What's the difference between brig and ship?



  • (n.) A bridge.
  • (n.) A two-masted, square-rigged vessel.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Born in Brig, a Swiss-German speaking Alpine town close to the border with Italy, he studied law at Fribourg university, then worked as the secretary general of the International Centre for Sports Studies at the University of Neuchâtel.
  • (2) During a visit to Nigeria in August, the US secretary of state, John Kerry, congratulated the government for reclaiming swaths of territory, while Brig Gen Mansur Dan-Ali, the defence minister, told local media last week that the government had “eradicated almost 95% of Nigeria’s security challenges within one year”.
  • (3) In Terry's recording from 1969, one black sailor describes how, "when they caught a brother with an Afro, they just took him down to the brig and cut all his hair off and throw him in jail.
  • (4) This was always the question I repeatedly asked of Bush supporters who embraced this same War on Terror theory to justify all of his claimed powers: how can any cognizable limits be placed on that power, including as applied to US citizens on US soil (and indeed, the Bush administration did apply that theory to those circumstances, as when it arrested US citizen Jose Padilla in Chicago and then imprisoned him for several years in a military brig in South Carolina: all without charges).
  • (5) A shrubby plant, abundant in east Kenya, Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Brig., was shown to exhibit repellent and acaricidal properties to larvae, nymphs and adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Amblyomma variegatum ticks.
  • (6) But when asked by one of the audience what he thought about the "elephant in the room" – the US "torturing a prisoner in a military brig" – he replied without pausing that he thought the Pentagon's actions were "ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid".
  • (7) After apparent outside pressure on the brig due to my mistreatment, I was given a suicide prevention article of clothing called a "smock" by the guards.
  • (8) I stood at parade rest for about three minutes … The [brig supervisor] and the other guards walked past my cell.
  • (9) 2.41pm BST A commenter takes issue with our characterization in the intro of Manning's Quantico confinement as being under "harsh conditions" : anairbagsavedmylife 21 August 2013 2:16pm his sentence would be shortened by 112 days as a blandishment for his illegal detention in solitary confinement and other harsh conditions at the Quantico brig in Virginia in 2010-11.
  • (10) Initially, after surrendering my clothing to the brig guards, I had no choice but to lay naked in my cold jail cell until the following morning.
  • (11) PJ Crowley, the assistant secretary of state for public affairs at the US state department, said Manning was being "mistreated" in the military brig at Quantico, Virginia.
  • (12) In Senate testimony that June, Adm William McRaven, who commanded the Seal raid that killed Osama bin Laden, testified that the administration lacked a detentions policy, which had forced the Boxer brig to be used as a floating Guantánamo surrogate.
  • (13) A Nigerian army spokesman, Brig Gen Olajide Laleye also insisted that victory was close on Wednesday, dismissing reports of troops suffering from low morale and lack of basic equipment including bullet-proof vests.
  • (14) Brig Sheldon said the alleged actions of the soldiers, if proved, could never be justified.
  • (15) Crisis in Yemen – the Guardian briefing Read more The coalition spokesman, the Saudi army’s Brig Gen Ahmed Asiri, vowed a “harsh response” to the attacks and said the Houthis “made a mistake by targeting Saudi cities”.
  • (16) This is because suicide risk would have required a brig mental health provider's recommendation in order for the added restrictions to continue.
  • (17) In Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Argentina has a populist president who is doing what all populists do: seeking an issue to divert public attention from her government's real problems, which are more to do with inflation and bondholders than anything a British brig-sloop did 180 years ago.
  • (18) In response to this specific incident, the brig psychiatrist met with me.
  • (19) Late Royal Regiment of Artillery Brig Timothy Patrick Robinson, OBE.
  • (20) Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi ambassador to the US, said sending ground troops remained “on the table” and the operation’s spokesman, Brig Gen Ahmed Asseri, declined to comment on reports that Saudi special forces were in Aden.



  • (n.) Pay; reward.
  • (n.) Any large seagoing vessel.
