What's the difference between figurehead and ship?



  • (n.) The figure, statue, or bust, on the prow of a ship.
  • (n.) A person who allows his name to be used to give standing to enterprises in which he has no responsible interest or duties; a nominal, but not real, head or chief.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) He hopes they can slowly build up a genuine grassroots, non-party political movement that may eventually become the figurehead for the pro-UK campaign in the independence referendum.
  • (2) This has prompted some to tip Correa as a potential successor to Venezuela's Hugo Chávez as the figurehead of the Latin-American left.
  • (3) While the reshuffle may be partly to appease fans who resent his position as a figurehead, it could also be seen as a tacit admission that Ashley got a big football decision horribly wrong last season, in deciding not to replace Alan Pardew and almost suffering relegation as a result.
  • (4) I was turned into this figurehead for baseball players trying to be more political,” he says.
  • (5) Opinion polls predict a landslide victory for Mahmoud Jibril, the tribal figurehead and former rebel prime minister, who is an ally of Hiftar and living in self-imposed exile in Abu Dhabi.
  • (6) Diane Abbott will continue to be a key figurehead in Labour’s general election campaign, the party has indicated, despite a stumbling radio performance in which she struggled to explain how a pledge to hire 10,000 extra police officers would be funded.
  • (7) Within half an hour, George Galloway – the native of Dundee, MP for Bradford West, a former Labour MP for inner Glasgow, and figurehead of the Respect party – is sitting in Wetherspoon's, devouring fish and chips and granting about a dozen requests for photographs.
  • (8) The band formed in response to Putin's decision to return to the presidency, and have gone from being a radical fringe group to becoming the figureheads of a protest movement numbering tens of thousands.
  • (9) The 37-year-old became Pegida’s national figurehead after founder Lutz Bachmann resigned a week ago after news that he was being investigated.
  • (10) His future role has been compared to that of Beppe Grillo, the M5S's figurehead who himself has not been elected.
  • (11) Nigel Farage, the key figurehead for Leave.EU, did not appear to be in combative mood after the decision was announced.
  • (12) Part of it is based in movement building but it also involves running people for office at every level.” She hesitates to suggest her book as a rallying cry for a political party – she is wary of making herself anything like a figurehead, hoping to be “one voice among many” – but suggests that there are ideas in it that people might gather around.
  • (13) The Sweden international moved to Paris from Milan in the summer of 2012 as the figurehead purchase of Qatar Sport Investments’ vast outlay on new players.
  • (14) Warren has hitherto insisted she is not running for president herself, but spoke out passionately against the “cromnibus” and presents a growing challenge to what her supporters dismissively call the Wall Street wing of the party and its figurehead: Hillary Clinton.
  • (15) As the figurehead and part-inspiration for the 1990s campaign to restore the link between pensions and earnings which she had introduced 20 years earlier, she finally won the near-universal applause of which she had so long dreamed.
  • (16) In just a few weeks, Cohn-Bendit, who was soon to receive a deportation order from the French government for his role in the ferment, had gone from local student activist to an international figurehead for revolution.
  • (17) This goes some way to explaining the phenomenon, but really, only those people who have been in its presence will know what I’m getting at when I say that this behaviour relies on the existence of a certain “type”, and that that type is not so far removed from that of the Bullingdon club figureheads who govern us.
  • (18) Seen as a figurehead for the movement, Liu was taken into detention shortly before the document was published online.
  • (19) It is a figurehead maybe, although one that is less svelte mermaid than bullying bouncer.
  • (20) • Also caught up in last week’s FBI Concacaf headlines : Jack Warner – these days focused on his new life in Trinidad as an anti-corruption figurehead.



  • (n.) Pay; reward.
  • (n.) Any large seagoing vessel.
  • (n.) Specifically, a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts (a mainmast, a foremast, and a mizzenmast), each of which is composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, and square-rigged on all masts. See Illustation in Appendix.
  • (n.) A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense.
  • (v. t.) To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation; to send by water.
  • (v. t.) By extension, in commercial usage, to commit to any conveyance for transportation to a distance; as, to ship freight by railroad.
  • (v. t.) Hence, to send away; to get rid of.
  • (v. t.) To engage or secure for service on board of a ship; as, to ship seamen.
  • (v. t.) To receive on board ship; as, to ship a sea.
  • (v. t.) To put in its place; as, to ship the tiller or rudder.
  • (v. i.) To engage to serve on board of a vessel; as, to ship on a man-of-war.
  • (v. i.) To embark on a ship.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Some commentators have described his ship, now facing more delays after a decade in development, as little more than a Heath Robinson machine.
  • (2) Total costs of building the three missile destroyers in Australia will amount to more than $9bn, approximately three times the cost of buying the ships ready made from Spanish company Navantia, The Australian reported on Friday .
  • (3) The Italian coastguard ship Bruno Gregoracci docked in Malta at about 8am and dropped off two dozen bodies recovered from this weekend’s wreck, including children, according to Save the Children.
  • (4) There were members of the smuggling gang on the ship with walkie-talkies.
  • (5) Already Britain's electricity is becoming too dependent on gas brought in by ship through the Suez canal.
  • (6) The goal of the expedition, led by Prof Ken Takai of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, was to study the limits of life at deep-sea vents in the Cayman Trough as part of a round-the-world voyage of discovery by the research ship RV Yokosuka .
  • (7) The risk for gastric cancer and non-malignant respiratory disease among the workers of the coke shipping department was increased but the SMRs did not reach statistical significance.
  • (8) The plan to round up some business and ship away seemed sound.
  • (9) The US has stopped shipping military equipment out of Afghanistan , citing the risk to truckers from protests along part of the route in neighbouring Pakistan.
  • (10) Polish foreign affairs minister Radoslaw Sikorski has opposed the ships being handed over.
  • (11) The 61-year-old Canadian, who was one of the original founders of Greenpeace , was arrested last Sunday at Frankfurt airport at the request of Costa Rica, which wants to see him extradited over a 10-year-old charge of "violating ships traffic".
  • (12) I don’t do the social media myself, so who knows.” The Pentagon said the drone, also described as a “glider” or unmanned underwater vehicle, was deployed by civilian contractors aboard the USNS Bowditch, a scientific research ship.
  • (13) The main animal paramyxoviruses are parainfluenza 3 (agent of shipping fever) in cattle; NDV (cause of fowl pest) and Yucaipavirus in birds; Sendai and PVM in mice; Nariva virus in rodents; possibly bovinerespiratory syncytial virus; and SV5 and SV41 in monkeys.
  • (14) Vigils have been held in Cairo for the victims of EgyptAir flight 804 as a French navy ship headed to join the deep-sea search in the Mediterranean for the main wreckage and flight recorders.
  • (15) The source of the first outbreak was monkeys shipped from Africa; the origin of the second episode is unclear.
  • (16) Ships should be able to sail directly over the north pole by the middle of this century, considerably reducing the costs of trade between Europe and China but posing new economic, strategic and environmental challenges for governments, according to scientists.
  • (17) Rob DiGiovanni, who heads a marine mammal rescue group on Long Island, said he was seeing "more evidence of ship strikes and that's definitely a concern".
  • (18) An improved membrane filtration procedure for use on board ship to enumerate Escherichia coli and Group D faecal streptococci in marine sediments is described.
  • (19) Official estimates suggest the number of small packages shipped into Europe more than quadrupled from 26m in 2000 to 115m two years ago.
  • (20) The survey ship has been used in the Gulf of Aden monitoring the Somali coastline, as well as scientific missions such as mapping the seabed of the Persian Gulf.