What's the difference between group and single?



  • (n.) A cluster, crowd, or throng; an assemblage, either of persons or things, collected without any regular form or arrangement; as, a group of men or of trees; a group of isles.
  • (n.) An assemblage of objects in a certain order or relation, or having some resemblance or common characteristic; as, groups of strata.
  • (n.) A variously limited assemblage of animals or plants, having some resemblance, or common characteristics in form or structure. The term has different uses, and may be made to include certain species of a genus, or a whole genus, or certain genera, or even several orders.
  • (n.) A number of eighth, sixteenth, etc., notes joined at the stems; -- sometimes rather indefinitely applied to any ornament made up of a few short notes.
  • (n.) To form a group of; to arrange or combine in a group or in groups, often with reference to mutual relation and the best effect; to form an assemblage of.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A group of interested medical personnel has been identified which has begun to work together.
  • (2) Once treatment began, no significant changes occurred in Group 1, but both PRA and A2 rose significantly in Groups 2 and 3.
  • (3) This trend appeared to reverse itself in the low dose animals after 3 hr, whereas in the high dose group, cardiac output continued to decline.
  • (4) All transplants were performed using standard techniques, the operation for the two groups differing only as described above.
  • (5) after operation for hip fracture, and merits assessment in other high-risk groups of patients.
  • (6) Seventeen patients (Group 1) had had no previous surgery, while 13 (Group 2) had had multiple previous operations.
  • (7) The effects of sessions, individual characteristics, group behavior, sedative medications, and pharmacological anticipation, on simple visual and auditory reaction time were evaluated with a randomized block design.
  • (8) Urinary ANF immunoreactivity was significantly enhanced by candoxatril in both groups (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01 in groups 1 and 2, respectively), with a more pronounced effect evident at the higher dose (P less than 0.01).
  • (9) The second group only with Haloperidol (same dose).
  • (10) A change in the pattern of care of children with IDDM, led to a pronounced decrease in hospital use by this patient group.
  • (11) If the method was taken into routine use in a diagnostic laboratory, the persistence of reverse passive haemagglutination reactions would enable grouping results to be checked for quality control purposes.
  • (12) We considered the days of the disease and the persistence of symptoms since the admission as peculiar parameters between the two groups.
  • (13) A group I subset (six animals), for which predominant cultivable microbiota was described, had a mean GI of 2.4.
  • (14) The half-life of 45Ca in the various calcium fractions of both types of bone was 72 hours in both the control and malnourished groups except the calcium complex portion of the long bone of the control group, which was about 100 hours.
  • (15) Between 22 HLA-identical siblings and 16 two-haplotype different siblings, a significant difference in concordance of reactions for the B-cell groups was noted.
  • (16) The cumulative incidence of grade II and III acute GVHD in the 'low dose' cyclosporin group was 42% compared to 51% in the 'standard dose' group (P = 0.60).
  • (17) The intrauterine mean active pressure (MAP) in the nulliparous group was 1.51 kPa (SD 0.45) in the first stage and 2.71 kPa (SD 0.77) in the second stage.
  • (18) Biden will meet with representatives from six gun groups on Thursday, including the NRA and the Independent Firearms Owners Association, which are both publicly opposed to stricter gun-control laws.
  • (19) Another interested party, the University of Miami, had been in talks with the Beckham group over the potential for a shared stadium project.
  • (20) However, the groups often paused less and responded faster than individual rats working under identical conditions.



  • (a.) One only, as distinguished from more than one; consisting of one alone; individual; separate; as, a single star.
  • (a.) Alone; having no companion.
  • (a.) Hence, unmarried; as, a single man or woman.
  • (a.) Not doubled, twisted together, or combined with others; as, a single thread; a single strand of a rope.
  • (a.) Performed by one person, or one on each side; as, a single combat.
  • (a.) Uncompounded; pure; unmixed.
  • (a.) Not deceitful or artful; honest; sincere.
