What's the difference between good and relieve?



  • (superl.) Possessing desirable qualities; adapted to answer the end designed; promoting success, welfare, or happiness; serviceable; useful; fit; excellent; admirable; commendable; not bad, corrupt, evil, noxious, offensive, or troublesome, etc.
  • (superl.) Possessing moral excellence or virtue; virtuous; pious; religious; -- said of persons or actions.
  • (superl.) Kind; benevolent; humane; merciful; gracious; polite; propitious; friendly; well-disposed; -- often followed by to or toward, also formerly by unto.
  • (superl.) Serviceable; suited; adapted; suitable; of use; to be relied upon; -- followed especially by for.
  • (superl.) Clever; skillful; dexterous; ready; handy; -- followed especially by at.
  • (superl.) Adequate; sufficient; competent; sound; not fallacious; valid; in a commercial sense, to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; having pecuniary ability; of unimpaired credit.
  • (superl.) Real; actual; serious; as in the phrases in good earnest; in good sooth.
  • (superl.) Not small, insignificant, or of no account; considerable; esp., in the phrases a good deal, a good way, a good degree, a good share or part, etc.
  • (superl.) Not lacking or deficient; full; complete.
  • (superl.) Not blemished or impeached; fair; honorable; unsullied; as in the phrases a good name, a good report, good repute, etc.
  • (n.) That which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.; -- opposed to evil.
  • (n.) Advancement of interest or happiness; welfare; prosperity; advantage; benefit; -- opposed to harm, etc.
  • (n.) Wares; commodities; chattels; -- formerly used in the singular in a collective sense. In law, a comprehensive name for almost all personal property as distinguished from land or real property.
  • (adv.) Well, -- especially in the phrase as good, with a following as expressed or implied; equally well with as much advantage or as little harm as possible.
  • (v. t.) To make good; to turn to good.
  • (v. t.) To manure; to improve.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Patients with papillary carcinoma with a good cell-mediated immune response occurred with much lower infiltration of the tumor boundary with lymphocyte whereas the follicular carcinoma less cell-mediated immunity was associated with dense lymphocytic infiltration, suggesting the biological relevance of lymphocytic infiltration may be different for the two histologic variants.
  • (2) There was appreciable variation in toothbrush wear among subjects, some reducing their brush to a poor state in 2 weeks whereas with others the brush was rated as "good" after 10 weeks.
  • (3) The predicted non-Lorentzian line shapes and widths were found to be in good agreement with experimental results, indicating that the local orientational order (called "packing" by many workers) in the bilayers of small vesicles and in multilamellar membranes is substantially the same.
  • (4) I want to get some good insight before I make my decision,” said Hiddink.
  • (5) In cardiac tissue the adenylate system is not a good indicator of the energy state of the mitochondrion, even when the concentrations of AMP and free cytosolic ADP are calculated from the adenylate kinase and creatine kinase equilibria.
  • (6) Squadron Leader Kevin Harris, commander of the Merlins at Camp Bastion, the main British base in Helmand, praised the crews, adding: "The Merlins will undergo an extensive programme of maintenance and cleaning before being packed up, ensuring they return to the UK in good order."
  • (7) This new observation offers good possibilities to study the metabolism of tryptophan at the cellular level.
  • (8) "We have a good reputation, so this won't affect us at all.
  • (9) Hoursoglou thinks a shortage of skilled people with a good grounding in core subjects such as maths and science is a potential problem for all manufacturers.
  • (10) She was organised, good with people, very grown up and quickly proved herself to be indispensable.
  • (11) Reasonably good agreement is seen between theoretical apparent rate-vesicle concentration relationships and those measured experimentally.
  • (12) Critics say he is unelectable as prime minister and will never be able to implement his plans, but he has nonetheless pulled attention back to an issue that many thought had gone away for good.
  • (13) In addition to the 89 cases of sudden and unexpected death before the age of 50 (preceded by some modification of the patient's life style in 29 cases), 11 cases were symptomatic and 5 were transplanted with a good result.
  • (14) A conventional liquid chromatograph with a low capacity column and a conductimetric detector is used to analyze aerosols of Cl-, Br-, NO-3 and SO=4 with good results.
  • (15) "We do not think the Astra management have done a good job on behalf of shareholders.
  • (16) Good fixation was obtained in 4 cases using Steffee's devices.
  • (17) Richard Hill, deputy chief executive at the Homes & Communities Agency , said: "As social businesses, housing associations already have a good record of re-investing their surpluses to build new homes and improve those of their existing tenants.
  • (18) The aim of the present study was to bring forward data of acceptance of dental treatment for 3-16-yr-old children in a population with good dental health and annual dental care, and to evaluate the influence on acceptance of age, sex, residential area, and previous experience and present need of dental treatment.
  • (19) Communicating sustainability is a subtle attempt at doing good Read more And yet, in environmental terms it is infinitely preferable to prevent waste altogether, rather than recycle it.
