What's the difference between crime and terror?



  • (n.) Any violation of law, either divine or human; an omission of a duty commanded, or the commission of an act forbidden by law.
  • (n.) Gross violation of human law, in distinction from a misdemeanor or trespass, or other slight offense. Hence, also, any aggravated offense against morality or the public welfare; any outrage or great wrong.
  • (n.) Any great wickedness or sin; iniquity.
  • (n.) That which occasion crime.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) They had allegedly agreed that Younous would not be charged with any crime upon his arrival there and that he would not be detained in Morocco for longer than 72 hours.
  • (2) There are widespread examples across the US of the police routinely neglecting crimes of sexual violence and refusing to believe victims.
  • (3) Even if it were not the case that police use a variety of tricks to keep recorded crime figures low, this data would still represent an almost meaningless measure of the extent of crime in society, for the simple reason that a huge proportion of crimes (of almost all sorts) have always gone unreported.
  • (4) Recent research conducted by independent investigators concerning the relationship between crime and narcotic (primarily heroin) addiction has revealed a remarkable degree of consistency of findings across studies.
  • (5) The District became a byword for crime and drug abuse, while its “mayor for life” lived high on the hog and lurched cheerfully from one scandal to the next.
  • (6) Certainly not ones with young children accused of non-violent crimes.
  • (7) For me, it would be to protect the young and vulnerable, to reduce crime, to improve health, to promote security and development, to provide good value for money and to protect.
  • (8) Hebrew for voice of justice, Kol Tzedek was described in publicity at the time as "an outreach program aimed at helping sex-crime victims in Brooklyn's Orthodox Jewish Communities report abuse".
  • (9) "It is difficult to imagine the torment experienced by the vulnerable victims of crimes such as these.
  • (10) In response, detainees – the vast majority of them failed asylum seekers who have committed no crime – waved and shared messages of solidarity.
  • (11) Anyone who has committed war crimes should be brought into the courts," the BBC reported him as saying.
  • (12) Russia's most widely watched television station, state-controlled Channel One, followed a bulletin about his death with a summary of the crimes he is accused of committing, including the siphoning of millions of dollars from national airline Aeroflot.
  • (13) The report also recommends including justice and victim of violence targets in the national Closing the Gap strategy, recognising foetal alcohol spectrum disorders as a disability before the courts, and making a national commitment to a justice reinvestment approach to find community-based solutions to youth crime.
  • (14) When rates were covaried for prior violent crime arrests, White House Case subjects with prior arrests had a significantly higher rate of total posthospitalization violent crime arrests than the matched control sample.
  • (15) However, when public disquiet at the crime and social damage caused by alcohol prohibition led to its repeal, Anslinger saw his position as being in danger.
  • (16) But Turkey prefers to deal with the present rather than admit to past crimes.
  • (17) Mark Rasch, a cyber crime expert quoted by the FT, meanwhile said recent events have been “a serious and devastating attack to [Sony’s] reputation and image”, and his opinion is played out by a new YouGov poll into the public perception of Sony’s brand.
  • (18) Religious efforts to address the issue have also been complicit in absolving men of their crimes, objectifying women and doing more harm than good with campaigns that blame women for the phenomenon.
  • (19) Methamphetamine abuse is increasing and methamphetamine is second only to alcohol as a positive finding in cases submitted to the San Diego Sheriff's Crime Laboratory.
  • (20) If Navalny is guilty of breaching Russian law, there are law enforcement agencies that can and should prevent crime,” he says.



  • (n.) Extreme fear; fear that agitates body and mind; violent dread; fright.
  • (n.) That which excites dread; a cause of extreme fear.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Perhaps they can laugh it all off more easily, but only to the extent that the show doesn’t instill terror for how this country’s greatness will be inflicted on them next.
  • (2) Madonna has defended her description of the leak of 13 unfinished demos from her forthcoming album as “a form of terrorism” and “artistic rape”.
  • (3) I first saw them live at the location of the terror attack, Manchester Arena – then the MEN – aged 15, a teen at a gig with my friends, as many of the Grande’s fans were.
  • (4) The home secretary was today pressed to explain how cyber warfare could be seen as being on an equal footing to the threat from international terrorism.
  • (5) Last month following a visit to Islamabad Ben Emmerson QC, the UN's special rapporteur on counter-terrorism and human rights, said he had been given assurances that there was no "tacit consent by Pakistan to the use of drones on its territory".
  • (6) China’s new law also restricts the right of media to report on details of terror attacks, including a provision that media and social media cannot report on details of terror activities that might lead to imitation, nor show scenes that are “cruel and inhuman”.
  • (7) Based on documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden, the New York Times and ProPublica reported on Thursday that the Justice Department in 2012 permitted the NSA to use widespread surveillance authorities passed by Congress to stop terrorism and foreign espionage in order to find digital signatures associated with high-level cyber intrusions.
  • (8) It could still be terrorism but it looks as if the aircraft went out of control because the controls were literally burning up.
  • (9) In fact the very seriousness of the threat terrorism poses and this suggested response demands a full discussion.
  • (10) Conservative MP George Christensen has been forced to back down after suggesting an incident at a Sydney police station was a “failed terrorism attack” and linking it to radical Islamism.
  • (11) Lahoor Talabani, director of counter terrorism for the Kurdistan Regional Government, said: "According to the intelligence we have, just Britain alone have around 400 to 450 known people fighting amongst the ranks of Isis."
  • (12) A Home Office spokeswoman said: "It is vital that police and security services are able to obtain communications data in certain circumstances to investigate serious crime and terrorism and to protect the public.
  • (13) In a statement, the IDF said Jaabari was "a senior Hamas operative who served in the upper echelon of the Hamas command", and had been "directly responsible for executing terror attacks against the state of Israel in the past number of years".
  • (14) If we accept that al-Qaida continues to pose a deadly threat to the UK, and if we know that it is capable of changing the locations of its bases and modifying its attack plans, we must accept that we have a duty to question the wisdom of prioritising, in terms of government spending on counter-terrorism, the deployment of our forces to Afghanistan.
  • (15) Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn ran the counter-terrorism operation under Task Force Pioneer, which was led by assistant commissioner Mark Murdoch, who reports to Burn.
  • (16) Then wham, the sudden terrors again, about nothing in particular.
  • (17) Kiev said the rebels carried out the attacks themselves, with the prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk calling it an act of “Russian terrorism”.
  • (18) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Police and members of the emergency services attend to victims of a terror attack on London Bridge.
  • (19) Republican hopeful Donald Trump has launched a US presidential campaign advert attacking Barack Obama for supposedly prioritising Star Wars over the battle against terrorism.
  • (20) Obama permitted them to operate with minimal restriction, proliferating the physical scope of the global war on terrorism to Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya, Mali and Niger and the digital scope around the world.