What's the difference between hoe and soe?



  • (n.) A tool chiefly for digging up weeds, and arranging the earth about plants in fields and gardens. It is made of a flat blade of iron or steel having an eye or tang by which it is attached to a wooden handle at an acute angle.
  • (n.) The horned or piked dogfish. See Dogfish.
  • (v. t.) To cut, dig, scrape, turn, arrange, or clean, with a hoe; as, to hoe the earth in a garden; also, to clear from weeds, or to loosen or arrange the earth about, with a hoe; as, to hoe corn.
  • (v. i.) To use a hoe; to labor with a hoe.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) HOE was the most active compound, being able to accelerate PIP2 breakdown at concentrations between 10(-12) and 10(-6) M, while in the case of HEE the effective doses ranged from 10(-11) to 10(-7) M and from 10(-9) to 10(-6) M in the case of HNE.
  • (2) The coding region for a secreted proteinaceous inhibitor of the human alpha-amylase (tendamistat; HOE 467) was identified by using a synthetic oligonucleotide probe.
  • (3) A carcinogenicity study with the LH-RH analog buserelin (HOE 766) was conducted in male and female Wistar rats.
  • (4) They show HOE 077 to be a promising agent for the inhibition of hepatic fibrosis.
  • (5) S 0885 and HOE 077 inhibit CCl4-induced liver fibrosis in rats, as shown by significantly reduced hydroxyproline content of the liver and improved liver histology.
  • (6) A double-blind cross-over study of the effects of HOE 760 (histamine H2-receptor blocker) on diazepam pharmacokinetics was conducted in 12 healthy men.
  • (7) In addition, the stability of the kinin antagonist, Hoe 140, in synovial fluid was compared with that of synthetic bradykinin.
  • (8) The addition of increasing concentrations of Hoe 760 to the histamine concentration-response curve caused a parallel rightward shift.
  • (9) However, the effect of intravenous Hoe 490 was only half as intense as that of HB 419 in the first hours after treatment and the effect of oral Hoe 490 was initially stronger and thereafter temporarily distinctly weaker than that of HB 419.
  • (10) Studies on absorption and distribution in both skin and organism, as well as on elimination and biotransformation were performed in rats, pigs, and rabbits following topical application of the corticoid prednisolone-17-ethyl carbonate-21-propionate (prednicarbate; test name: Hoe 777), which had been labeled with 14C in position 4 for this purpose.
  • (11) Mode of action studies were made with Hoe 296, a new synthetic antimycotic, mainly in Candida albicans.
  • (12) Treatment with ramipril plus the BK B2-receptor antagonist HOE 140 for 6 weeks significantly attenuated the antihypertensive effects of the ACE-inhibitor in 2K1C hypertensive WI rats, but not in 2K1C hypertensive BN-K rats and in SHR.
  • (13) Partial inhibition by relatively high concentrations of Hoe 296 of the respiratory activity of yeast cells or mitochondria therefrom with exogenous substrates can be explained by decreased uptake of the substrates from the medium.
  • (14) HOE 077 wa rapidly and completely absorbed after oral administration.
  • (15) Hoe 065 prevented the disruption of memory induced by scopolamine administered before training.
  • (16) Preincubation of the detector cells with Hoe 140 completely abolished this nitric oxide release.
  • (17) The organ distribution of the 125I-labelled (3-9)-heptapeptide fragments was similar to LH-RH, but not to Hoe 766.
  • (18) The decrease of cardiac activity in Rhesus monkeys amounted to 69% in 24 h, whereas proscillaridin A decreased cardiac activity only by 41% in 24 h. The absorption of HOE 040 from the duodenum of dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital amounted to 72%, whereas proscillaridin A is observed by only between 14 and 25%.
  • (19) We have developed a neutral human insulin (Hoe 21 GH) which is stabilized for use in implantable roller pumps.
  • (20) A radioimmunoassay for HOE 766 was developed using 125I[D-Trp6,Des-Gly10]GnRH ethylamide as tracer and an antiserum raised against HOE 766.



  • (n.) A large wooden vessel for holding water; a cowl.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The Meikhtila district chairman, Tin Maung Soe, said one Buddhist man was sentenced to five years' imprisonment on Thursday for causing grievous harm in connection with the killing of two Muslim men.
  • (2) Photograph: Aung Naing Soe For decades the government has sought to curb the ever-spiralling canine population with regular mass culls.
  • (3) In the group of participants with sensorineural hearing loss, the incidence of SOEs decreased linearly with increasing click threshold or the detection-threshold of evoked otoacoustic emission.
  • (4) Cross-tabulations demonstrated that only rapidity and loss of consciousness at onset were associated with the presence of a cardiac SOE to a significant degree.
  • (5) The country lost the king and queen, the heads of state,” said Soe Win.
  • (6) Since all three emitting monkeys belonged to the macaque genus, the present study was conducted in a group of 102 pigtail monkeys in an attempt to corroborate the incidence of SOEs in a readily available macaque species.
  • (7) Tin Maung Soe said most of the 73 people charged with crimes related to the rioting there are Buddhists.
  • (8) The amplitudes and frequencies of both SOEs and stimulus-frequency emissions (SFEs) were routinely recorded, while transiently evoked (EOE) and distortion-product emissions (DPEs), at the frequency 2f1-f2, were occasionally examined.
  • (9) Thai authorities have since arrested dozens of people, including a powerful mayor and a man named Soe Naing, otherwise known as Anwar, who was accused of being one of the trafficking kingpins in southern Thailand.
  • (10) These results demonstrate that the macaque monkey offers a unique nonhuman primate model for the study of SOE phenomena.
  • (11) Photograph: Aung Naing Soe for the Guardian Militancy in Rakhine state is not a recent phenomenon.
  • (12) In the normal population, the incidence of SOEs decreased from 68% in the group of infants less than 18 months old to 0% after the age of 70 years old.
  • (13) A genomic DNA analysis suggested that the majority of endogenous elements were close to full length in size and that the highly truncated sequences which we described previously (Soe et al., J. Virol.
  • (14) Soe Win has more modest goals: to see the country’s regal history acknowledged and discussed; the holding of royal ceremonies; and perhaps the restoration of the Golden Palace in Mandalay, destroyed by the British during the second world war and now mostly serving as a dusty barracks.
  • (15) Although these symptoms were highly specific for cardiac SOE, they were not sensitive.
  • (16) This examination revealed nine primates (9%) with SOEs with three demonstrating bilateral emissions.
  • (17) Diagnosis of embolic stroke is based on identification of a source of embolus (SOE) and on neurologic symptoms acknowledged as "clinical criteria."
  • (18) Criterion validity was measured by correlating SOE scores with multiple-choice examination (MCQ) and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) scores.
  • (19) On Tuesday the company admitted the names, email addresses and phone numbers of 25 million Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) customers were stolen in the attack, which also hit 77 million PlayStation Network gamers.
  • (20) An SOE consisting of four predetermined clinically oriented scenarios was administered to 23 second postgraduate year surgical residents.

Words possibly related to "hoe"

Words possibly related to "soe"