What's the difference between lad and laud?



  • () p. p. of Lead, to guide.
  • (n.) A boy; a youth; a stripling.
  • (n.) A companion; a comrade; a mate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) To be fair to lads who find themselves just a bus ride from Auschwitz, a visit to the camp is now considered by many tourists to be a Holocaust "bucket list item", up there with the Anne Frank museum, where Justin Bieber recently delivered this compliment : "Anne was a great girl.
  • (2) They caught all three of them and then proceeded to let the two white lads go."
  • (3) This brings lads like 12-year-old Matthew Mason down from the magnificent studio his father Mark, from a coal-mining town ravaged by pit closures, lovingly built him in the back garden at Gants Hill, north-east London.
  • (4) As part of two Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Trials, we obtained angiographic patency data for internal mammary artery (IMA) and saphenous vein grafts to the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery at 1 year after coronary artery bypass surgery.
  • (5) Most patients had obstruction or severe stenosis of the proximal LAD coronary artery together with a poor runoff as demonstrated angiographically.
  • (6) LAD to LCCA collaterals serve as functionally significant bidirectional perfusion conduits, and monitoring of collateral perfusion development is practical by measuring the step reduction in LCCA flow upon abrupt release of an LAD occlusion.
  • (7) In a forth patient with occulsion of the LAD, there was no response to intracoronary NTG and mechanical recanalization was not attempted.
  • (8) In addition, Northern analysis of mRNA expression also demonstrated that the transfected LAD patient cells were expressing high quantities of exogenous beta subunit mRNA.
  • (9) And he enjoyed holding court to pretty girls and jolly lads at the Academy Club, a bohemian joint he founded next to his office.
  • (10) When the LAD perfusion was switched from aortic perfusion to the systolic one, the subendocardial PO2 decreased to 9.8 mmHg, on an average, in 1 to 2 min from the initial level of 18.9 mmHg obtained during the aortic perfusion.
  • (11) Group I (n = 7) had normal LAD, group II (n = 18) had LAD stenosis of varying degrees.
  • (12) 4) The unfolded map diagnosis with apical display obtained from long-axis tomogram was useful to diagnose left anterior descending coronary (LAD) lesion, which improve not only the sensitivity of LAD but also specificity of right coronary artery single vessel disease.
  • (13) The anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was partially occluded causing an average 71% reduction in its blood flow.
  • (14) They had a good threat up top with the two lads up front, who messed us around all day long to be honest.
  • (15) Six of 16 had stenosis of a single coronary artery [left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), four; right coronary artery (RCA), two]; four of six survived RVD.
  • (16) Ischaemia was produced by decreasing the perfusion blood flow of the LAD to 50% (moderate ischaemia) and 27% (severe ischemia) of normal.
  • (17) There are absolutely no egos and the Premier League boys are so welcoming and have made it easy to fit in both with the style of play and behind the scenes with the lads.
  • (18) To assess the validity of the quantitative 201Tl scintimetry in various diseases of the heart (coronary heart disease with and without myocardial infarction, non-coronary cardiomyopathy, scleroderma heart disease and asymmetric septal hypertrophy with IHSS), the 201Tl myocardial uptake values for five standardized projections (a) were correlated with the grade of LAD stenosis, (b) the pattern of myocardial wall motion and (c) were compared with the 201Tl uptake values derived from normal patients.
  • (19) The LAD regions of the same hearts served as untreated control myocardium.
  • (20) Everything happens for Alan Shearer - he's a lucky lad like that.



  • (v. i.) High commendation; praise; honor; exaltation; glory.
  • (v. i.) A part of divine worship, consisting chiefly of praise; -- usually in the pl.
  • (v. i.) Music or singing in honor of any one.
  • (v. i.) To praise in words alone, or with words and singing; to celebrate; to extol.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In Tirana, Francis lauded the mutual respect and trust between Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox Christians in Albania as a "precious gift" and a powerful symbol in today's world.
  • (2) When allegations of systemic doping and cover-ups first emerged in the runup to the 2013 Russian world athletics championships, an IOC spokesman insisted: “Anti-doping measures in Russia have improved significantly over the last five years with an effective, efficient and new laboratory and equipment in Moscow.” London Olympics were sabotaged by Russia’s doping, report says Read more We now know that the head of that lauded Moscow lab, Grigory Rodchenko, admitted to intentionally destroying 1,417 samples in December last year shortly before Wada officials visited.
  • (3) University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB), lauded by Hunt as one of the best in the world, is supporting two – George Eliot hospital in Nuneaton and Burton Hospitals NHS foundation trust.
  • (4) The fight against Britain's biggest killer diseases could be hit by NHS plans to cut the number of dedicated teams of experts widely lauded for their work to improve care, doctors and health charities have warned.
  • (5) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Obama’s thank-you notes 1) Red Hot Chili Peppers Carpool Karaoke Bare talent 2) Thank You Notes with President Obama Love, Potus 3) Irish fans serenade nun on train with ‘Our Father’ chant Lauding a sister 4) Disappointed guinea pig Pet lip 5) 10 Confusing Famous Movie Endings Finally explained All’s well that ends well 6) Pete’s Dragon - Official US Trailer Breathing new life into a classic 7) Brexit’s Farage Flotilla: The Movie Water carry on 8) Patience - 4k timelapse movie Beauty speeded up
  • (6) Innovations such as jam jar accounts, run by credit unions, have been much lauded, but where they have been offered take up has been low with many complaining about the complexity and costs involved.
  • (7) As well as World War Z, Plan B has also produced 12 Years A Slave , the much-lauded slave drama released in the UK on January 10.
  • (8) We've seen the film , read the book and lauded the General Manager, Billy Beane, for years.
  • (9) Obama's speech in Cairo on US relations with Muslims inspired a 3,500-word response from the retired Cuban leader in which he lauded Obama as a "very good communicator" with "impressive working capacity".
  • (10) In December, the chair of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, was lauded for raising interest rates just when everyone expected it.
  • (11) A year on from announcing the policy, the Singapore-based agribusiness was lauded in a report on deforestation-free supply chains (pdf) by the pro-transparency organisation CDP.
  • (12) The mourning period has caused controversy – while many laud him for his contributions to building Singapore into a wealthy city state, others have criticised his rule as one where the media was controlled and dissent was crushed.
  • (13) Stephen Hayes, a conservative commentator, lauded the damage-control exercise.
  • (14) He will still be lauded by those who enjoy this grotesque, sadistic sport, whatever his views on gay people or women.
  • (15) In September 1976, I appeared in a one-man show called Juvenalia , and it proved to be the surprise sensation of the fringe season that year, lauded with rare unanimity by all the major national newspapers.
  • (16) With a major strategic industry on the point of a collapse, the prime minister went on holiday , the chancellor was lying low after his catastrophic budget, and the business secretary had jetted off to laud the free market in an Australian casino.
  • (17) In the last year, the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, has lauded the "Chinese dream" as the next step in the country's social ambition.
  • (18) Joachim Nagel of the German Bundesbank lauded the Bank of China announcement as a "milestone on the road toward creating a renminbi trading centre in Frankfurt".
  • (19) Another shows crudely pencilled illustrations of their story, from an exhibition that lauded Zhang's fervour.
  • (20) "What I find most inspiring is how she expresses her sensuality," says Mara Carlyle, who made one of last year's most critically lauded albums, Floreat.

Words possibly related to "lad"