What's the difference between bog and nog?



  • (n.) A quagmire filled with decayed moss and other vegetable matter; wet spongy ground where a heavy body is apt to sink; a marsh; a morass.
  • (n.) A little elevated spot or clump of earth, roots, and grass, in a marsh or swamp.
  • (v. t.) To sink, as into a bog; to submerge in a bog; to cause to sink and stick, as in mud and mire.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Bogged down in the daily details of governing, renewing the vision after years in power seems beyond the social democrats.
  • (2) "I don't want to get too bogged down in it, but the thing is, I haven't taught my son a fraction of what he's taught me.
  • (3) Stay focused on the “why”, suggests Turner, “and don’t get bogged down in the ‘how’.
  • (4) He told the Question Time audience that he made a mistake by getting "bogged down" in an argument about the different types of rape, admitting that his comments about the differences between "serious, proper rapes" and others had "obviously upset a lot of people".
  • (5) If the majority of relevant tree pollens are to be included in a diagnostic or therapeutic programme in Western Sweden it should contain birch, alder, hazel, beech and bog-myrtle allergens.
  • (6) People can get bogged down in the process, because as you would expect is the normal way of events in these matters we take the legal advice, we act upon it, we mitigate the risks as best we can, but in the end the most important point here is the Australian public wants from their government a piece of legislation that will keep them safe as possible and that is what we are proposing.” The last cabinet discussion was the subject of an extraordinary leak to the Sydney Morning Herald , which showed ministers angry that the proposal had been sprung on them without a submission or documentation.
  • (7) "We could be forever caught up in NHS politics, get bogged down and be left with an uncertain future," said Bridge.
  • (8) New descriptions of three species and one subspecies of larvae of T. semenovi Ols., T. regularis Jaenn., T. laetetinctus laetetinctus Beck., and T. l. sordes Bog.
  • (9) But Heathrow’s new sustainability plan suggests other ways to offset the leap in emissions, including by restoring British peat bogs.
  • (10) Others took hold when peat bogs dried for agricultural use self-ignited, burning underground.
  • (11) She looks cheery when attacking, even cheerier when attacked and absolutely radiant when descending into a bog of half-truths and fictions.
  • (12) Among the substances discovered in bog-standard foodstuffs was the pesticide Chlorpyrifos, in some cases exceeding "safe" limits; DDT in 25% of fish and burger samples, and pesticides in 96% of flour tested, meaning there are residues in bread.
  • (13) "Gnnmph, I can't 'ave it 'ere, I 'aven't 'ad my enema," wails a labouring housewife, straining fruitlessly on a communal tenement bog as horrified neighbours look on in their rollers.
  • (14) The Independent Commission for the Location of Victims’ Remains is currently searching for another missing man , the former Belfast monk Joe Lynskey, who they believe was buried in the same Oristown bog as Megraw.
  • (15) Michael Kelly (@MichaelKellyIC) It used to be a theology qualification was useful to cover the Vatican, now I'm wishing I did chemistry #Conclave March 13, 2013 12.19pm GMT The Vatican spokespeople seem to be getting a bit bogged down in descriptions of the smoke-making process.
  • (16) I call these bog-standard homes because you can see the toilet from the street.
  • (17) But I don't want to get bogged down in the issue of audiences and social content systems.
  • (18) Or if a former Tory politician writes a comment piece saying feminists should not get so bogged down in fights about identity, she will be told to check her privilege.
  • (19) A lot of the NGOs over there are doing great work and a lot of them are bogged down by the bureaucracy of a huge organisation.
  • (20) They were uncovered in a drainage ditch on the bog near the town of Kells.



