What's the difference between loud and reserved?



  • (superl.) Having, making, or being a strong or great sound; noisy; striking the ear with great force; as, a loud cry; loud thunder.
  • (superl.) Clamorous; boisterous.
  • (superl.) Emphatic; impressive; urgent; as, a loud call for united effort.
  • (superl.) Ostentatious; likely to attract attention; gaudy; as, a loud style of dress; loud colors.
  • (adv.) With loudness; loudly.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) External phonocardiography performed at the time of cardiac catheterization revealed that this loud midsystolic click disappeared whenever a catheter was positioned across the mitral valve.
  • (2) One-nation prime ministers like Cameron found the libertarians useful for voting against taxation; inconvenient when they got too loud about heavy-handed government.
  • (3) This was followed by loud applause for Gündogan and De Bruyne, when each was later taken off.
  • (4) "I was eight in 1983, but I remember a plane that flew low over our Bulawayo suburb and army loud-hailers screaming: 'You are surrounded.'
  • (5) Clinical measurements of the loudness discomfort level (LDL) are generally performed while the subject listens to a particular stimulus presented from an audiometer through headphones (AUD-HP).
  • (6) From a set of tones that varied only in intensity, it was possible to calculate the growth of loudness with intensity for the budgerigar.
  • (7) The footballer said the noise of the engine was too loud to hear if Cameron snored but his night "wasn't the best".
  • (8) To produce intramodal arousal, normal subjects also had EEG recordings made during the random sounding of a loud bell.
  • (9) The vocalight lights up a variable number of light-emitting diodes depending upon the loudness of sounds received at a hydrophone within the suction cup.
  • (10) At one point, shortly after Suárez had given them a 3-0 lead, a loud cry had gone up from the Liverpool end of "We're going to win the league".
  • (11) Oestrous and dioestrous rats were observed during the initial 2 min of open-field exposure, and after a loud bell had sounded.
  • (12) We are not doing it as loudly, we're not embracing it quite as much, but the fact of the matter is we do need a much more stimulative fiscal policy."
  • (13) And a woman in front of me said: “They are calling for Fox.” I didn’t know which booth to go to, then suddenly there was a man in front of me, heaving with weaponry, standing with his legs apart yelling: “No, not there, here!” I apologised politely and said I’d been buried in my book and he said: “What do you expect me to do, stand here while you finish it?” – very loudly and with shocking insolence.
  • (14) Voice control, a punishment technique based on loud commands, has been used widely in pediatric dentistry.
  • (15) Witnesses reported hearing a loud bang coming from the area, which is also close to the Belfast city centre's prime retail centre and the city's courts, hours after a security alert was declared after 9pm.
  • (16) In this experiment, observers were asked to match the loudness of partially masked test-tone bursts in one ear by adjusting the level of unmasked bursts presented to the other ear.
  • (17) But the evidence from the nation at large is loud and clear.
  • (18) A loudness meter that combines the spectral shapes of different sounds to produce an overall perceived magnitude offers greater promise.
  • (19) More important, however, context simultaneously affected the degree of loudness integration as measured in terms of matching stimulus levels.
  • (20) He's been speaking loudly, then realising the other customers had begun to listen in to what he was saying, he lowers it again, before continuing: – There were military planes flying low over the forest.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Reserve
  • (a.) Kept for future or special use, or for an exigency; as, reserved troops; a reserved seat in a theater.
  • (a.) Restrained from freedom in words or actions; backward, or cautious, in communicating one's thoughts and feelings; not free or frank.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Surgical repair of the rheumatologic should however, is performed rarely, and should be reserved for the infrequent cases that do not respond to medical therapy.
  • (2) It is suggested that the normal cyclical release of LH is inhibited in PCO disease by a negative feedback by androgens to the hypothalamus or the pituitary, and that wedge resection should be reserved for patients in whom other forms of treatment have failed.
  • (3) The use of functional test with the ACTH administration demonstrated organic affection of the CNS to sharply aggravate the weakening and even the exhaustion of the functional reserves of the glomerular and the reticular zones of the adrenal cortex developing during thyrotoxicosis, and also the reserve possibilities of the sympathico-adrenal system.
  • (4) Then, the delta Fract (coronary flow reserve index) map was obtained for each subject.
  • (5) Administration of one of the precursors of noradrenaline l-DOPA not only prevented the decrease in tissue noradrenaline content in myocardium, but restored completely its reserves, exhausted by electrostimulation of the aortic arch.
  • (6) We conclude that, whereas an identical protocol of acute ND had no significant effects on diaphragm muscle structure and function in adult rats, adolescent animals exhibit significantly less nutritional reserve.
  • (7) Further analysis of these changes according to smoking history, age, preoperative weight, dissection of IMA, and aortic cross-clamp time showed that only IMA dissection affected the postextubation changes in peak expiratory flow rate (p less than 0.0001), whereas the decreases in functional residual capacity and expiratory reserve volume at discharge were affected by IMA dissection (p less than 0.05) and age (p = 0.01).
  • (8) A golden toad (Bufo periglenes) in Monteverde Cloud forest reserve in Puntarenas province of Costa Rica.
  • (9) Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, Army Reserve.
  • (10) That, however, is reserved for the most serious cases and the indications are that a fine is the likely outcome.
  • (11) Overall, the differences in skeletal muscle energy state during rest and the corresponding changes in concentration of high-energy phosphates during mild exercise suggest a very limited energy reserve in the hypotonic muscle of VLBW infants.
  • (12) Parenteral cyclophosphamide or corticosteroid pulses should be reserved for cases with vasculitis or refractoriness to conventional drugs.
  • (13) Calcium supplementation should be reserved for patients with clear clinical signs of hypocalcemia and dialysate calcium should be adjusted to prevent excessive positive calcium balance.
  • (14) In June, a notorious elephant poacher led a gang of bandits in an attack on the Okapi wildlife reserve in DRC, killing seven people.
  • (15) Spiramycin, though not constantly effective, is reserved for immunosuppressed patients.
  • (16) It suggested that the decrease of pituitary reserve might probably be the pathogenesis of Kidney deficiency.
  • (17) A monoclonal antibody specific for columnar epithelium (RGE 53) gave a positive reaction in endocervical columnar cells and in some immature metaplastic cells but was negative in subcolumnar reserve cells, squamous (metaplastic) cells, dysplastic cells, and most cases of carcinoma in situ.
  • (18) But the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), in a submission to a parliamentary inquiry into housing that was established by Hockey, backed the need to review negative gearing.
  • (19) Chronic ingestion of alcohol is associated with a diminished marrow granulocyte reserve and may lead to neutrocytopenia.
  • (20) The loss of coronary reserve was less than that previously observed after a 15-min occlusion, suggesting that the magnitude of the postischemic vascular abnormalities increases with the duration of the ischemic insult.