What's the difference between net and new?



  • (v. t.) To make into a net; to make n the style of network; as, to net silk.
  • (v. t.) To take in a net; to capture by stratagem or wile.
  • (v. t.) To inclose or cover with a net; as, to net a tree.
  • (v. i.) To form network or netting; to knit.
  • (a.) Without spot; pure; shining.
  • (a.) Free from extraneous substances; pure; unadulterated; neat; as, net wine, etc.
  • (a.) Not including superfluous, incidental, or foreign matter, as boxes, coverings, wraps, etc.; free from charges, deductions, etc; as, net profit; net income; net weight, etc.
  • (v. t.) To produce or gain as clear profit; as, he netted a thousand dollars by the operation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Manometric studies with resting cells obtained by growth on each of these sulfur sources yielded net oxygen uptake for all substrates except sulfite and dithionate.
  • (2) M NET is currently installed in referring physician office sites across the state, with additional physician sites identified and program enhancements under development.
  • (3) External exposures to a contaminated fishing net and fishing boat are considered pathways for fishermen.
  • (4) If tracer is introduced into the carotid artery after osmotic treatment, brain uptake is increased by a net factor of 50 (a factor of 70 due to elevation of PA, multiplied by 7 due to infusion by the carotid route) as compared to uptake by normal, untreated brain with infusion into a peripheral vein.
  • (5) Short incubations with heparin (5 min) caused a release of the enzyme into the media, while longer incubations caused a 2-8-fold increase in net lipoprotein lipase secretion which was maximal after 2-16 h depending on cell type, and persisted for 24 h. The effect of heparin was dose-dependent and specific (it was not duplicated by other glycosaminoglycans).
  • (6) Only those derivatives with a free amino group and net positive charge in the side chain were effective.
  • (7) When labelled long-chain fatty acids or glycerol were infused into the lactating goat, there was extensive transfer of radioactivity into milk in spite of the absence of net uptake of substrate by the mammary gland.
  • (8) PYY inhibited the reduction in net absorption of sodium chloride and water evoked by vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), but did not affect the VIP-evoked increase in net potassium secretion.
  • (9) A relative net reduction of 47% in lactose malabsorption was produced by adding food, and the peak-rise in breath H2 was delayed by 2 hours.
  • (10) In assessing damaged nets and curtains it must be recognised that anything less than the best vector control may have no appreciable impact on holoendemic malaria.
  • (11) No net hepatic uptake of glucose was observed before or after feeding.
  • (12) This force will be numerically similar to the net driving Starling force in small pores, but distinctly different in large pores.
  • (13) Increased amino acid incorporation into hepatic proteins in tumor-bearing animals and also probably in cancer patients is due to a net increased hepatic protein synthesis, probably not confined to acute-phase reactants only.
  • (14) In this study, protein efficiency ratio and net protein utilization together with the kinetic estimates of protein turnover were used to compare the effect of different protein and fat sources in healthy rats.
  • (15) Meanwhile the Brooklyn Nets, who have been dealing with nothing but bad news since the start of the regular season, will be without Paul Pierce for 2-4 weeks, also due to a right hand fracture.
  • (16) In the postprandial state net acid (4.9%) and sulfate (2.2%) had much less importance as determinants of calciuria.
  • (17) Proper maintenance of body orientation was defined to be achieved if the net angular displacement of the head-and-trunk segment was zero during the flight phase of the long jump.
  • (18) The authors tested their own technique, using transplants or implants of corium, fascia, dura mater and polyester net, internally in the tendons, fastening them with an external cross suture.
  • (19) These studies indicate that, in three models of acute liver injury, the net influx of calcium across the plasma membrane is increased early in the evolution of the injury before irreversible damage occurs.
  • (20) A state of net secretory fluid flux was induced in isolated jejunal loops in weanling pigs by adding theophylline or cholera toxin to the lumen of the isolated loops.



