What's the difference between freedom and mobile?



  • (n.) The state of being free; exemption from the power and control of another; liberty; independence.
  • (n.) Privileges; franchises; immunities.
  • (n.) Exemption from necessity, in choise and action; as, the freedom of the will.
  • (n.) Ease; facility; as, he speaks or acts with freedom.
  • (n.) Frankness; openness; unreservedness.
  • (n.) Improper familiarity; violation of the rules of decorum; license.
  • (n.) Generosity; liberality.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) They had learned through hard experience what Frederick Douglass once taught -- that freedom is not given, it must be won, through struggle and discipline, persistence and faith.
  • (2) An unusually high degree of motional freedom is found for both these spin-labels, even in gel phase bilayers.
  • (3) Pickles said that to restore its public standing, the corporation needed to be more transparent, including opening itself up to freedom of information requests.
  • (4) Based on our experience with the mark I prosthesis we have designed and developed a mark II model which has freedom of axial rotation of the saddle.
  • (5) To settle the case, Apple and the four publishers offered a range of commitments to the commission that will include the termination of current agency agreements, and, for two years, giving ebook retailers the freedom to set their own prices for ebooks.
  • (6) The dispute is rooted in the recent erosion of many of the freedoms Egyptians won when they rose up against Mubarak in a stunning, 18-day uprising.
  • (7) To organise society as an individualistic war of one against another was barbaric, while the other models, slavishly following the rules of one religion or one supreme leader, denied freedom.
  • (8) From these experiments, we conclude that the surface-modified polyurethane blend is superior to Biomer polyurethane in blood compatibility and in freedom from thromboembolic risk.
  • (9) Although the debate in the US has led to some piecemeal reforms – including the USA Freedom Act and modest policy changes – many of the most intrusive government surveillance programs remain largely intact.
  • (10) Wright said that he was told the other two pages of documents were not provided because of freedom of information subsections concerning privacy, "sources and methods," and that can "put someone's life in danger."
  • (11) The right of people to get together in pursuit of shared interests or purposes is one of the building blocks of freedom.
  • (12) The values of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and the respect for human rights are absolutely fundamental to the European Union.
  • (13) I could walk around more freely than in North Korea, but it was very apparent I was being watched.” The country consistently sits at the bottom of global freedom rankings, in the company of North Korea and Eritrea.
  • (14) The relaxation times are considerably increased by binding to albumin, indicating less motional freedom of the molecules in the bound state.
  • (15) The reasoning in Rust v Sullivan allows government to limit freedom of speech in federally funded programs.
  • (16) The Florida senator on Wednesday signed on to legislation that would delay the implementation of the sweeping surveillance reforms passed by Congress under the USA Freedom Act.
  • (17) Kim Kardashian: Hollywood could benefit from a sharper script and more willingness – or freedom, which may be the issue given the game’s official status – to poke at the culture it’s representing.
  • (18) So Huck Finn floats down the great river that flows through the heart of America, and on this adventure he is accompanied by the magnificent figure of Jim, a runaway slave, who is also making his bid for freedom.
  • (19) Furthermore, long-term clinical benefit is suggested by the high freedom from coronary surgery, myocardial infarction, and death in the patients who underwent successful revascularization.
  • (20) The Freedom Act ultimately sped to passage in the House on May 22 by a bipartisan 303-121 vote .



  • (a.) Capable of being moved; not fixed in place or condition; movable.
  • (a.) Characterized by an extreme degree of fluidity; moving or flowing with great freedom; as, benzine and mercury are mobile liquids; -- opposed to viscous, viscoidal, or oily.
  • (a.) Easily moved in feeling, purpose, or direction; excitable; changeable; fickle.
  • (a.) Changing in appearance and expression under the influence of the mind; as, mobile features.
  • (a.) Capable of being moved, aroused, or excited; capable of spontaneous movement.
  • (a.) The mob; the populace.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It was found that linear extrapolations of log k' versus ET(30) plots to the polarity of unmodified aqueous mobile phase gave a more reliable value of log k'w than linear regressions of log k' versus volume percent.
  • (2) The mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is anomalous since the undenatured, cross-linked proteins have the same Stokes radius as the native, uncross-linked alpha beta gamma heterotrimer.
  • (3) It is likely that trunk mobility is necessary to maintain integrity of SI joint and that absence of such mobility compromises SI joint structure in many paraplegics.
  • (4) Their particular electrophoretic mobility was retained.
  • (5) This mobilization procedure allowed transfer and expression of pJT1 Ag+ resistance in E. coli C600.
  • (6) A substance with a chromatographic mobility of Rf = 0.8 on TLC plates having an intact phosphorylcholine head group was also formed but has not yet been identified.
  • (7) The following model is suggested: exogenous ATP interacts with a membrane receptor in the presence of Ca2+, a cascade of events occurs which mobilizes intracellular calcium, thereby increasing the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration which consequently opens the calcium-activated K+ channels, which then leads to a change in membrane potential.
  • (8) Sequence specific binding of protein extracts from 13 different yeast species to three oligonucleotide probes and two points mutants derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA binding proteins were tested using mobility shift assays.
  • (9) The molecule may already in its native form have an extended conformation containing either free sulfhydryl groups or small S-S loops not affecting mobility in SDS-PAGE.
  • (10) Furthermore, carcinoembryonic antigen from the carcinoma tissue was found to have the same electrophoretical mobility as the UEA-I binding glycoproteins.
  • (11) There was immediate resolution of paresthesia following mobilization of the impinging vessel from the nerve.
  • (12) The last stems from trends such as declining birth rate, an increasingly mobile society, diminished importance of the nuclear family, and the diminishing attractiveness of professions involved with providing maintenance care.
  • (13) In order to obtain the most suitable mobile phase, we studied the influence of pH and acetonitrile content on the capacity factor (k').
  • (14) Here is the reality of social mobility in modern Britain.
  • (15) This includes cutting corporation tax to 20%, the lowest in the G20, and improving our visa arrangements with a new mobile visa service up and running in Beijing and Shanghai and a new 24-hour visa service on offer from next summer.
  • (16) The toxins preferentially attenuate a slow phase of KCl-evoked glutamate release which may be associated with synaptic vesicle mobilization.
  • (17) Heparitinase I (EC, an enzyme with specificity restricted to the heparan sulfate portion of the polysaccharide, releases fragments with the electrophoretic mobility and the structure of heparin.
  • (18) The transference by conjugation of protease genetic information between Proteus mirabilis strains only occurs upon mobilization by a conjugative plasmid such as RP4 (Inc P group).
  • (19) Lady Gaga is not the first big music star to make a new album available early to mobile customers.
  • (20) Moreover, it is the recombinant p70 polypeptides of slowest mobility that coelute with S6 kinase activity on anion-exchange chromatography.