What's the difference between coquettish and coy?



  • (a.) Practicing or exhibiting coquetry; alluring; enticing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Washington has long been a fan of the petro-dollar and Obama is proving another fickle enthusiast, flirting with the industry one moment, even as he snaps at it the next – like the coquettish mistress of an oil tycoon.
  • (2) … Teenage girls posed coquettishly with the men in balaclavas.
  • (3) Miliband, he said, was a great advocate of judge-led inquiries but "whenever someone asks questions about the Labour party there is a coquettish reticence".
  • (4) "She was nice and funny, always smiling, always well dressed despite her small salary, and somewhat coquettish."
  • (5) The women are sexy, coquettish, liberated and euphoric, caught up in what seems at times to be a sexual game among themselves.
  • (6) Teenage girls posed coquettishly with the men in balaclavas.
  • (7) It opens as Aileen (Theron) meets Selby (Christina Ricci), a young, coquettish, rather callow lesbian.
  • (8) Please click here to watch the video Special to Galván, too, is the rapid, improvisatory quality of his choreography, shifting from staccato speed to resonating stillness in a single phrase and pushing movement through a kaleidoscope of dynamics: the bow-strung profile that releases into a sensual three-dimensional torque (1.19); the muscular force that yields to near coquettish grace in his final pose, where his fingers splay like a fan.
  • (9) Michael Gove, the education secretary, said the Conservatives did not want a dirty election campaign but claimed: "Whenever anyone asks questions about the Labour party, Ed Miliband has a sort of coquettish reticence," referring to Miliband's refusal to answer questions on Labour's approach to the Co-op and allegations of vote-rigging by the Unite union in Falkirk.
  • (10) Jones is dressed in a black flying suit and airman’s hat, and there are no signs of diva behaviour, unless you count the occasional coquettish eye-slide or languorous drawl.
  • (11) Immediately warm and welcoming, she is disarmingly coquettish.
  • (12) I don't," says Dominic Cooper, dipping a biscuit coquettishly into his cappuccino froth, "take roles where I keep my clothes on."
  • (13) People like flirtatiousness because it conveys some possibility, it's not just a coquettish, Renaissance thing that you do, for politeness, like holding open a door.
  • (14) Brady used her position as the league's only female chief executive to her advantage, according to a source who saw her operate at the time: "She can be very charming with blokes of a certain age and, though I hesitate to say it, vaguely coquettish."
  • (15) With Kenneth Williams in the Feydeau farce Signed and Sealed, she did cause one critic to say that her coquettish flouncing as an eager bride was not as funny as Mount the awesome matriarch; but her first appearance at the National Theatre, in Goldini's Il Campiello, was praised.



  • (a.) Quiet; still.
  • (a.) Shrinking from approach or familiarity; reserved; bashful; shy; modest; -- usually applied to women, sometimes with an implication of coquetry.
  • (a.) Soft; gentle; hesitating.
  • (v. t.) To allure; to entice; to decoy.
  • (v. t.) To caress with the hand; to stroke.
  • (v. i.) To behave with reserve or coyness; to shrink from approach or familiarity.
  • (v. i.) To make difficulty; to be unwilling.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But when you ask Lewis what exactly the Euston Project is, the editor-in-chief, a supremely confident showman, is irritatingly coy.
  • (2) Right now he's working on another sitcom for the BBC – he's coy about what, precisely.
  • (3) He often seems mysteriously amused, cocking an eyebrow and pulling a coy, wouldn’t-you-like-to-know smirk, but he likes to laugh out loud, too.
  • (4) I ll keep one eyes on u spurs hv a good luck this season #COYS 💋🙏👊❤ September 2, 2013 8.51pm BST This is what Assou-Ekotto's got to say about developments.
  • (5) Naomi Gryn with baby Sadie Joy, who was born by elective caesarean on 31 October At first I, too, was coy about telling anyone that I was pregnant.
  • (6) The commercial coyness is long gone, and moves to monetise the audience with new forms of advertising have often provoked backlashes.
  • (7) Asked about his future plans, Götze, whose contract with Bayern runs out in 2017, remained coy.
  • (8) While the Koch brothers remain coy about their candidate preferences, a number of billionaire donors in the Koch network, including hedge fund chieftains Paul Singer and Robert Mercer, have either made large donations to Super Pacs supporting candidates, or are expected to do so.
  • (9) The Labour manifesto is a little more coy: "To encourage freedom of speech and access to information, we will bring forward new legislation on libel to protect the right of defendants to speak freely."
  • (10) He won't reveal much about the new series, beyond a coy, "Well, there's a reunion that doesn't necessarily go to plan.
  • (11) His mother is a lawyer, and although there have been coy references to what his father does (along the lines of "something to do with commodities") he's actually a vice president of Morgan Stanley.
  • (12) But what’s damaging the lives of millions of schoolgirls and women is not daft and coy terms for periods, but being unable to talk about them at all, or being so ashamed that they have to dry their sanitary cloths under the beds or in the damp, getting urinary infections or worse.
  • (13) When asked about their actual prospects in the Senate and House of Representatives, both became coy.
  • (14) I met her, and I can only say that for a couple of hours she was smart, honest and a great talker – there was no fuss, no coyness, no sham and no act.
  • (15) This is idealistic stuff at the heart of his "Communitarian Conservatism" but one increasingly senses that it is theology which really underpins the argument, and that Bond is being coy about his own Anglicanism.
  • (16) Cameron, on the other hand, is less coy about who came out on top.
  • (17) Security and defence officials are coy about what they know of specific attacks.
  • (18) The replication of an avian influenza A, Fowl plague virus (FPV), Ulster 73 strain, was studied in chick embryo fibroblasts, assumed to be the natural host, and in cells of different origin such as LLC-MK2, Hep-2, Vero, KB and Mc Coy.
  • (19) He is coy when asked whether he was also approached about a senior boardroom role at HSBC around the same time, but frank about the choice he faced when the candidate for the RBS job – former Standard Chartered boss Mervyn, now Lord, Davies – pulled out.
  • (20) Chlamydia trachomatis strains were isolated from the endocervix by the Mc Coy technique in 31 (13.4%) of 232 women aged 18 to 26 years.

Words possibly related to "coquettish"

Words possibly related to "coy"