  • (a.) Simple; not wise; weak; silly.
  • (v. t.) To select, as an individual person or thing, from among a number; to choose out from others; to separate.
  • (v. t.) To sequester; to withdraw; to retire.
  • (v. t.) To take alone, or one by one.
  • (v. i.) To take the irrregular gait called single-foot;- said of a horse. See Single-foot.
  • (n.) A unit; one; as, to score a single.
  • (n.) The reeled filaments of silk, twisted without doubling to give them firmness.
  • (n.) A handful of gleaned grain.
  • (n.) A game with but one player on each side; -- usually in the plural.
  • (n.) A hit by a batter which enables him to reach first base only.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The influence of the various concepts for the induction of lateral structure formation in lipid membranes on integral functional units like ionophores is demonstrated by analysing the single channel current fluctuations of gramicidin in bimolecular lipid membranes.
  • (2) Renal micropuncture and microdissection techniques with ultramicro fluid analysis have been applied to evaluate single nephron function in the skate, Raja erinacea.
  • (3) Single-case experimental designs are presented and discussed from several points of view: Historical antecedents, assessment of the dependent variable, internal and external validity and pre-experimental vs experimental single-case designs.
  • (4) Microionophoretically applied excitatory amino acids induced firing of extracellularly recorded single units in a tissue slice preparation of the mouse cochlear nucleus, and the similarly applied antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (2APV) was demonstrated to be a selective N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist.
  • (5) The coefficient of variation in the integrated area of a single peak is 16%.
  • (6) The diffusion of Myocamicin in the prostatic tissue of patients undergoing prostatectomy after a single oral dose of 600 mg has been studied.
  • (7) Infection with opportunistic organisms, either singly or in combination, is known to occur in immunocompromised patients.
  • (8) Radioligand binding studies revealed the presence of a single class of high-affinity (Kd = 2-6 X 10(-10) M) binding sites for ET-1 in both cells, although the maximal binding capacity of cardiac receptor was about 6- to 12-fold greater than that of vascular receptor.
  • (9) Pituitary weight, mitotic index and chromosomes were studied in male rats following a single or repeated dose of estradiol-benzoate for a total period of 210 days.
  • (10) The manufacturers, British Aerospace describe it as a "single-seat, radar equipped, lightweight, multi-role combat aircraft, providing comprehensive air defence and ground attack capability".
  • (11) Cop rats, however, possess a single 'suppressor' gene which confers complete resistance to mammary cancer.
  • (12) Comparison if single injections of MSB and atropine in normal subjects also demonstrated a more reliable dose-response relationship with MSB.
  • (13) Since interferon alfa-2b (Intron A) is useful as a single agent, it is important to determine if interferon can be combined with standard chemotherapy to improve both response and survival in patients with cancer.
  • (14) This suggests that Mg2+ accelerated both reactions from a single class of site.
  • (15) In crosses between inverted repeats, a single intrachromatid reciprocal exchange leads to inversion of the sequence between the crossover sites and recovery of both genes involved in the event.
  • (16) Median effect analysis was applied for the evaluation of in vitro effect by the growth inhibition, and the in vivo effect by comparison of the increase of life span (ILS) in a combined group with the sum of ILS's in 2 single agent groups.
  • (17) Certainly, Saunders did not land a single blow that threatened to stop his opponent, although he took quite a few himself that threatened his titles in the final few rounds.
  • (18) The results indicated that roughly 25% of patients treated in this way will become hypothyroid after 5 years and that 85% are cured (need no further therapy during the follow-up period) using a single dose of iodine-131.
  • (19) In the triploids, the 40 female chromosomes present (mouse, n = 20) were derived from a single diploid pronucleus formed after the extrusion of a first polar body, and following the monospermic fertilization of primary oocytes.
  • (20) Such an approach to investigations into subclinical mastitis is not feasible by means of either single- or double-parameter techniques.