What's the difference between ill and nauseous?



  • (a.) Contrary to good, in a physical sense; contrary or opposed to advantage, happiness, etc.; bad; evil; unfortunate; disagreeable; unfavorable.
  • (a.) Contrary to good, in a moral sense; evil; wicked; wrong; iniquitious; naughtly; bad; improper.
  • (a.) Sick; indisposed; unwell; diseased; disordered; as, ill of a fever.
  • (a.) Not according with rule, fitness, or propriety; incorrect; rude; unpolished; inelegant.
  • (n.) Whatever annoys or impairs happiness, or prevents success; evil of any kind; misfortune; calamity; disease; pain; as, the ills of humanity.
  • (n.) Whatever is contrary to good, in a moral sense; wickedness; depravity; iniquity; wrong; evil.
  • (adv.) In a ill manner; badly; weakly.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Thirteen patients with bipolar affective illness who had received lithium therapy for 1-5 years were tested retrospectively for evidence of cortical dysfunction.
  • (2) Anti-corruption campaigners have already trooped past the €18.9m mansion on Rue de La Baume, bought in 2007 in the name of two Bongo children, then 13 and 16, and other relatives, in what some call Paris's "ill-gotten gains" walking tour.
  • (3) The patients should have received treatment for at least seven days and they should not be "ill".
  • (4) Acceptance of less than ideal donors is ill-advised even though rejection of such donors conflicts with the current shortage of organs.
  • (5) Patients were chronically ill homosexual men with multiple systemic opportunistic infections.
  • (6) Before issuing the ruling, the judge Shaban El-Shamy read a lengthy series of remarks detailing what he described as a litany of ills committed by the Muslim Brotherhood, including “spreading chaos and seeking to bring down the Egyptian state”.
  • (7) However, survival was closely related to the severity of the illness at the time of randomization and was not altered by shunting.
  • (8) Confidence is the major prerequisite for a doctor to be able to help his seriously ill patient.
  • (9) Another important factor, however, seems to be that patients, their families, doctors and employers estimate capacity of performance on account of the specific illness, thus calling for intensified efforts toward rehabilitation.
  • (10) It ignores the reduction in the wider, non-NHS cost of adult mental illness such as benefit payments and forgone tax, calculated by the LSE report as £28bn a year.
  • (11) Several dimensions of the outcome of 86 schizophrenic patients were recorded 1 year after discharge from inpatient index-treatment to complete a prospective study concerning the course of illness (rehospitalization, symptoms, employment and social contacts).
  • (12) The cyclical nature of pyromania has parallels in cycles of reform in standards of civil commitment (Livermore, Malmquist & Meehl, 1958; Dershowitz, 1974), in the use of physical therapies and medications (Tourney, 1967; Mora, 1974), in treatment of the chronically mentally ill (Deutsch, 1949; Morrissey & Goldman, 1984), and in institutional practices (Treffert, 1967; Morrissey, Goldman & Klerman (1980).
  • (13) In South Africa, health risks associated with exposure to toxic waste sites need to be viewed in the context of current community health concerns, competing causes of disease and ill-health, and the relative lack of knowledge about environmental contamination and associated health effects.
  • (14) The move comes as a poll found that 74% of people want doctors to be allowed to help terminally ill people end their lives.
  • (15) The start of clinical illness was the 5th month of life.
  • (16) The most difficult thing I've dealt with at work is ... the terminal illness of a valued colleague.
  • (17) Bipolar affective illness were more frequent in the families of bipolar than unipolar probands.
  • (18) This paper describes the demographic, clinical, and psychosocial characteristics of a sample of chronically mentally ill clients at a large comprehensive community mental health center.
  • (19) Cholecystectomy provided successful treatment in three of the four patients but the fourth was too ill to undergo an operation; in general, definitive treatment is cholecystectomy, together with excision of the fistulous tract if this takes a direct path through the abdominal wall from the gallbladder, or curettage if the course is devious.
  • (20) Whenever you are ill and a medicine is prescribed for you and you take the medicine until balance is achieved in you and then you put that medicine down.” Farrakhan does not dismiss the doctrine of the past, but believes it is no longer appropriate for the present.



  • (a.) Causing, or fitted to cause, nausea; sickening; loathsome; disgusting; exciting abhorrence; as, a nauseous drug or medicine.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Iget nauseous every time I hear the name Ralph Nader.
  • (2) Thirteen patients had to discontinue the treatment: 6 in the placebo group (inefficacy: 3 cases, anemia: 1 case, epigastric pain: 1 case, rash: 1 case) and 7 cases in the SI group (inefficacy: 2 cases, nauseous: 3 cases, abdominal pain: 1 case, moderate elevation of transaminases: 1 case).
  • (3) 1 woman stayed in the hospital overnight since she was nauseous and dizzy.
  • (4) Heidi was nauseous, slept all day and started craving citrus fruits and salty things.
  • (5) Thousands of British children exposed to illegal levels of air pollution Read more Even with a mask, 20 minutes outside could leave you feeling nauseous.
  • (6) 7 women still felt nauseous 3 days after leaving the hospital.
  • (7) But when Ensler began passing blood five years ago, and her stomach distended, and she suffered terrible indigestion, and felt nauseous, she decided not to pay attention.
  • (8) For these purposes, Senator Coleman served symbolically to represent all the evil in the world - the entire Republican party, the conscience of George Bush, the US government and the British government, too: no wonder his weak smile looked so nauseous.
  • (9) She feels "excited and nauseous" about the nomination, she says, and is finding the experience weirdly exposing.
  • (10) The initial lack of the protective nauseous and vomiting reflex and high tolerance, relative preservation of the quantitative control, no amnesia during drunkenness, temporal break between the formation of compulsive addiction and the abstinent syndrome, manifestation of compulsive addiction only in a state of alcoholic intoxication were recorded.
  • (11) She was still too nauseous to take the pills while she was in Mexico City, so she would have to take them in the United States.
  • (12) Twenty-seven per cent of patients anaesthetized with propanidid or etomidate were nauseous or vomited immediately postoperatively.
  • (13) In addition, the incidences of nausea and vomiting were significantly higher in the postoperative ward and at home with papaveretum, although no patient who had been given the drug was nauseous or vomited in the recovery area.
  • (14) The idea of breastfeeding, like a sow suckling a piglet, made me nauseous.
  • (15) And if you feel a bit nauseous by the end, or already, I can only apologise.
  • (16) He had these terrible symptoms, because he no longer had a stomach, he was always very nauseous and he had a feeding tube and just wasn't very well.
  • (17) During the observation period (mean time of 2.6 hours), 59 women reported pain, 55 were nauseous, and 26 vomited at least once.
  • (18) We found a significative reduction (P less than 0.001) in the incidence of vomiting and nauseousness duration when the antiemetic prophylaxis was used.
  • (19) But that doesn't mean we won't roll our eyes and feel severely nauseous reading credulous accounts like this, in today's New York Times, of how poor, burdened Bill Clinton felt so sad about signing that law and could barely even sleep, so... so troubled was his conscience: He had just flown across the country after an exhausting campaign day in Oregon and South Dakota, landing at the White House after dark.
  • (20) James Comey feels nauseous about the Clinton emails?

Words possibly related to "ill"