What's the difference between conscience and wrong?



  • (n.) Knowledge of one's own thoughts or actions; consciousness.
  • (n.) The faculty, power, or inward principle which decides as to the character of one's own actions, purposes, and affections, warning against and condemning that which is wrong, and approving and prompting to that which is right; the moral faculty passing judgment on one's self; the moral sense.
  • (n.) The estimate or determination of conscience; conviction or right or duty.
  • (n.) Tenderness of feeling; pity.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Perhaps it’s the lot of people like my colleagues here in the centre and me to wrestle with our consciences, shed tears, lose sleep and try to make the best of a very bad, heart-breaking job and leave the rest of the world to party, get pissed and celebrate Christmas.
  • (2) Last September, propelled by the success of the Irish referendum and the US supreme court decision, the idea that Australian parliamentarians should, as a matter of conscience, reconsider marriage equality was gathering powerful force.
  • (3) The move will increase pressure on Nick Clegg to give his MPs a free vote on the issue, something normally confined to issues of conscience.
  • (4) "Inaction tears at our conscience and can lead to more costly intervention later.
  • (5) My act of conscience began with a statement: "I don't want to live in a world where everything that I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity or love or friendship is recorded.
  • (6) He added, in an interview with BBC Breakfast: "We're hoping people's conscience will really lead them to decide that using a hosepipe in these circumstances is not the right thing to do."
  • (7) "I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia."
  • (8) History will judge you and you must at last answer your own conscience.” About 40 of the demonstrators wore orange jumpsuits, more than half of whom also donned black hoods over their faces, and one held up his wrists in handcuffs.
  • (9) A conscience clause, however, will allow individual clergy to opt out of conducting same-sex marriages.
  • (10) "What we are seeing now are just 'conscience' demonstrations, but when people really find it hard to make ends meet and they become 'necessity' demonstrations there will be a social explosion."
  • (11) In a 1958 debate on marriage, Robert Menzies himself that declared that the issue “closely touches the individual conscience of members”, adding that “though it will be a government measure, it shall not be treated as a party measure”.
  • (12) Age, sex, origin, duration of illness before attending the Institute, Conscience variations, clinical crisis types, condition of Status Epilepticus appearance and unleashing factors were considered.
  • (13) I think they need to be respected, assumed to have a brain and a conscience, and left to live their lives as they choose.
  • (14) A major proportion of that prison population is prisoners of conscience, like Rajab.
  • (15) Some MPs are eyeing Vince Cable's complex conscience.
  • (16) History will judge Syria’s descent into a hydra-headed war as a stain on the world’s conscience.
  • (17) But the bedeviled foray also works as a potent allegory on the slow, vice-like workings of conscience, as guilt hunts down the protagonists with the shrieking remorselessness of Greek furies.
  • (18) Asked whether they should resign, Robin Geffen, chief investment officer of the fund manager Neptune and a leading critic of the deal, said it would be up to their "individual consciences", but noted the aborted transaction had been "an absurdly ambitious attempt by the Pru to buy a large Asian company, at a very high price, with a very unclear strategy".
  • (19) In a letter to assembly men and women the Presbyterian church said it was "not merely an issue of conscience for Christian people and churches, but a very significant one for the whole of society".
  • (20) Downing Street stressed that David Cameron regarded same-sex marriage, as well as gay adoption, as conscience issues.



  • () imp. of Wring. Wrung.
  • (a.) Twisted; wry; as, a wrong nose.
  • (a.) Not according to the laws of good morals, whether divine or human; not suitable to the highest and best end; not morally right; deviating from rectitude or duty; not just or equitable; not true; not legal; as, a wrong practice; wrong ideas; wrong inclinations and desires.
  • (a.) Not fit or suitable to an end or object; not appropriate for an intended use; not according to rule; unsuitable; improper; incorrect; as, to hold a book with the wrong end uppermost; to take the wrong way.
  • (a.) Not according to truth; not conforming to fact or intent; not right; mistaken; erroneous; as, a wrong statement.
  • (a.) Designed to be worn or placed inward; as, the wrong side of a garment or of a piece of cloth.
  • (adv.) In a wrong manner; not rightly; amiss; morally ill; erroneously; wrongly.
  • (a.) That which is not right.
  • (a.) Nonconformity or disobedience to lawful authority, divine or human; deviation from duty; -- the opposite of moral right.
  • (a.) Deviation or departure from truth or fact; state of falsity; error; as, to be in the wrong.
  • (a.) Whatever deviates from moral rectitude; usually, an act that involves evil consequences, as one which inflicts injury on a person; any injury done to, or received from; another; a trespass; a violation of right.
  • (v. t.) To treat with injustice; to deprive of some right, or to withhold some act of justice from; to do undeserved harm to; to deal unjustly with; to injure.
  • (v. t.) To impute evil to unjustly; as, if you suppose me capable of a base act, you wrong me.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In this book, he dismisses Freud's idea of penis envy - "Freud got it spectacularly wrong" - and said "women don't envy the penis.
  • (2) But this is to look at the outcomes in the wrong way.
  • (3) It is not that the concept of food miles is wrong; it is just too simplistic, say experts.
  • (4) "But this is not all Bulgarians and gives a totally wrong picture of what the country is about," she sighed.
  • (5) No malignant tumour failed to be diagnosed (100% reliable), the anatomopathological examination of specimens in benign conditions was never wrong (100% reliable).
  • (6) The Bible treats suicide in a factual way and not as wrong or shameful.
  • (7) "That attracted all the wrong sorts for a few years, so the clubs put their prices up to keep them out and the prices never came down again."
  • (8) More than half of carers said they were neglecting their own diet as a result of their caring responsibilities, while some said they were eating the wrong things because of the stress they are under and more than half said they had experienced problems with diet and hydration.
  • (9) A final experiment confirmed a prediction from the above theory that when recalling the original sequence, omissions (recalling no word) will decrease and transpositions (giving the wrong word) will increase as noise level increases.
  • (10) Other details showed the wrong patient undergoing a heart procedure, and the wrong patient given an invasive colonoscopy to check their bowel.
  • (11) Mulholland and others have tried to portray the Leeds case in terms of right or wrong.
  • (12) And of course, as the articles are shared far and wide across the apparently much-hated web, they become gospel to those who read them and unfortunately become quasi-religious texts to musicians of all stripes who blame the internet for everything that is wrong with their careers.
  • (13) And I was a little surprised because I said: ‘Doesn’t sound like he did anything wrong there.’ But he did something wrong with respect to the vice-president and I thought that was not acceptable.” So that’s clear.
  • (14) The fitting element to a Cabrera victory would have been thus: the final round of the 77th Masters fell on the 90th birthday of Roberto De Vicenzo, the great Argentine golfer who missed out on an Augusta play-off by virtue of signing for the wrong score.
  • (15) "I don't think that people are waiting for the wrong solution."
  • (16) I can’t hear those wrong notes any more,” she says.
  • (17) "This crowd of charlatans ... look for one little thing they can say is wrong, and thus generalise that the science is entirely compromised."
  • (18) Eleven women have died in India and dozens more are in hospital, with 20 listed as critically ill, after a state-run mass sterilisation campaign went horribly wrong.
  • (19) in horses is imputed to the small numbers of people involved in the work, to the conservation of the authorities responsible for breeding, to the wrong choice of stallions for A.I.
  • (20) The Sun editor also said his newspaper was wrong to use the word "tran" in a headline to describe a transexual, saying that he felt that "I don't know this is our greatest moment, to be honest".