What's the difference between cruel and fell?



  • (n.) See Crewel.
  • (a.) Disposed to give pain to others; willing or pleased to hurt, torment, or afflict; destitute of sympathetic kindness and pity; savage; inhuman; hard-hearted; merciless.
  • (a.) Causing, or fitted to cause, pain, grief, or misery.
  • (a.) Attended with cruetly; painful; harsh.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) China’s new law also restricts the right of media to report on details of terror attacks, including a provision that media and social media cannot report on details of terror activities that might lead to imitation, nor show scenes that are “cruel and inhuman”.
  • (2) Through small and large acts of deprivation and destruction we follow the process: the removal of hope, of dignity, of luxury, of necessity, of self; the reduction of a man to a hoarder of grey slabs of bread and the scrapings of a soup bowl (wonderfully told all this, with a novelist's gift for detail and sometimes very nearly comic surprise), to the confinement of a narrow bed – in which there is "not even any room to be afraid" – with a stranger who doesn't speak your language, to the cruel illogicality of hating a fellow victim of oppression more than you hate the oppressor himself – one torment following another, and even the bleak comfort of thinking you might have touched rock bottom denied you as, when the most immediate cause of a particular stress comes to an end, "you are grievously amazed to see that another one lies behind; and in reality a whole series of others".
  • (3) It goes on: "In a reality of ongoing occupation, of solid cynicism and meanness, each and every one of us bears the moral obligation to try to relieve the suffering, do something to bend back the occupation's giant, cruel hand."
  • (4) At one point, Walters speculates that “she looks the same weight as the Duchess – about 8st”; later, he disingenuously asks her to discuss “the cruel comments about being a ‘childless spinster’”, neither telling readers who made those “cruel comments” in the first place, or where.
  • (5) More here: UK regulator urges banks to speed up swaps mis-selling compensation 8.40am GMT More reaction to the decision to send riot police to evict people from the offices of Greece's former state broadcaster this morning , starting with journalist Nick Malkoutzis: Nick Malkoutzis (@NickMalkoutzis) 5 mths after flicking switch on public broadcaster ERT, gov't tries to settle issue by sending riot police to remove remaining staff #Greece November 7, 2013 Nick Malkoutzis (@NickMalkoutzis) While #ERT will be off air for good after police intervention, the stain of how its closure has been handled won't wash away easily #Greece November 7, 2013 Lady Mondegreen (@amaenad) Like a mean stupid dog appeasing a cruel master, the Greek government wants to lay ERT's limp body at the troika's feet.
  • (6) The government confirmed on Tuesday that the second year of the cull had begun, sparking outrage from animal rights activists, campaigners and opposition politicians who claim it is cruel and ineffective.
  • (7) Her friends have been arrested and subjected to what they describe as cruel and inhumane treatment .
  • (8) The jury decided unanimously Thursday that the Colorado attack was cruel enough to justify the death penalty .
  • (9) One of its board members is retired Major General Andrew James “Jim” Molan, co-architect of Tony Abbott’s “Operation Sovereign Borders,” the draconian program relying on the remote island detention centres condemned as cruel and inhumane by multiple respected human rights organisations.
  • (10) MOAB map “Isis were so cruel to us,” said Ahmad.
  • (11) Philip French championed Boyle's career from the outset, describing his debut feature film, Shallow Grave , as "a good piece of storytelling... Hitchcock would have admired its ruthlessness and cruel humour."
  • (12) S an Francisco is now a cruel place and a divided one.
  • (13) In a rather florid letter with classical, literary and historical references, he told her: "You, I already know from happy experience, will not be cruel to my tender flame … As I think of you I shall learn to love you more.
  • (14) Of course the timing was cruel, aimed at throwing the prime minister off balance just before what turned out to be a fairly successful Commons question time.
  • (15) He could be very charming, he could be very cruel, but he mattered and he put something together that was extraordinary."
  • (16) One of the first demands is that the bombardments by the regime and its [Russian] backers must end.” Merkel condemned the air raids on Syria’s second city as “inhumane and cruel”.
  • (17) While Liverpool seemed stretched by cruel successive away fixtures, Chelsea arguably mustered some of their finest attacking football of the campaign through that ferocious opening period.
  • (18) If you follow Twitter regularly, it's easy to believe that many of our fellow citizens are cruel, mean, misogynist and foul-mouthed.