  • (superl.) Having existed, or having been made, but a short time; having originated or occured lately; having recently come into existence, or into one's possession; not early or long in being; of late origin; recent; fresh; modern; -- opposed to old, as, a new coat; a new house; a new book; a new fashion.
  • (superl.) Not before seen or known, although existing before; lately manifested; recently discovered; as, a new metal; a new planet; new scenes.
  • (superl.) Newly beginning or recurring; starting anew; now commencing; different from has been; as, a new year; a new course or direction.
  • (superl.) As if lately begun or made; having the state or quality of original freshness; also, changed for the better; renovated; unworn; untried; unspent; as, rest and travel made him a new man.
  • (superl.) Not of ancient extraction, or of a family of ancient descent; not previously kniwn or famous.
  • (superl.) Not habituated; not familiar; unaccustomed.
  • (superl.) Fresh from anything; newly come.
  • (adv.) Newly; recently.
  • (v. t. & i.) To make new; to renew.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The liver metastasis was produced by intrasplenic injection of the fluid containing of KATOIII in nude mouse and new cell line was established using the cells of metastatic site.
  • (2) The femoral component, made of Tivanium with titanium mesh attached to it by a new process called diffusion bonding, retains superalloy fatigue strength characteristics.
  • (3) Apparently, the irradiation with visible light of a low intensity creates an additional proton gradient and thus stimulates a new replication and division cycle in the population of cells whose membranes do not have delta pH necessary for the initiation of these processes.
  • (4) If ascorbic acid was omitted from the culture medium, the extensive new connective tissue matrix was not produced.
  • (5) Neuropsychological testing is a relatively new field in the area of clinical neuroscience.
  • (6) says Gregg Wallace opening the new series of Celebrity MasterChef (Mon-Fri, 2.15pm, BBC1).
  • (7) A new balloon catheter has been developed for angioplasty.
  • (8) A new and simple method of serotyping campylobacters has been developed which utilises co-agglutination to detect the presence of heat-stable antigens.
  • (9) These results suggest the presence of a new antigen-antibody system for another human type C retrovirus related antigens(s) and a participation of retrovirus in autoimmune diseases.
  • (10) The combined analysis of pathogenesis and genetics associated with the salmonella virulence plasmids may identify new systems of bacterial virulence and the genetic basis for this virulence.
  • (11) The previous year, he claimed £1,415 for two new sofas, made two separate claims of £230 and £108 for new bed linen, charged £86 for a new kettle and kitchen utensils and made two separate claims, of £65 and £186, for replacement glasses and crockery.
  • (12) Richard Bull Woodbridge, Suffolk • Why does Britain need Chinese money to build a new atomic generator ( Letters , 20 October)?
  • (13) This new observation offers good possibilities to study the metabolism of tryptophan at the cellular level.
  • (14) Graft life is even more prolonged with patch angioplasty at venous outflow stenoses or by adding a new segment of PTFE to bypass areas of venous stenosis.
  • (15) Paradoxically, each tax holiday increases the need for the next, because companies start holding ever greater amounts of their tax offshore in the expectation that the next Republican government will announce a new one.
  • (16) Michael Schumacher’s manager hopes F1 champion ‘will be here again one day’ Read more Last year, Red Bull were frustrated by Mercedes, Ferrari and Honda as they desperately looked for a new engine supplier.
  • (17) The strongest predictor of non-sudden cardiac death was the New York Heart Association functional class.
  • (18) But RWE admitted it had often only been able to retain customers with expired contracts by offering them new deals with more favourable conditions.
  • (19) In the fall of 1975, 1,915 children in grades K through eight began a school-based program of supervised weekly rinsing with 0.2 percent aqueous solution of sodium fluoride in an unfluoridated community in the Finger Lakes area of upstate New York.
  • (20) Schneiderlin, valued at an improbable £27m, and the currently injured Jay Rodriguez are wanted by their former manager Mauricio Pochettino at Spurs, but the chairman Ralph Krueger has apparently called a halt to any more outgoings, saying: “They are part of the core that we have decided to keep at Southampton.” He added: “Jay Rodriguez and Morgan Schneiderlin are not for sale and they will be a part of our club as we enter the new season.” The new manager Ronald Koeman has begun rebuilding by bringing in Dusan Tadic and Graziano Pellè from the Dutch league and Krueger said: “We will have players coming in, we will make transfers to strengthen the squad.

Words possibly related to "net"