What's the difference between command and direct?



  • (v. t.) To order with authority; to lay injunction upon; to direct; to bid; to charge.
  • (v. t.) To exercise direct authority over; to have control of; to have at one's disposal; to lead.
  • (v. t.) To have within a sphere of control, influence, access, or vision; to dominate by position; to guard; to overlook.
  • (v. t.) To have power or influence of the nature of authority over; to obtain as if by ordering; to receive as a due; to challenge; to claim; as, justice commands the respect and affections of the people; the best goods command the best price.
  • (v. t.) To direct to come; to bestow.
  • (v. i.) To have or to exercise direct authority; to govern; to sway; to influence; to give an order or orders.
  • (v. i.) To have a view, as from a superior position.
  • (n.) An authoritative order requiring obedience; a mandate; an injunction.
  • (n.) The possession or exercise of authority.
  • (n.) Authority; power or right of control; leadership; as, the forces under his command.
  • (n.) Power to dominate, command, or overlook by means of position; scope of vision; survey.
  • (n.) Control; power over something; sway; influence; as, to have command over one's temper or voice; the fort has command of the bridge.
  • (n.) A body of troops, or any naval or military force or post, or the whole territory under the authority or control of a particular officer.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) I want to be clear; the American forces that have been deployed to Iraq do not and will not have a combat mission,” said Obama in a speech to troops at US Central Command headquarters in Florida.
  • (2) Squadron Leader Kevin Harris, commander of the Merlins at Camp Bastion, the main British base in Helmand, praised the crews, adding: "The Merlins will undergo an extensive programme of maintenance and cleaning before being packed up, ensuring they return to the UK in good order."
  • (3) This modulation results from repetitive, alternating bursts of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, which are caused at least in part by synaptic feedback to the command neurons from identified classes of neurons in the feeding network.
  • (4) Child age was negatively correlated with mother's use of commands, reasoning, threats, and bribes, and positively correlated with maternal nondirectives, servings, and child compliance.
  • (5) In a recent book about the life of Rudolf Höss who was the commandant at Auschwitz, he is quoted as saying of himself that he was not a murderer, he was “just in charge of an extermination camp”.
  • (6) Harati was commander of the Tripoli Brigade during the Libyan revolution.
  • (7) As he gears up to contest the Liberal Democrat seat of Gordon in north-east Scotland, Salmond effectively assumes a commanding role in the general election campaign.
  • (8) Belmar and his fellow commanders spent the week before the grand jury decision assuring residents that 1,000 officers had been training for months to prepare for that day.
  • (9) He is telling others at the checkpoint not to enter.” The images suggest Hashlamon turned to face a soldier with a radio – who according to eyewitnesses was a commander – who approached from the left from the photographer’s point of view.
  • (10) Thus, SA may be controlled by a discrete number of motoneuron task groups reflecting a small number of central command signals or by a continuum of activation patterns associated with a continuum of moment arms.
  • (11) "We try to get closer to the people, we try to get lower down the command structures and we try to be more embedded than sometimes the Americans appear to do," the defence secretary said.
  • (12) The strike, which Central Command said destroyed the Isis fighting position, follows Barack Obama's vow in his televised speech on Wednesday to go on the offensive against Isis more broadly in Iraq and, soon, Syria.
  • (13) As commander in chief, I believe that taking care of our veterans and their families is a sacred obligation.
  • (14) The Iraqi prime minister has fired several senior security force commanders over the defeats in the face of Isis and on Wednesday announced that 59 military officers would be prosecuted for abandoning the city of Mosul.
  • (15) Morrison and Operation Sovereign Borders commander Lieutenant General Angus Campbell continued to insist that their refusal to answer questions about “on water matters” was essential to meet the overriding goal of stopping asylum seeker boats, and said from now on such briefings on the policy would be held when needed, rather than every week because the “establishment phase” had finished.
  • (16) However, in a double-cue conditioning paradigm in which both command words were presented alone on different trials and reinforced, response latency was longer and puff attenuation poorer among Vs than when the UCS was signaled by a unique cue.
  • (17) Monuc was not able to prevent the siege of Bukavu by rebel commanders in 2004 or to counter threats posed by the Rwandan FDLR militia or Laurent Nkunda's National Congress for the Defence of the Congolese People (CNDP) rebellion.
  • (18) In a statement, the IDF said Jaabari was "a senior Hamas operative who served in the upper echelon of the Hamas command", and had been "directly responsible for executing terror attacks against the state of Israel in the past number of years".
  • (19) Commanders were calling Roberts on his mobile phone, pleading for help.
  • (20) The centrally generated ;effort' or direct voluntary command to motoneurones required to lift a weight was studied using a simple weight-matching task when the muscles lifting a reference weight were weakened.



  • (a.) Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end; as, a direct line; direct means.
  • (a.) Straightforward; not of crooked ways, or swerving from truth and openness; sincere; outspoken.
  • (a.) Immediate; express; plain; unambiguous.
  • (a.) In the line of descent; not collateral; as, a descendant in the direct line.
