What's the difference between incorrigible and unalterable?



  • (a.) Not corrigible; incapable of being corrected or amended; bad beyond correction; irreclaimable; as, incorrigible error.
  • (n.) One who is corrigible; especially, a hardened criminal; as, the perpetual imprisonment of incorrigibles.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) He may be victim of an incorrigible cronyism, and his overdue attempt to reform Britain’s welfare state has left many rough edges, some of them inexcusable.
  • (2) But more importantly, the museum's exhibitions keep surfacing the "incorrigible plurality" – as the poet Louis MacNeice put it – of human beings and how that manifests in the communities, nation states and empires they build.
  • (3) Journalists have colluded in the self-pleasuring of Boris Johnson by obsessing over which side of the fence that incorrigible attention-seeker will fall.
  • (4) Police suspect global Project was actually made-up: a cover story or “legend” designed to disguise the real purpose of Kovtun and Lugovoi’s trip to London, which was to murder a man long regarded by the Kremlin as an incorrigible traitor.
  • (5) For a start, it is impossible: incorrigibility is the defining characteristic of the hardcore Kippers.
  • (6) Exarticulation according to Syme was resorted in order to cope with an incorrigible abnormal position of the foot and for leg length inequality.
  • (7) And there are entries that point to Peel as an incorrigible collector and tireless champion of the recherche: with all due respect to an oeuvre that included the piquant-sounding Fuckin' 4 Bucks and I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, how many albums by Washington DC splattercore pioneers the Accüsed does one man really need?
  • (8) But they are more or less ignorant, and it is that we call vice or virtue; the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."
  • (9) Eve Ensler and her incorrigible team have done so much to bring about this campaign.
  • (10) After she accused a neighbour of attempting to rape her, the 10-year-old Holiday, an incorrigible truant, was sent to a Catholic reform school until her mother secured her release.
  • (11) In fact, being drawn so narrowly from the category Occasion Wear, the costumes and photographs could scarcely have been better chosen to overlay memories of the surge of royal-blaming that Diana’s death inspired in 1997 – of her own reinvention as a global charity envoy and amateur healer, of her appointment as feminist heroine as well as tabloid goddess and, above all, of her magnificent achievements as the royal family’s incorrigible, lead tormentor.
  • (12) Continental Europeans often assume that England is, in its heart of oak, incorrigibly hostile to Europe.
  • (13) Later the infant will be operated, longer be will keep glottal stops may be incorrigible.
  • (14) It wasn't just that I was blind, which people seemed to find very interesting and therefore took a lot of notice of me, which as an incorrigible showoff I liked.
  • (15) He was described as seeming almost to be ‘obsessed with women’, and an ‘incorrigible womaniser’.” One female editorial member of the team gave evidence about “the almost daily sexual harassment” experienced at the hands of Hall.
  • (16) As trade secretary, he would be incorrigibly illiberal, refusing landing rights to Freddie Laker's Skytrain and being duly overruled by the high court.
  • (17) It can be traced back to Karl Jaspers who was the first to mention the three criteria of delusions, which are to be found in the textbooks ever since: (1) certainty, (2) incorrigibility, and (3) impossibility or falsity of content.
  • (18) As Marston sails for Europe, watching America recede into his past, Fitzgerald offers a closing meditation nearly as incantatory as the famous conclusion of Gatsby: "Watching the fading city, the fading shore, from the deck of the Majestic, he had a sense of overwhelming gratitude and of gladness that America was there, that under the ugly débris of industry the rich land still pushed up, incorrigibly lavish and fertile, and that in the heart of the leaderless people the old generosities and devotions fought on, breaking out sometimes in fanaticism and excess, but indomitable and undefeated.
  • (19) There's something incorrigibly Manchester about them in the same way that Happy Mondays are also typically Mancunian.
  • (20) Seven principles under Talmudic Law are discussed which were used by the Court to help determine whether or not an individual was in fact an incorrigible delinquent.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) As Nick Bostrom, the head of the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford and a leading transhumanist thinker puts it, transhumanism "challenges the premise that the human condition is and will remain essentially unalterable".
  • (2) After suppression of prolactin, statistically signific1nt circadian rhythms in PC and PA have been detected with a moderate decrease of PA concentration, while the PC level remained unalterated.
  • (3) The following resolutions were adopted:– "That we, a monster meeting of the Orangemen of Newtownards and of the surrounding districts, recognise, with gratitude, the exertions of our brethren in time past, and declare our unalterable determination to stand or fall by the principles of our Order in defence of Her Majesty the Queen and of the British Constitution.
  • (4) General distrust of genetic methodologies as well as the belief that genic disorders are unalterable appear to be salient factors in explaining the neglect of those areas by social scientists.
  • (5) Unalterable numerical and alphabetical symbols have been developed to apply a registration number to the animal.
  • (6) Oxygen consumption is usually considered to be predictable and unalterable at a fixed work intensity.
  • (7) We conclude that the preliminary diagnosis is frequently sufficiently certain to be unalterable by US.
  • (8) Who have that hunger for something permanent and unalterable?
  • (9) Comparison of the spermiograms of unalterably vasectomized men with findings from additional rinsings with physiological saline solution and nitrofurantoin showed that the instillation of the vas deferens leads to a swift, mechanically dependent, emptying of the distal sperm depot.
  • (10) Most of the toxicity is due to an indirect effect developed with unalterable electrodes in the presence of chlorides in the medium.
  • (11) He was an open and unsophisticated operator, whose chief characteristic was an unalterable commitment to his cause.
  • (12) At the beginning of a comprehensive and systematic therapy the panorama X-ray photograph is an unalterable requirement.
  • (13) If he fails to do this, his features become frozen and unalterable, like the Person, the mask of the classic Greek theatre.
  • (14) Analysis of the virus specific proteins by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that the synthesis of G1 was unalterable, and N was stimulated.
  • (15) Mental retardation is the major unalterable cause for failure to develop independence; some lesser emotional causes can be modified by encouragement.
  • (16) In this manner, newly found patients can be treated prophylactically before unalterable morbidity or mortality occurs.
  • (17) Although intrinsic, unalterable defects occur in the aging immune system and nonspecific host defenses, there are factors that physician and patient can concentrate on to reduce the risk of infection.
  • (18) This review identifies 10 unalterable, 6 conditionally alterable and 9 treatable characteristics which were found to be associated with an elevated risk.
  • (19) When the dilemma is unalterable, explaining this insoluble conflict-hives phenomenon to the patient will ameliorate symptoms.
  • (20) R56865 1 microM reduced the increase in resting tension produced by ouabain 300 microM and left unalterated the inotropic effect evoked by ouabain 3 and 300 microM that was reduced by higher concentrations (3 and 6 microM) of R56865.