  • (20) Faisal Abu Shahla, a senior official in Fatah, an organisation responsible for a good deal of repression of its own when it was in power, accuses Hamas of holding 700 political prisoners in Gaza as part of a broad campaign to suppress dissent.



  • (v. t.) To lift up; to raise again, as one who has fallen; to cause to rise.
  • (v. t.) To cause to seem to rise; to put in relief; to give prominence or conspicuousness to; to set off by contrast.
  • (v. t.) To raise up something in; to introduce a contrast or variety into; to remove the monotony or sameness of.
  • (v. t.) To raise or remove, as anything which depresses, weighs down, or crushes; to render less burdensome or afflicting; to alleviate; to abate; to mitigate; to lessen; as, to relieve pain; to relieve the wants of the poor.
  • (v. t.) To free, wholly or partly, from any burden, trial, evil, distress, or the like; to give ease, comfort, or consolation to; to give aid, help, or succor to; to support, strengthen, or deliver; as, to relieve a besieged town.
  • (v. t.) To release from a post, station, or duty; to put another in place of, or to take the place of, in the bearing of any burden, or discharge of any duty.
  • (v. t.) To ease of any imposition, burden, wrong, or oppression, by judicial or legislative interposition, as by the removal of a grievance, by indemnification for losses, or the like; to right.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These results show that lipo-PGI2 at a very low dose would be beneficial as a treatment for relieving the clinical symptoms of chronic cerebral infarction and that lipid microspheres are a useful drug carrier for PGI2 analogue therapy.
  • (2) Current recommendations regarding contraception in patients with diabetes are not appropriate for the adolescent population and therefore tend to support this phenomenon rather than relieve it.
  • (3) In addition, the menisci increase the femorotibial contact area, thereby relieving some of the pressure.
  • (4) Arrhythmias were controlled without the need of drug therapy in 2 cases and the clinical symptoms were relieved in 1 case after shocks.
  • (5) Ultrasonic fragmentation through the pars plana is a quick and easy method for relieving the condition.
  • (6) The following examinations could be proposed: in high risk cases determined before pregnancy, a chorionic villus sampling should be done between the 9th and 11th weeks of gestation; in low risk cases such as advanced maternal age, a first trimester chorionic villus sampling or a second trimester amniocentesis could be chosen; in the case of Down's syndrome, warning signs, for example ultrasonographic or biological parameters, a second trimester placental biopsy to relieve the parents' anxiety; in high risk cases such as ultrasonographic malformations, late placental biopsy or cordocentesis.
  • (7) Pain relieved by antacids, age above 40 years, previous peptic ulcer disease, male sex, symptoms provoked by berries, and night pain relieved by antacids and food were found to predict organic dyspepsia with a sensitivity and specificity of approximately 70%, when applied on the observed material.
  • (8) In spite of this fundamental disagreement, they were both relieved that President Obama has suspended his plan to launch missiles against Syria .
  • (9) The procedure appears to relieve papilledema by filtering small quantities of cerebrospinal fluid into the orbit.
  • (10) In 2 cases, sublingual nitroglycerin failed to completely relieve the spasm.
  • (11) Euthanasia – killing someone painlessly, usually to relieve suffering – is also illegal.
  • (12) Symptoms were relieved following posterior decompression and fusion from L5 to S1.
  • (13) The austerity programmes administered by western governments in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis were, of course, intended as a remedy, a tough but necessary course of treatment to relieve the symptoms of debts and deficits and to cure recession.
  • (14) He had no business getting to that ball ahead of the full-back, who will be mightily relieved.
  • (15) Following this combination procedure the patients were relieved completely of obstructive jaundice and right upper quadrant pain, leaving only small trocar insertion scars made during the short course of hospitalization.
  • (16) The medicinal therapy of osteoarthritis is based on the use of analgesics, NSAIDs and corticosteroids to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • (17) The characteristic signs and symptoms represent the triad of a pulsatile mass in the upper part of the abdomen, intermittent hemorrhage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and severe epigastralgia not relieved by antacids.
  • (18) Examination of the inhibitory effect of ATP using oligo(dA)12-18 as well as activated DNA as primers revealed that (a) ATP inhibition is not due to its addition onto a 3'-OH primer terminus ad judged by the lack of incorporation of labeled ATP, although under similar conditions incorporation of GTP can be demonstrated, (b) a consistent degree of inhibition was noted independent of primer or enzyme concentration; (c) addition of ATP to an ongoing reaction promptly reduces the rate of polymerization; (d) kinetic studies indicate a competitive (with respect to substrate deoxy triphosphate) pattern of inhibition; (e) addition of excess deoxyribotriphosphate promptly relieves the inhibition.
  • (19) The results suggest that the pantethine relieves the effect of dosed AL on the drug-metabolizing system in rat liver.
  • (20) "Richard only finished the music today," said Croall, who seemed deeply relieved that he'd made the deadline on Saturday.