  • (19) We perceive the circumstances of our youth as normal and unexceptional, however sparse or cruel they may be.
  • (20) "It's outrageous and cruel that people are taken off to detention and the families hear nothing until the body shows up with signs of abuse," said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.



  • (imp.) of Fall
  • () imp. of Fall.
  • (a.) Cruel; barbarous; inhuman; fierce; savage; ravenous.
  • (a.) Eager; earnest; intent.
  • (a.) Gall; anger; melancholy.
  • (n.) A skin or hide of a beast with the wool or hair on; a pelt; -- used chiefly in composition, as woolfell.
  • (n.) A barren or rocky hill.
  • (n.) A wild field; a moor.
  • (v. i.) To cause to fall; to prostrate; to bring down or to the ground; to cut down.
  • (n.) The finer portions of ore which go through the meshes, when the ore is sorted by sifting.
  • (v. t.) To sew or hem; -- said of seams.
  • (n.) A form of seam joining two pieces of cloth, the edges being folded together and the stitches taken through both thicknesses.
  • (n.) The end of a web, formed by the last thread of the weft.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In 76 patients (73%) radionuclide and hemodynamic data fell in the same category.
  • (2) Other haematological parameters remained normal, with the exception of the absolute number of lymphocytes, which initially fell sharply but soon returned to, and even exceeded, control levels.
  • (3) Accidentally discovered nearly 40 years ago as the first true antidepressants, the MAOIs soon fell into disfavor due to concerns about toxicity and seemingly lesser efficacy compared with the newer tricyclic compounds.
  • (4) With fields and fells already saturated after more than four times the average monthly rainfall falling within the first three weeks of December, there was nowhere left to absorb the rainfall which has cascaded from fields into streams and rivers.
  • (5) mycoides cluster' at a similarity level (S) of 66% and which remained undivided at up to 78% S. At higher similarity levels, these strains fell heterogeneously into mixed sub-phenons containing strains of both subspecies.
  • (6) The mean acne scores, derived from grading and counting lesions and comedones, fell from 63.3 to 6 in the Diane 50 and from 64.2 to 4.5 in the Triphasil group.
  • (7) Acute and chronic experiments were performed and, in both, the hepatic concentration of GSH fell during the first 6 h after haemorrhage; this fall was followed by a significant rebound elevation at 24 h. In the chronic haemorrhage experiment the hepatic GSH level was normal at 1 week after haemorrhage.
  • (8) After haemorrhage in conscious rabbits total renal blood flow fell by 25%, this fall being confined to the superficial renal cortex.
  • (9) Blood pressure rose and heart rate fell in proportion to the dose of noradrenaline infused.
  • (10) In the remaining 60 patients (35 with atherosclerotic stenosis and 25 with fibromuscular dysplasia), both mean systolic and diastolic pressure fell immediately after percutaneous transluminal dilatation and remained significantly lower for a period of up to five years.
  • (11) TRH levels in serum fell and then returned to initial levels after L-DOPA administration in primary or pituitary hypothyroidism.
  • (12) The patients with phrynoderma fell into two groups.
  • (13) After effective treatment the level fell and rose again 10 months prior to the conventional clinical diagnosis of relapse.
  • (14) Urinary excretion of hydroxyproline fell significantly in patients receiving ND, whereas the biochemical indices of bone formation did not change (alkaline phosphatase) or increased (osteocalcin; P less than 0.01).
  • (15) Entries for French fell by 0.5%, compared with a 13.2% fall last year, and entries for German fell by 5.5% compared with a 13.2% fall in 2011.
  • (16) By all 50 O sera we found that 71.08%, strains was serotype however, they fell into 42 O ser-types.
  • (17) In gastric ulcer patients DNA loss or turnover was significantly (p less than 0-01) higher than normal, and fell significantly (p less than 0-01) after four weeks' treatment with carbenoxolone when 16 of the 17 ulcers had healed.
  • (18) But infrastructure fell for the third consecutive quarter, decreasing by 5.6%.
  • (19) In 31 patients in whom specific IgE fell to low (less than 6% counts bound) or unmeasurable levels, immunotherapy was discontinued, and sting challenge was carried out 1 to 3 years later.
  • (20) The absolute number of monocytes and B-lymphocytes fell significantly (p less than 0.01) on the first and second day after exercise.