What's the difference between entreat and hence?



  • (v. t.) To treat, or conduct toward; to deal with; to use.
  • (v. t.) To treat with, or in respect to, a thing desired; hence, to ask earnestly; to beseech; to petition or pray with urgency; to supplicate; to importune.
  • (v. t.) To beseech or supplicate successfully; to prevail upon by prayer or solicitation; to persuade.
  • (v. t.) To invite; to entertain.
  • (v. i.) To treat or discourse; hence, to enter into negotiations, as for a treaty.
  • (v. i.) To make an earnest petition or request.
  • (n.) Entreaty.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Flattered, entreated, begged by the rest of the committee, he did not yield: "Recommendations are recommendations, there it is"; and "I honestly believe it's all there"; "I promise you I have done my very best"; "if I hadn't thought my recommendations were fit for purpose, I would not have made them"; "with all due respect, I could not have done any more than I did".
  • (2) He spends most of the book entreating actors and directors, whom he compares to generals, to master their craft.
  • (3) Children in the 1980s were entreated to do the same by the BBC TV series Why Don't You, which somewhat confusingly called on its viewers to "switch off your TV set, and go do something less boring instead".
  • (4) I have tried to distract, grab and run but my little one slays me with his doleful eyes, entreating: "What if I get an ouchy in the playground?"
  • (5) But as the final entry in Hansberry's journal entreated: "If anything should happen - before 'tis done - may I trust that all commas and periods will be placed and someone will complete my thoughts.
  • (6) Front and center will be whether the president has obstructed justice – first, by entreating Comey to “let go” of the Flynn investigation, and second, by firing Comey.
  • (7) Rather than reach out he retreats, and roils at the fickleness of everything – entreating media boosters to validate him, telling the colleagues they have no right to desert him, while pondering who he can jettison in order to save himself.
  • (8) 9.33pm BST 89 min: Diego Simeone entreats his own support to make noise by throwing some frantic semaphore shapes.
  • (9) Another campaign poster, referring to the clan name of the late leader, entreats: "Do it for Madiba, vote ANC!"
  • (10) And he knew that when people went to WikiLeaks, they weren’t going to find damaging information about [his allies] Steve Bannon or Reince Priebus or the RNC [Republican National Committee].” Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails Read more At his last press conference, in July, Trump effectively asked a foreign power to carry out cyber-espionage, entreating Russia to find Clinton’s 30,000 “missing” emails , from the private server she used while secretary of state.



  • (adv.) From this place; away.
  • (adv.) From this time; in the future; as, a week hence.
  • (adv.) From this reason; as an inference or deduction.
  • (adv.) From this source or origin.
  • (v. t.) To send away.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The epidemiology of HIV infection among women and hence among children has progressively changed since the onset of the epidemic in Western countries.
  • (2) Hence the major role of the 14-A arm of carboxybiotin is not to permit a large carboxyl migration but, rather to permit carboxybiotin to traverse the gap which occurs at the interface of three subunits and to insinuate itself between the CoA and keto acid sites.
  • (3) Hence, presence of IgG rheumatoid factor correlated positively with the presence of rheumatoid disease, and evidence was established that certain features of rheumatoid inflammation occur in dental periapical lesions of many patients with rheumatoid disease.
  • (4) Hence, the absence of NGF receptors on premigratory neural crest and early migratory neural crest cultures was not due to enzymatic alterations of the receptor.
  • (5) Subsequent radiological follow-up demonstrated the rapid growth of the tumor hence exhibiting a very invasive form.
  • (6) Using the asynchronously replicating (hence genetically inactive) X chromosome as a marker, we obtained evidence showing that most or all of these tumors were monoclonal in origin.
  • (7) Hence, in the intact caudate-putamen dopamine appears to suppress expression of these two neuropeptide genes leading to an activation of both NPY and SOM mRNA expression in many non- or low-expressing neurons when the level of dopamine is decreased.
  • (8) Monoclonal antibody G9 reacted with surface antigens and, hence, participated in agglutination of M gallisepticum.
  • (9) The solution of these differential equations gives the velocity of the basilar membrane and hence other related quantities, e.g., displacement, pressure, driving-point impedance at the stapes.
  • (10) Hence, a priori haplotyping cannot exclude a particular CF mutation, but in combination with population genetic data, enables mutations to be ranked by decreasing probability.
  • (11) Hence, it is possible that the delayed modulation on laminin was due to production of fibronectin by the cells themselves.
  • (12) Hence the state of light-adaptation has to be taken into account when comparing different experiments.
  • (13) Hence, they self-administer opioids for pain relief with PCA according to their expectations.
  • (14) Hence, the 2-NOF:N-acetoxy-N-2-fluorenylacetamide ratios reflect the relative contributions of the two peroxidative pathways to the metabolism of N-OH-2-FAA.
  • (15) Bristol 2015 has three core objectives, she explains, one of which is putting Bristol on the map internationally; hence the media spectacle.
  • (16) Hence, immune system modulators may be employed to control their response.
  • (17) Hence the aggregation inhibition produced by amphiphilic phenylalkylamines and phenylalkanoles is not due to a uniform metabolic effect of both classes of derivatives.
  • (18) Hence, the incidence of vascular smooth muscle cell polyploidy is not simply a result of growth of the vessel with increasing age of the SHR, but parallels inhibition, reversal, and redevelopment of hypertension.
  • (19) Hence the endotoxin-generated factors had been eliminated in 2 days.
  • (20) ScalesOfJustice 18 September 2013 12:47pm If we go back to 1998, it appears as though global temperatures have stopped increasing, however Arctic temperatures have increased quite strongly - hence the strong decline in sea-ice since 1998.