What's the difference between eager and vehement?



  • (a.) Sharp; sour; acid.
  • (a.) Sharp; keen; bitter; severe.
  • (a.) Excited by desire in the pursuit of any object; ardent to pursue, perform, or obtain; keenly desirous; hotly longing; earnest; zealous; impetuous; vehement; as, the hounds were eager in the chase.
  • (a.) Brittle; inflexible; not ductile.
  • (n.) Same as Eagre.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Beijing has no interest in seeing strained ties affecting development plans either.” The Moranbong band was founded by Kim Jong-un , with each member reportedly selected by a leader eager to make his mark on the cultural scene.
  • (2) The reason behind Burnham's impregnable new confidence may well also explain the coalition's eagerness to drive him on to the backbenches.
  • (3) Eager to show I was a good student, the next time we had sex, I noticed that one of my hands was, indeed, lying idle – and started to pat him on the back, absently, as if trying to wind a baby.
  • (4) Driven by a desire to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels and promote a secure supply of energy, the government of Albania has been very eager to encourage increased investment in renewable energy and in 2013 a law was passed to promote renewable energy .
  • (5) Certainly the affidavit against Ferdaus paints a compelling picture of a man hellbent on waging jihad in America and eager to take the guns and explosives eventually supplied to him by the undercover FBI agents.
  • (6) Wide-eyed, tentative and much given to confidences – her voice falls to an eager whisper when she's really dishing – she seems far younger than her years.
  • (7) Coleman, in his efforts to sustain the national team's momentum, will be particularly eager to keep Craig Bellamy in the lineup, although it was the persuasiveness of Speed that brought his return.
  • (8) "EA's next CEO inherits a company beset by a broad range of legacy problems created not just by difficult retail market conditions but also by its own hand," says Nick Gibson an analyst at Games Investor Consulting Ltd. "It has been too eager to use major acquisitions – Jamdat, Playfish, Bioware, PopCap etc – to try to accelerate growth or gain early leadership positions in emerging markets, often overpaying by substantial amounts for companies that subsequently fail to deliver what EA expected they would."
  • (9) Nor should we forget why the Conservatives were so eager to seize that chance: they saw the opportunity to wipe out the achievements of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, who demonstrated, over many years of hard graft, that the country’s economic management was safe in Labour’s hands.
  • (10) Boris Johnson, the mayor, has been accused of being too eager to allow developers to change the skyline.
  • (11) With a high level of English gleaned from an Erasmus stint in Oxford, she was eager to move to London.
  • (12) That report, due July 2 , is eagerly anticipated by both the NSA and its critics, as it is likely to add momentum to either side in the ongoing legislative debate on the scope surveillance.
  • (13) Hence the tearing-off-the-arm eagerness to seize the opportunity.
  • (14) The nuptials drew crowds of fans eager to witness the glitzy event, but they were kept far away from the heavily walled 16th-century fortress, which offers stunning views of Florence and surrounding Tuscan hills.
  • (15) Kipsang will be running in London in one of the most eagerly anticipated races in history.
  • (16) People eagerly accept such evidence-free claims "because the alternative mean[s] confronting outright mendacity from otherwise respected authorities, trading the calm of certainty for the disquiet of doubt".
  • (17) I'm sure that advisers are at fault: mediocre people with PR degrees, eagerly advising on how to avoid the resentment of the masses.
  • (18) Many are first- or second-generation immigrants from places such as Afghanistan, Poland, Somalia and Nigeria eager to sign up to drive for the US tech company, whose phone-based minicab-hailing app has transformed the taxi industry in 58 countries.
  • (19) Randomized trials comparing BCG and chemotherapy are in progress and are eagerly awaited.
  • (20) To bail themselves out of the NBA's worst crisis of credibility since the Tim Donaghy officiating scandal, the easy part for the NBA will be enlisting the eagerness and financial muscle of Magic Johnson and Mark Walter of the Guggenheim Partners – owners of the Los Angeles Dodgers .



  • (a.) Acting with great force; furious; violent; impetuous; forcible; mighty; as, vehement wind; a vehement torrent; a vehement fire or heat.
  • (a.) Very ardent; very eager or urgent; very fervent; passionate; as, a vehement affection or passion.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Problems associated with school-based clinics include vehement opposition to sex education, financing, and the sheer magnitude of the adolescents' health needs.
  • (2) The collectively bargained rights of all players must be vehemently preserved and we take that obligation seriously,” the statement said.
  • (3) When Scholes decided his time as a player was at an end last season not many disagreed vehemently.
  • (4) Yet some members of the church who profess desire to adhere most strictly to the teachings of Christ are the most vehement objectors to behavior that most resembles what his might have been.
  • (5) A shame such a landmark achievement was soured by Allam refusing to talk to the local council over a potential stadium expansion and trying to change the club’s name to Hull Tigers, which many fans vehemently oppose.
  • (6) Saudis and their Sunni Arab allies view Houthi fighters – who belong to the Zaydi sect of Shia Islam – as Iranian proxies and have accused Tehran of militarily backing them, a charge Iran vehemently denies.
  • (7) Vanna Mendaleni is a middle aged Greek woman who until now has not had vehement feelings about the crisis that has engulfed her country.
  • (8) Hamas vehemently denies the legitimacy of Israel but its leaders have stated repeatedly that if Fatah negotiates with Israel a two-state peace deal based on the 1967 borders, and if this outcome is approved in a national referendum, it would respect it as the choice of the Palestinian people.
  • (9) At the time Putin vehemently denied the men were Russian soldiers,but he later admitted they were.
  • (10) Well, it would be taken more ­seriously if this newspaper had not been so vehemently committed itself to getting rid of Tony Blair and to putting Gordon Brown in his place.
  • (11) Kadyrov has vehemently denied any involvement with the killings, issuing a statement this month saying that "ideologists of terrorism" had unleashed "a massive information war against the Chechen Republic and its leadership".
  • (12) Cost-benefit analysis--applying economic reasoning to increasingly complex health policy decisions--continues to be a source of vehement disagreement among its practitioners.
  • (13) How tolerant an approach will he take to parliamentary colleagues who vehemently disagree with him?
  • (14) In a statement, a spokesperson said that the Obama emphasised that the US “remains steadfast in [its] commitment to the security of Israel .” Netanyahu told Obama that Israel “vehemently opposes” the framework deal .
  • (15) Modi was accused of condoning the violence and even encouraging it – allegations he has vehemently denied.
  • (16) The prospect of Somali pirates being brought to trial here, where they would undoubtedly apply for asylum, is one of the reasons ministers have vehemently refused to accept any cases.
  • (17) Lugovoi, a former KGB and FSB officer, vehemently denies involvement and has suggested he may have been set up with the polonium by British security services or others.
  • (18) The BBC vehemently denies suggestions that anyone in the corporation's hierarchy wanted the allegations made public.
  • (19) On domestic policy, Fiorina has long occupied a niche in the Republican field as perhaps the most vehement critic of the Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, a role for which there is considerable competition.
  • (20) Saudi Arabia had been vehemently opposed to Aoun’s nomination, fearing he will consolidate Iran’s influence on the brittle state, which has remained vulnerable state since the end of its destructive civil war 25 years ago.