  • (n.) Specifically, a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts (a mainmast, a foremast, and a mizzenmast), each of which is composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, and square-rigged on all masts. See Illustation in Appendix.
  • (n.) A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense.
  • (v. t.) To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation; to send by water.
  • (v. t.) By extension, in commercial usage, to commit to any conveyance for transportation to a distance; as, to ship freight by railroad.
  • (v. t.) Hence, to send away; to get rid of.
  • (v. t.) To engage or secure for service on board of a ship; as, to ship seamen.
  • (v. t.) To receive on board ship; as, to ship a sea.
  • (v. t.) To put in its place; as, to ship the tiller or rudder.
  • (v. i.) To engage to serve on board of a vessel; as, to ship on a man-of-war.
  • (v. i.) To embark on a ship.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Some commentators have described his ship, now facing more delays after a decade in development, as little more than a Heath Robinson machine.
  • (2) Total costs of building the three missile destroyers in Australia will amount to more than $9bn, approximately three times the cost of buying the ships ready made from Spanish company Navantia, The Australian reported on Friday .
  • (3) The Italian coastguard ship Bruno Gregoracci docked in Malta at about 8am and dropped off two dozen bodies recovered from this weekend’s wreck, including children, according to Save the Children.
  • (4) There were members of the smuggling gang on the ship with walkie-talkies.
  • (5) Already Britain's electricity is becoming too dependent on gas brought in by ship through the Suez canal.
  • (6) The goal of the expedition, led by Prof Ken Takai of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, was to study the limits of life at deep-sea vents in the Cayman Trough as part of a round-the-world voyage of discovery by the research ship RV Yokosuka .
  • (7) The risk for gastric cancer and non-malignant respiratory disease among the workers of the coke shipping department was increased but the SMRs did not reach statistical significance.
  • (8) The plan to round up some business and ship away seemed sound.
  • (9) The US has stopped shipping military equipment out of Afghanistan , citing the risk to truckers from protests along part of the route in neighbouring Pakistan.
  • (10) Polish foreign affairs minister Radoslaw Sikorski has opposed the ships being handed over.
  • (11) The 61-year-old Canadian, who was one of the original founders of Greenpeace , was arrested last Sunday at Frankfurt airport at the request of Costa Rica, which wants to see him extradited over a 10-year-old charge of "violating ships traffic".
  • (12) I don’t do the social media myself, so who knows.” The Pentagon said the drone, also described as a “glider” or unmanned underwater vehicle, was deployed by civilian contractors aboard the USNS Bowditch, a scientific research ship.
  • (13) The main animal paramyxoviruses are parainfluenza 3 (agent of shipping fever) in cattle; NDV (cause of fowl pest) and Yucaipavirus in birds; Sendai and PVM in mice; Nariva virus in rodents; possibly bovinerespiratory syncytial virus; and SV5 and SV41 in monkeys.
  • (14) Vigils have been held in Cairo for the victims of EgyptAir flight 804 as a French navy ship headed to join the deep-sea search in the Mediterranean for the main wreckage and flight recorders.
  • (15) The source of the first outbreak was monkeys shipped from Africa; the origin of the second episode is unclear.
  • (16) Ships should be able to sail directly over the north pole by the middle of this century, considerably reducing the costs of trade between Europe and China but posing new economic, strategic and environmental challenges for governments, according to scientists.
  • (17) Rob DiGiovanni, who heads a marine mammal rescue group on Long Island, said he was seeing "more evidence of ship strikes and that's definitely a concern".
  • (18) An improved membrane filtration procedure for use on board ship to enumerate Escherichia coli and Group D faecal streptococci in marine sediments is described.
  • (19) Official estimates suggest the number of small packages shipped into Europe more than quadrupled from 26m in 2000 to 115m two years ago.
  • (20) The survey ship has been used in the Gulf of Aden monitoring the Somali coastline, as well as scientific missions such as mapping the seabed of the Persian Gulf.