

  • (v. i.) To be as a fact and not as a mode; to have an actual or real being, whether material or spiritual.
  • (v. i.) To be manifest in any manner; to continue to be; as, great evils existed in his reign.
  • (v. i.) To live; to have life or the functions of vitality; as, men can not exist water, nor fishes on land.

Compare exist with other words:

exist vs. pertain

exist vs. real

exist vs. fact

exist vs. ghost

exist vs. located

available vs. exist

exist vs. fulfil

exist vs. reap

born vs. exist

exist vs. postexistent

exist vs. increate

exist vs. homography

cotemporality vs. exist

exist vs. exit

entity vs. exist

exist vs. occur

appear vs. exist

exist vs. presence

exist vs. help

exist vs. live

demonstration vs. exist

alive vs. exist

cat vs. exist

disincarnate vs. exist

exist vs. uncreated

exist vs. indwell

exist vs. exister

exist vs. inexistant

attested vs. exist

exist vs. present

exist vs. existing

exist vs. meaty

exist vs. speed

exist vs. subsist

exist vs. nought

exist vs. persist

exist vs. substantial

exist vs. limbo

exist vs. pterodactyl

exist vs. tautomerism

exist vs. suspect

exist vs. remain

exist vs. extant

exist vs. solipsism

exist vs. imaginary

exist vs. survive

exist vs. preexistence

exist vs. preexist

coexistence vs. exist

coexist vs. exist

exist vs. existential

exist vs. reality

exist vs. existent

consist vs. exist

desert vs. exist

exist vs. singularity

exist vs. objective

exist vs. old

exist vs. living

exist vs. thing

arise vs. exist

exist vs. there

exist vs. tense

exist vs. existence

exist vs. ontology

beer vs. exist

absent vs. exist