small tumor infiltrates were dispersed in the dermis with interjacent preserved dermal tissue.
  • (13) In these animals the lesions embraced the subfornical organ (SFO), the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminals (OVLT) and the interjacent anterior wall of the third ventricle.
  • (14) Because the tracer accumulated mainly in cell bodies (not in neurites), premotoneurons labeled directly from motoneurons could not be distinguished from those labeled via interjacent cells.
  • (15) In contrast, RNA extracted from Sindbis virus-infected cells under similar conditions included the expected 42S RNA (equivalent to the genome) and the smaller 26S (interjacent) RNA.

Words possibly related to "interjacent"