What's the difference between heinous and veinous?



  • (a.) Hateful; hatefully bad; flagrant; odious; atrocious; giving great great offense; -- applied to deeds or to character.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But to treat a mistake as an automatic disqualification for advancement – even as heinous a mistake as presiding over a botched operation that resulted in the killing of an innocent man – could be depriving organisations, and the country, of leaders who have been tested and will not make the same mistake again.
  • (2) Now the referee is over giving Jose Mourinho a ticking-off for the heinous crime of leaving his technical area to give instruction to Chivu.
  • (3) It’s a reasonable question, given that its leaders and foot soldiers have, by their heinous acts, made clear that the prospect of indictment is an irrelevance.
  • (4) One man, who declined to be named as he was reporting for jury duty at the courthouse, said the trial would be a chance to show the world what American justice means, even for the most heinous of crimes.
  • (5) The secretary of state, Hillary Clinton , said: "The United States is deeply disappointed … Today, we remember those whose lives were lost on 21 December 1988 and we extend our deepest sympathies to the families who live each day with the loss of their loved ones due to this heinous crime."
  • (6) Evidence indicates that local political networks were involved in the planning and execution of a heinous crime.
  • (7) Each decade in Britain appears to contain a symbolic, heinous murder – a crime so awful that it reflects a nation’s pathologies as well as its fears.
  • (8) Addressing a group of veterans in Houston, he said there was "no doubt who was responsible for this heinous use of chemical weapons in Syria: the Syrian regime".
  • (9) We’re not here to argue it wasn’t a heinous act against men who dedicated their lives to the church,” he said.
  • (10) Within hours of their death, Egyptian authorities accused them of being part of a gang of thieves that targeted foreigners, and an alleged house raid linked them to a heinous act : the torture and murder of an Italian researcher named Giulio Regeni .
  • (11) "[The ISI] will leave no stone unturned in helping to bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice," it said.
  • (12) There is nothing in Islam that could justify such heinous acts , and none of those involved in this particular crime cited Islam as their motive.
  • (13) But now, when motivation and depth of “heinous and cruel” behaviour are directly at issue, the personality of Tamerlan Tsarnaev is the biggest mitigating factor .
  • (14) The Muslim Brotherhood's leader, Mohamed Badie, had earlier stoked tensions by calling Sisi's overthrow of Morsi a more heinous crime than the destruction of Islam's most sacred shrine.
  • (15) "It is becoming clear that it comes down simply to which side of the county line you were standing in when you committed a murder that can put you on death row – it's nothing to do with the heinousness of the crime.
  • (16) The regime of Bashar al-Assad stands accused of a heinous attack using chemical weapons, on 21 August, in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta.
  • (17) Last year, days after the Assad regime's heinous gas attacks had killed hundreds, it was revealed that the CIA had helped Saddam Hussein with his own chemical weapons slaughter in 1988.
  • (18) Claims that boys were murdered by VIP sex ring are credible and true - police Read more “I denied all and each of the allegations in turn [to police] and in detail and categorised them as false and untrue and, in whole, a heinous calumny,” said Proctor’s statement.
  • (19) I feel quite happy to be asking whether there are certain ways of behaving with the privilege that your life has given you that might be less helpful to the rest of society.” Also inescapable, and uncomfortable, was the fact that, for all their revolting views - and ultimately heinous acts that play out in that room of the country pub, the boys were actually rather fun – their jokes were funny, they were clever and charming.
  • (20) "The president commiserates with all the families who lost loved ones in the heinous attacks and extends his heartfelt sympathies to all those who suffered injuries or lost their properties during the wanton assaults on Bauchi and Kaduna States," said a statement.



  • (a.) Marked with veins; veined; veiny.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The chemical composition of the grafted veins was different from that of the nongrafted, controlateral saphenous veins suggesting a molecular remodeling of the grafted veinous wall.
  • (2) Phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system (RES) and blood cholinesterase activity were determined in male rats after veinous administrations of carbaryl and 1-naphthol, a carbaryl metabolite.
  • (3) The need for careful histological examination for lymphatic and veinous invasion is stressed by the presence of this finding in all four high risk patients with involved lymph nodes.
  • (4) Human umbilical veinous endothelial cells are cultured on artificial substrates precoated with extracellular matrix from bovine corneal endothelial cells.
  • (5) The leg had rapidly increased in volume and was apparently the site of a deep veinous thrombosis.
  • (6) About 4 cases of arterio-veinous malformations located within the occipito-cerebello-mesencephalic dihedral (which is this region of the brain including the cistern of Galen and the surrounding formations : the quadrigeminal bodies forwards, the splenium of the corpus callosum upwards, the upper face of the cerebellum and the pedonculus cerebellaris superior below) the authors related their own experience.
  • (7) In piglets, intraveinous infusion of somatostatin also did not change the jugular veinous plasma calcitonin concentration.
  • (8) In both cases the phlebography of the orbit shows an alteration of the orbital veinous blood flow, specially of the third segment of the superior orbital vein.
  • (9) The dorsal vein of penis in the male rat run into a retro-pubic veinous circle.
  • (10) In young calves receiving intraveinously a small dose of calcium to stimulate calcitonin release, intraveinous infusion of somatostatin did not significantly modify the jugular veinous plasma calcitonin levels measured by radioimmunoassay, using a porcine system which cross-reacts with bovine calcitonin.
  • (11) The slightest hydraulic imbalance due to the stasis, sets of a whole series of chain reactions that can rapidly become harmful, with chronic veinous deficiency setting in.
  • (12) Neosynthesis of elastin was considered as valid criteria for the adaptation of the veinous wall to the new (arterial circulatory) conditions.
  • (13) The use of adaptive linear neuron is referred to in recognizing veinous thromboses and lung embolism in a total of 88 acute palsies.
  • (14) This veinous malformation usually presents with pulmonary embolism due to migration of blood clot from the thrombosed aneurysmal sack.
  • (15) This study is based on the development of the surgical treatment of Klippel-Trenaunay's syndrome by means of an original technique which consists in the separation of the arterial system from the deep veinous system which we call: "Regional segmental skeletization".
  • (16) Hepatic echo-angiostructure: echo-anatomical study of the intraparenchymatous canal With a suitable technique (real time, grey scale) hepatic ultrasonography is able to display intraglandular ductal elements: portal veinous network, supra-hepatic veinous network, and, if enlarged intrahepatic biliary tree.
  • (17) It is therefore proved that the dog orthotopic hepatic transplantation may be done only be decompressing the veinous splanchnic system which is a technical simplification, avoiding particularly the temporary porto-cava anastomosis or the settlement of a second femoro-jugular shunt.
  • (18) Rupture occurs because the distended utero-placental arterial wall bursts under the insult of raised pressure during the uterine contraction; --intense; these anomalies come from total blockage, both veinous and arterial, and the arterial rupture is due to anoxaemic necrosis of the utero-placental arterial wall.
  • (19) Two of the common veinous-catheter systems are compared as for practicability.
  • (20) From the retro-pubic veinous circle, there is a triangular circulation between the internal pudendal vein, the anastomotic vein and the iliac vein.

Words possibly related to "veinous"