What's the difference between despicable and reprehensible?



  • (a.) Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; as, a despicable man; despicable company; a despicable gift.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) You could think the narrator's extreme failures of sympathy are despicable, but this would surely be beside the point.
  • (2) Boris Johnson , the London mayor, said: "I cannot think of anything more despicable than the police attempting to smear Stephen Lawrence's family.
  • (3) Tories and their rich media friends peddle this despicable idea so that we can be gradually brought to think that taxation should not be used to pay for everyone’s health.
  • (4) The latter is somewhat under the radar for the wider games industry, but Despicable Me: Minion Rush (to give its full title) is something of a mobile monster: 100m downloads in three months on iOS and Android earlier this year.
  • (5) On the positive side, it will very soon overtake Les Miserables (£40.8m) to become the second-biggest 2013 release, behind only Despicable Me 2 (£47.4m).
  • (6) Despicable remarks which deserve to be condemned,” Turnbull said.
  • (7) He said: "Make no mistake, we will continue to confront Isil wherever it tried to spread its despicable hatred.
  • (8) At least two characters – a Minion from Despicable Me and one of the Elmos – said they had purchased their costumes, made in Peru, for about $300.
  • (9) For iPad , Candy Crush Saga led YouTube, Skype, Temple Run 2, BBC iPlayer, ITV Player, eBay for iPad, Despicable Me: Minion Rush, 4 Pics 1 Word and Calculator for iPad Free.
  • (10) Some of the strongest criticism came from Travis Tygaart, the head of Usada, who called the cyber attacks “cowardly and despicable” and reiterated that the athletes named had done nothing wrong.
  • (11) I can’t help wondering whether there’s another agenda going on, and that they’re trying to limit the level of potential claims for compensation from victims of both Savile and Hall ... “People in the BBC at the time knew he was despicable, and they could have done something to stop him.
  • (12) Attacking religious sentiments to promote an agenda as tragedy strikes is despicable.” Carly Fiorina (Republican) NRA rating: A (qualified) in 2010 “As the tragedy in San Bernardino unfolds, predictably, without knowing any of the facts of what has happened there or why, President Obama and Hillary Clinton immediately came out and made a political statement for gun control,” Fiorina said when asked about second amendment rights on Wednesday, according to ABC .
  • (13) You know, you had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.” Sean Spicer apologizes for 'even Hitler didn't use chemical weapons' gaffe Read more Spicer’s assertion during the Jewish holiday of Passover provoked instant outrage on social media and from some Holocaust memorial groups, who accused him of minimising Hitler’s crimes.
  • (14) Photograph: Courtesy of Warner Bros Picture Best makeup and hairstyling: Dallas Buyers Club Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa The Lone Ranger Winner: Dallas Buyers Club Best animated feature: The Croods Despicable Me 2 Ernest and Celestine Frozen The Wind Rises Winner: Frozen Best animated short: Feral Get a Horse!
  • (15) India's national security adviser called the treatment of Khobragade on Tuesday "despicable and barbaric".
  • (16) A Labour MP has hit out at the News of the World for being involved in a "despicable and evil act" and called on the prime minister to act over the hacking of the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler following her disappearance in March 2002.
  • (17) The US ambassador to Libya, Deborah Jones called the news "heartbreaking", and on her Twitter account denounced "a cowardly, despicable, shameful act against a courageous woman and true Libyan patriot".
  • (18) This plays well with the Tory party, though to judge from the leaked remarks of a member of the party's anti-European right like Patrick Mercer – who is reported to regard Mr Cameron as "a most despicable creature without any real redeeming features" – the prime minister is simply feeding a dog which will always bite him.
  • (19) In an interview after appearing before the Leveson inquiry, the singer Charlotte Church described the way women were portrayed in the UK media as despicable.
  • (20) One PTI voter, called Ashar, who ventured to a polling station at a school in the Defence neighbourhood which was the scene of protests last week, described the killing of Zahra Shahid as "despicable".