  • (a.) In the direction of the general planetary motion, or from west to east; in the order of the signs; not retrograde; -- said of the motion of a celestial body.
  • (v. t.) To arrange in a direct or straight line, as against a mark, or towards a goal; to point; to aim; as, to direct an arrow or a piece of ordnance.
  • (v. t.) To point out or show to (any one), as the direct or right course or way; to guide, as by pointing out the way; as, he directed me to the left-hand road.
  • (v. t.) To determine the direction or course of; to cause to go on in a particular manner; to order in the way to a certain end; to regulate; to govern; as, to direct the affairs of a nation or the movements of an army.
  • (v. t.) To point out to with authority; to instruct as a superior; to order; as, he directed them to go.
  • (v. t.) To put a direction or address upon; to mark with the name and residence of the person to whom anything is sent; to superscribe; as, to direct a letter.
  • (v. i.) To give direction; to point out a course; to act as guide.
  • (n.) A character, thus [/], placed at the end of a staff on the line or space of the first note of the next staff, to apprise the performer of its situation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Direct fetal digitalization led to a reduction in umbilical artery resistance, a decline in the abdominal circumference from 20.3 to 17.8 cm, and resolution of the ascites within 72 h. Despite this dramatic response to therapy, fetal death occurred on day 5 of treatment.
  • (2) One hundred and twenty-seven states have said with common voice that their security is directly threatened by the 15,000 nuclear weapons that exist in the arsenals of nine countries, and they are demanding that these weapons be prohibited and abolished.
  • (3) However, when first trimester specimens were analyzed, the direct-product measurements were significantly larger than the corresponding 3H2O assay results.
  • (4) The generally accepted hypothesis is a coronary spasm but a direct cardiotoxicity of 5-FU cannot be.
  • (5) One hour after direct mechanical cardiomassage (DMCM) a moderately pronounced edema of the intercellular spaces in the basal compartment of the seminiferous epithelium, normal content of lactate and succinate dehydrogenases, and a certain decrease in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases and NAD- and NADP-diaphorases were noted.
  • (6) Using monoclonal antibodies directed against the plasma membrane of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, we demonstrated previously that a glycoprotein with an Mr = 23,000 (gp23) had a non-polarized cell surface distribution and was observed on both the apical and basolateral membranes (Ojakian, G. K., Romain, R. E., and Herz, R. E. (1987) Am.
  • (7) Results indicated a .85 probability that Directive Guidance would be followed by Cooperation; a .67 probability that Permissiveness would lead to Noncooperation; and a .97 likelihood that Coerciveness would lead to either Noncooperation or Resistance.
  • (8) Multiple overlapping thin 3D slab acquisition is presented as a magnitude contrast (time of flight) technique which combines advantages from multiple thin slice 2D and direct 3D volume acquisitions to obtain high-resolution cross-sectional images of vessel detail.
  • (9) In addition to oncogenes, the transferred DNA contains genes that direct the synthesis and exudation of opines, which are used as nutrients by the bacteria.
  • (10) A total of 104 evaluable patients 20-90 years old treated by direct vision internal urethrotomy a.m. Sachse for urethral strictures reported retrospectively via a questionnaire their sexual potency before and after internal urethrotomy.
  • (11) However, direct measurements of mediator release should be carried out to reach a firm conclusion.
  • (12) Despite of the increasing diagnostic importance of the direct determination of the parathormone which is at first available only in special institutions in these cases methodical problems play a less important part than the still not infrequent appearing misunderstanding of the adequate basic disease.
  • (13) These data indicate that RNA faithfully transfers "suppressive" as well as "positive" types of immune responses that have been reported previously for lymphocytes obtained directly from tumour-bearing and tumour-immune animals.
  • (14) The occupation of the high affinity calcium binding site by Ca(II) and Mn(II) does not influence the Cu(II) binding process, suggesting that there is no direct interaction between this site and the Cu(II) binding sites.
  • (15) The pancreatic changes are unlikely to be an artefact, but rather a direct toxic effect of the alcohol as confirmed by the biochemical changes.
  • (16) Errors in the initial direction of response were fewer in binocular viewing in comparison with monocular viewing.
  • (17) In the second approach, attachment sites of DTPA groups were directed away from the active region of the molecule by having fragment E1,2 bound in complex, with its active sites protected during the derivatization.
  • (18) The stages of mourning involve cognitive learning of the reality of the loss; behaviours associated with mourning, such as searching, embody unlearning by extinction; finally, physiological concomitants of grief may influence unlearning by direct effects on neurotransmitters or neurohormones, such as cortisol, ACTH, or norepinephrine.
  • (19) Completeness of isolation of the coronary and systemic circulations was shown by the marked difference in appearance times between the reflex hypotensive responses from catecholamine injections into the isolated coronary circulation and the direct hypertensive response from a similar injection when the circulations were connected as well as by the marked difference between the pressure pulses recorded simultaneously on both sides of the aortic balloon separating the two circulations.4.
  • (20) The direct monocyte source is not sufficient to insure the stability of this population.