What's the difference between gang and similar?



  • (v. i.) To go; to walk.
  • (v. i.) A going; a course.
  • (v. i.) A number going in company; hence, a company, or a number of persons associated for a particular purpose; a group of laborers under one foreman; a squad; as, a gang of sailors; a chain gang; a gang of thieves.
  • (v. i.) A combination of similar implements arranged so as, by acting together, to save time or labor; a set; as, a gang of saws, or of plows.
  • (v. i.) A set; all required for an outfit; as, a new gang of stays.
  • (v. i.) The mineral substance which incloses a vein; a matrix; a gangue.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We ganged up against the tweed-suited, pipe-smoking brigade.
  • (2) There were members of the smuggling gang on the ship with walkie-talkies.
  • (3) In June, a notorious elephant poacher led a gang of bandits in an attack on the Okapi wildlife reserve in DRC, killing seven people.
  • (4) A focus on preventing children from joining gangs in the first place, as well as on offering gang members the access to education and employment that they have been lacking is more likely to be effective.
  • (5) He praised the obvious disgust of local people in parts of south and west Manchester, where gang problems have been concentrated.
  • (6) In Britain you have all the things we have here – gangs, poverty, racism.
  • (7) There are no cases Money could uncover of people convicted for slipping a dodgy £1 into a vending machine or palming one off to their newsagent, but criminal gangs have been jailed for manufacturing fake coins.
  • (8) Facebook Twitter Pinterest ‘Our political leaders can’t bear to face the truth’: Camila Batmanghelidjh spoke to the Guardian’s Patrick Butler in July “So you can understand that I am taken aback by allegations which now present themselves, about which I knew nothing.” Kids Company, set up by the charismatic Batmanghelidjh in 1996, was known to have the firm support of David Cameron for its work on gang violence and disadvantaged children.
  • (9) As the gangs fragmented, many increasingly focused on extortion, kidnapping and human trafficking.
  • (10) This is how powerful a hold it has over them.” Mossino, who works with refugees and asylum seekers as well as victims of trafficking, says that in the past decade the trade in Nigerian women has become a hugely profitable and ruthless criminal industry, controlled largely by Nigerian gangs that took root in Italy in the 1980s.
  • (11) Experts and activists have said the murder bore all the hallmarks of Egypt’s notorious secret service, but Egyptian officials have consistently put forward alternative theories, including that Regeni was killed by a criminal gang and that his death was an isolated incident.
  • (12) Senior government sources have confirmed the budget razor gang has the fuel tax credit (formerly known as the diesel fuel rebate) “firmly in its sights” – a scheme that rebates miners and farmers and others for the off-road use of diesel.
  • (13) Gang members were also involved in a handful of more serious incidents including the shooting incident in Birmingham.
  • (14) "We hope all relevant parties will do that which benefits peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, hope all sides will respond calmly and avoid exacerbating the situation," ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in the statement.
  • (15) "These are delicate times and we take a positive role," Yi Gang, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, told the Guardian today.
  • (16) The Brinks Mat gang, some with guns, surprised six security staff as they started the Saturday shift between 6.30am and 8.15am at the warehouse, on the Heathrow industrial estate at Hounslow.
  • (17) The Guardian recently revealed that the Danish government had been forced, on the eve of the Copenhagen summit , to rush through an emergency law making it impossible for criminal gangs to reclaim huge amounts of VAT on fraudulent trades they were making on Europe's various carbon exchanges.
  • (18) In August, the capital came to a standstill as terrified workers were forced to stay home after gang leaders orchestrated a forced public transport boycott by killing a dozen bus drivers in response to a crackdown by authorities against organised crime.
  • (19) The last big one was only in August this year, when seven young people were beaten up by a gang of 40 Nazis."
  • (20) They do not operate as a cohesive gang or a whipped party-within-a-party – not yet, anyway.