  • (a.) Worthy of reprehension; culpable; censurable; blamable.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The fact that the security service was in possession of and retained the copy tape until the early summer of 1985 and did not bring it to the attention of Mr Stalker is wholly reprehensible,” he wrote.
  • (2) Details of the episode in October 2011 surfaced publicly last summer when the Bank's executive director for markets, Paul Fisher, told MPs that claims about the "thoroughly reprehensible" allegations had been referred to the regulator.
  • (3) The authors urge that patients suffering from from facial paralysis should be referred to O.-R.-L. departments right from the start and not when all other methods of treatment have been tried, often with reprehensible empiricism, and found unsuccessful.
  • (4) And let me say that I find much of the media utterly reprehensible and in need of a new regulator that it can probably get away with setting up itself … Newspapers: Ever so 'umble, sir.
  • (5) By far the most shocking thing was that McBride was a civil servant at the time, acting in a highly political and thoroughly reprehensible manner.
  • (6) The dumping of excrement on the statue was “reprehensible and regrettable” and an investigation was under way, the university said in a statement last week.
  • (7) If you care about people on low incomes, if you care about refugees, if you care about tackling climate change, if you care about the fact that the NHS is chronically underfunded, about divisions, lack of opportunity, failure to maximise potential in the north, then backing a leadership which is going to fail to stand up for any of those causes is utterly reprehensible.
  • (8) Describing the award as “morally reprehensible” and calling for it to be rescinded, the petition has gathered more than 500 staff signatures.
  • (9) "It's reprehensible, and there's no room for grey areas," Miliband said.
  • (10) Like phone hacking or MPs' fiddled expenses, this is an issue that only needs to be described to seem reprehensible.
  • (11) The sectarian conflict responsible for much of the war's reprehensible human cost was caused in part by the occupying forces' division of the country's political system along sectarian lines.
  • (12) But corporations, which thrive on their sense of power and control, hate nothing more than having to say sorry unless they are forced to do so because they are squirming on the end of a hook for doing something particularly reprehensible.
  • (13) Jean Ping, head of the commission of the African Union continental grouping, said he was "deeply concerned by the reprehensible acts currently being perpetrated by some elements of the Malian army".
  • (14) Cable has alleged that his close friend leaked the ICM polling to the Guardian, describing it as "utterly reprehensible" and "totally unacceptable", and adding that there was no leadership issue.
  • (15) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Sean Spicer on Assad regime: ‘Even Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons’ Despite one more ineffective attempt to make things right (“Any attack on innocent people is reprehensible and inexcusable.”) Spicer’s combination of callousness and historical amnesia inspired a range of critics – from Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi to Steven Goldstein, director of the Anne Frank Center – to demand that he be fired.
  • (16) Turkey had last month accused Britain of a “reprehensible” delay in informing the Turkish authorities over the departure to its territory of the three teenage girls.
  • (17) And many, many other Americans feel the same way.” White House press secretary Josh Earnest called Trump’s remarks “incendiary” and “morally reprehensible”, adding: “What Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Trump’s anti-Muslim comments ‘disqualify him for president’, says White House .
  • (18) Bailey said it was "reprehensible" of George Osborne, the chancellor, to refuse to publicly debate the potential threats and refer to any deal as no more than "a commercial matter between the companies".
  • (19) Photograph: Paul McErlane Handing down his judgment in McCauley’s appeal last September, Sir Declan Morgan, the lord chief justice of Northern Ireland, was in agreement with Sampson: “The failure of the security service to disclose the tape to Mr Stalker and to provide it to the prosecution was reprehensible.” Furthermore, the deputy head of special branch had initially misled the director of public prosecutions by leading him to believe that there was no listening device in the hayshed.
  • (20) The events which took place on 17 and 18 February in Malakal Protection of Civilians site are utterly reprehensible,” said Eugene Owusu, the UN’s humanitarian coordinator for South Sudan.