What's the difference between every and too?



  • (a. & a. pron.) All the parts which compose a whole collection or aggregate number, considered in their individuality, all taken separately one by one, out of an indefinite bumber.
  • (a. & a. pron.) Every one. Cf.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) On Friday night, in a stadium built in an area once deemed an urban wasteland, the flame that has journeyed from Athens to every corner of these islands will light the fire that launches the London Olympics of 2012.
  • (2) The animals were sacrificed every 12 hr from D12.0 through D17.0.
  • (3) within 12 h of birth followed by similar injections every day for 10 consecutive days and then every second day for a further 8 weeks, with mycoplasma broth medium (tolerogen), to induce immune tolerance.
  • (4) Virtually every developed country has some form of property tax, so the idea that valuing residential property is uniquely difficult, or that it would be widely evaded, is nonsense.
  • (5) King also described how representatives of every country at this month's G7 meeting in Canada seemed to be relying on an export-led recovery to revive their economies.
  • (6) In differing, incomparable ways it will affect every society, industry and region in the country.
  • (7) Shelter’s analysis of MoJ figures highlights high-risk hotspots across the country where families are particularly at risk of losing their homes, with households in Newham, east London, most exposed to the possibility of eviction or repossession, with one in every 36 homes threatened.
  • (8) He's finding solace, fleeting and fragmentary, and every springy guitar lick is its own benediction," Chinen wrote.
  • (9) In order to develop a sampling strategy and a method for analyzing the circadian body temperature pattern, we monitored estimates of the temperature in four ways using rectal, oral, axillary and deep body temperature from the skin surface every hour for 72 consecutive hours in 10 normal control subjects.
  • (10) If black people could only sort out these self-inflicted problems themselves, everything would be OK. After all, doesn't every business say it welcomes job applicants from all backgrounds?
  • (11) Some parents are blessed with a soul that lights up every time their little precious brings them a carefully crafted portrait or home-made greetings card.
  • (12) In every case the patient was the first affected family member.
  • (13) As James said in Friday’s announcement, his goal was to win championships, and in Miami he was able to reach the NBA Finals every year.
  • (14) The volume of distribution is about 600 l. In almost every subject the plasma levels rose again after this distribution phase.
  • (15) In view of the high mortality every clinical deterioration of patients with cirrhosis should alert the physician of the presence of SBP.
  • (16) Extracorporeal photopheresis (ExP) was administered every other week in an outpatient setting to four patients with chronic refractory psoriasis vulgaris without arthropathy.
  • (17) He received blood transfusions every 2 or 3 weeks for the first 4 years of his life.
  • (18) Every time I have seen him since – you stand up straight and it’s: ‘Hi, boss.
  • (19) There are currently more than 380,000 households on local authority waiting lists in the capital – and the number is growing every day.
  • (20) We didn’t take anyone’s votes for granted and we have run a very strong positive campaign.” Asked if she expected Ukip to run have Labour so close, she said: “To be honest with you I have been through more or less every scenario.



  • (adv.) Over; more than enough; -- noting excess; as, a thing is too long, too short, or too wide; too high; too many; too much.
  • (adv.) Likewise; also; in addition.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "too"