  • (a.) Exactly corresponding; resembling in all respects; precisely like.
  • (a.) Nearly corresponding; resembling in many respects; somewhat like; having a general likeness.
  • (a.) Homogenous; uniform.
  • (n.) That which is similar to, or resembles, something else, as in quality, form, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Similar experimental manipulation has yielded in vitro lines established from avian B-cell lymphomas expressing elevated levels of c-myc or v-rel.
  • (2) The distribution and configuration of the experimental ruptures were similar to those usually noted as complications of human myocardial infarction.
  • (3) The antiarrhythmic activity similar to that of quinidine (with ca.
  • (4) It is concluded that during exposure to simulated microgravity early signs of osteoporosis occur in the tibial spongiosa and that changes in the spongy matter of tubular bones and vertebrae are similar and systemic.
  • (5) within 12 h of birth followed by similar injections every day for 10 consecutive days and then every second day for a further 8 weeks, with mycoplasma broth medium (tolerogen), to induce immune tolerance.
  • (6) Nutritionally rehabilitated animals had similar numbers of nucleoli to control rats.
  • (7) These studies led to the following conclusions: (a) all the prominent NHP which remain bound to DNA are also present in somewhat similar proportions in the saline-EDTA, Tris, and 0.35 M NaCl washes of nuclei; (b) a protein comigrating with actin is prominent in the first saline-EDTA wash of nuclei, but present as only a minor band in the subsequent washes and on washed chromatin; (c) the presence of nuclear matrix proteins in all the nuclear washes and cytosol indicates that these proteins are distributed throughout the cell; (d) a histone-binding protein (J2) analogous to the HMG1 protein of K. V. Shooter, G.H.
  • (8) As a consequence, similar response curves were obtained for urine specimens containing morphine or barbiturates.
  • (9) The 1989 results were compared with those of a similar survey performed in 1986.
  • (10) We similarly evaluated the ability of other phospholipids to form stable foam at various concentrations and ethanol volume fractions and found: bovine brain sphingomyelin greater than dipalmitoyl 3-sn-phosphatidylcholine greater than egg sphingomyelin greater than egg lecithin greater than phosphatidylglycerol.
  • (11) The prevalence of 24.4% among Mexican American men was similar to that among men from other ethnic backgrounds.
  • (12) Because cystine in medium was converted rapidly to cysteine and cysteinyl-NAC in the presence of NAC and given that cysteine has a higher affinity for uptake by EC than cystine, we conclude that the enhanced uptake of radioactivity was in the form of cysteine and at least part of the stimulatory effect of NAC on EC glutathione was due to a formation of cysteine by a mixed disulfide reaction of NAC with cystine similar to that previously reported for Chinese hamster ovarian cells (R. D. Issels et al.
  • (13) Microionophoretically applied excitatory amino acids induced firing of extracellularly recorded single units in a tissue slice preparation of the mouse cochlear nucleus, and the similarly applied antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (2APV) was demonstrated to be a selective N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist.
  • (14) Although Jeggo's Chinese hamster ovary cells were more responsive to mAMSA, novo still abrogated mAMSA toxicity in the mutant cells as well as in the parental Chinese hamster ovary cells 2,4-Dinitrophenol acted similarly to novo with respect to mAMSA killing, but neither compound reduced the ATP content of V79 cells.
  • (15) Methanosphaera stadtmanae reduces methanol to CH4 in a similar way as Methanosarcina barkeri.
  • (16) This study compared the non-invasive vascular profiles, coagulation tests, and rheological profiles of 46 consecutive cases of low-tension glaucoma with 69 similarly unselected cases of high-tension glaucoma and 47 age-matched controls.
  • (17) Similarly, doses of deferoxamine at the time of the study were not different.
  • (18) In the presence of insulin, a qualitatively similar pattern of increasing responses to albumin is observed; the enhancement of each response by insulin is, however, only slightly potentiated by higher albumin concentrations.
  • (19) The specific activities of extracts from cells grown under phototrophic and aerobic conditions were similar and not affected by the concentration of iron in the growth media.
  • (20) The thermoregulatory responses of this American marsupial were, in most aspects, similar to those of Australian marsupials.

Words possibly related to "gang"