  • (n.) A noggin.
  • (n.) A kind of strong ale.
  • (n.) A wooden block, of the size of a brick, built into a wall, as a hold for the nails of woodwork.
  • (n.) One of the square logs of wood used in a pile to support the roof of a mine.
  • (n.) A treenail to fasten the shores.
  • (v. t.) To fill in, as between scantling, with brickwork.
  • (v. t.) To fasten, as shores, with treenails.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Sweet flavours were often correctly identified, with the exception of egg nog, but savoury flavours were recognised less frequently.
  • (2) There were distinct individual differences in the levels of L-NOG and ovarian reactions.
  • (3) However, none of the cripto-expressing NOG-8 clones are able to form tumors in nude mice.
  • (4) No significant prolongation of the cycle lengths was seen when L-NOG was taken during the follicular phase.
  • (5) No relation to Ann Widdecombe 1 Advent calendar Receiving it on Christmas Day makes me 100% confident I won't be facing the disappointment of finishing it too early 2 Nog I don't like eggs but I love a bit of eggnog, think how good nog would be without the eggs holding it back 3 WH Smith's voucher Keep in my wallet for guilt free hours of magazine browsing all year round 4 Quality Street Always have a present you can instantly re-wrap and give to someone else 5 Bath bomb Take cover!
  • (6) In view of its neurootological flavor, it is proposed that this newly described symptomatology of neurognathostomiasis should be referred to as the neurootological gnathostomiatic syndrome(NOGS).
  • (7) After cotransfection, nine G418-resistant NOG-8 colonies were cloned and expanded.
  • (8) The levels of levonorgestrel (L-NOG), progesterone, and estradiol were measured in plasma samples of 17 normally menstruating women during a control cycle and during a subsequent period (90 days) with a L-NOG releasing vaginal ring.
  • (9) NRK-49F and NOG-8 1520 infectants conditioned their media with equivalent amounts of TGF-alpha protein but responded differently to autocrine stimulation.
  • (10) The EGF receptor level is approximately ten-fold higher on the NOG-8 epithelial cells than on the NRK-49F fibroblast.
  • (11) Pili dissociated by NOG or acid were tested in protection trials and shown to provide protective immunity, although agglutination titres of serum taken from the vaccinated sheep were significantly lower than those of animals inoculated with intact pili.
  • (12) The use of CaOH, as an interim luting agent for acrylic crowns over hybrid cores compared to ZOE or NOG, should afford significantly greater retention with no adverse effect on the retention of the final casting.
  • (13) When L-NOG was administered on periovulatory days 9, 11, 13, and 15, 3 women showed follicular activity only, 7 exhibited follicular activity followed by insufficient luteal function and 7 women ovulated normally.
  • (14) In this work, we have demonstrated that 8-Cl-cAMP antagonizes the TGF alpha effect in TGF alpha-transformed mouse mammary epithelial cells (NOG-8TFC17) at the level of gene expression for cAMP receptor protein isoforms, RI and RII (the regulatory subunits of protein kinase isozymes).
  • (15) The SHBG levels were not influenced by the long-term exposure to L-NOG.
  • (16) Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that PKC activation mediates the effect of thrombin on NOG in murine neuroblastoma NB-2a cells.
  • (17) The ovarian, endometrial and pituitary effects of 300 micrograms norethisterone (NET) and 30 micrograms levonorgestrel (L-NOG) administered orally on cycle days 7-10 were investigated in two groups of 10 women each, by daily analysis of plasma estradiol (E2), progesterone (PROG), immunoreactive luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in a pretreatment control cycle and during NET or L-NOG administration.
  • (18) In ras transformed NOG-8 and MCF-10A cells but not in neu transformed cells there is a loss in or an attenuated response to the mitogenic effects of EGF.
  • (19) A significant relationship was found between the levels of L-NOG, and thus indirectly, the levels of SHBG, and the degree of suppression of ovarian function.
  • (20) Treatment with 30 micrograms L-NOG resulted in a decrease in subjects with normal progesterone profiles (p less than 0.05) and in the area under the progesterone curve (p less than 0.05).

Words possibly related to "bog"

Words possibly related to "nog"