What's the difference between notorious and scandalous?



  • (a.) Generally known and talked of by the public; universally believed to be true; manifest to the world; evident; -- usually in an unfavorable sense; as, a notorious thief; a notorious crime or vice.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) There will be no statutory inquiry or independent review into the notorious clash between police and miners at Orgreave on 18 June 1984 , the home secretary, Amber Rudd, has announced.
  • (2) To become president of Afghanistan , Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai changed his wardrobe and modified his name, gave up coffee, embraced a man he once denounced as a “known killer” and even toyed with anger management classes to tame a notorious temper.
  • (3) In his notorious 1835 Minute on Education , Lord Macaulay articulated the classic reason for teaching English, but only to a small minority of Indians: “We must do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.” The language was taught to a few to serve as intermediaries between the rulers and the ruled.
  • (4) In June, a notorious elephant poacher led a gang of bandits in an attack on the Okapi wildlife reserve in DRC, killing seven people.
  • (5) Even as the Obama administration moves to deal with some of Guantánamo's most notorious captives, it faces tough challenges to closing the facility.
  • (6) The council offered him a tea urn | Frances Ryan Read more Government attempts to decrease the disproportionately high levels of unemployment among disabled people have had little impact, the report notes, while notorious “fit-for-work” tests were riven with flaws.
  • (7) The Colorado-based tycoon is notoriously secretive and at one point looked as if he was going to mount a rival bid for the US satellite TV company.
  • (8) It would also be likely to lend scope to ill-conceived prosecutions jeopardising ordinary free speech rights, such as the notorious Twitter Joke Trial .
  • (9) I will not be alone in watching closely to see what difference – if any – it makes to have a (highly competent) woman at the helm of an organisation which remains, with its notorious “canteen culture”, still a boys’ club in so many ways.
  • (10) Experts and activists have said the murder bore all the hallmarks of Egypt’s notorious secret service, but Egyptian officials have consistently put forward alternative theories, including that Regeni was killed by a criminal gang and that his death was an isolated incident.
  • (11) Many of the issues that arise in the Oxfordshire case also arose in some form in the other notorious child abuse cases of the modern era.
  • (12) It is bad enough that the minimum wage required by law is hardly generous, yet there we were again last week confronted with reports of delivery company Hermes exploiting workers , HM Revenue & Customs widening its investigation into the notorious wages shirker Sports Direct and a challenge to Uber’s employment practices.
  • (13) But defenders of Ihat recall the notorious case of Baha Mousa , an Iraqi who died in British detention, and note that the MoD has paid out £22m in compensation to victims of alleged abuse in Iraq.
  • (14) Although it is the world's biggest CO2 emitter and notorious for building the equivalent of a 400MW coal-fired power station every three days, it is also erecting 36 wind turbines a day and building a robust new electricity grid to send this power thousands of miles across the country from the deserts of the west to the cities of the east.
  • (15) ‘You help us and we’ll take care of you’: a windfall of abuse hits minorities in the Windy City – and Lee Harris Facebook Twitter Pinterest The notoriously abusive Chicago police officer Jon Burge (top) was released on Friday.
  • (16) Her most notorious performance came during the Falklands war of 1982 when she made little or no effort to disguise her distaste for American diplomatic support of Britain.
  • (17) In a 59-page report published on Friday, the force revealed that eight of its officers attended Savile's notorious "Friday Morning Club" to socialise with the former DJ at his home in Leeds, including four who attended regularly over a number of years.
  • (18) The epidemiological approach to occupational accidents and diseases adopted in Brazil is inadequate for many reasons, among them being: 1) the fact that only employers may notify work accidents, thus permitting notorious undernotification of these occupational hazards; 2) the available information does not permit a better understanding of the causal relationship between work accidents and diseases; 3) the official policy exists only for purposes of insurance compensation.
  • (19) It was one of the most notorious miscarriages of justice in British legal history.
  • (20) Estimates of panda numbers in the wild vary enormously due to the difficulty of collecting data about the notoriously shy animal, which lives in dense, high-altitude vegetation: the last survey required more than 35,000 volunteers.



  • (a.) Giving offense to the conscience or moral feelings; exciting reprobation; calling out condemnation.
  • (a.) Disgraceful to reputation; bringing shame or infamy; opprobrious; as, a scandalous crime or vice.
  • (a.) Defamatory; libelous; as, a scandalous story.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) An official inquiry into the Rotherham abuse scandal blamed failings by Rotherham council and South Yorkshire police.
  • (2) Other recommendations for immediate action included a review of the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the General Medical Council for doctors, with possible changes to their structures; the possible transfer of powers to launch criminal prosecutions for care scandals from the Health and Safety Executive to the Care Quality Council; and a new inspection regime, which would focus more closely on how clean, safe and caring hospitals were.
  • (3) Stringer, a Vietnam war veteran who was knighted in 1999, is already inside the corporation, if only for a few months, after he was appointed as one of its non-executive directors to toughen up the BBC's governance following a string of scandals, from the Jimmy Savile abuse to multimillion-pound executive payoffs.
  • (4) The District became a byword for crime and drug abuse, while its “mayor for life” lived high on the hog and lurched cheerfully from one scandal to the next.
  • (5) Robert Francis QC's official report in February on the Mid Staffordshire care scandal, in which an estimated 400 to 1,200 patients died unnecessarily at Stafford hospital between 2005 and 2008, called for the NHS to make "zero harm" its objective.
  • (6) Why would you want to boost him?” The president is accused of trying to distract from domestic problems – corruption scandals and an exposé showing he plagiarised parts of his law-school thesis – by attending to Trump.
  • (7) No evidence has been produced that she was personally involved in the bribery, but some are wondering whether the Petrobras scandal might turn into a Watergate for her.
  • (8) The publicity surrounding the Rotherham child exploitation scandal, which triggered the resignation of Shaun Wright, the previous PCC, did not translate into a high turnout, with only 14.65% of the electorate casting a vote.
  • (9) But when the city's Gallery of Modern Art opened in 1998, it totally – and scandalously – ignored the new wave of Glasgow artists.
  • (10) Especially once the Libor scandal gave a clear signal of how markets could be manipulated.
  • (11) Corruption scandals have left few among the Spanish ruling class untainted, engulfing politicians on the left and right of the spectrum, as well as businesses, unions, football clubs and even the king’s sister .
  • (12) Sometimes it can seem as if the history of the City is the history of its crises and disasters, from the banking crisis of 1825 (which saw undercapitalised banks collapse – perhaps the closest historic parallel to the contemporary credit crunch), through the Spanish panic of 1835, the railway bust of 1837, the crash of Overend Gurney, the Kaffir boom, the Westralian boom, the Marconi scandal, and so on and on – a theme with endless variations.
  • (13) Eleven US soldiers have been convicted in the Abu Ghraib scandal.
  • (14) When last week’s scandal broke, Tesco chair Sir Richard Broadbent airily opined: “Things are always unnoticed until they are noticed.” He forgot to mention that that goes double if people are paid to turn a blind eye.
  • (15) Trawling through the private telephone conversations of royals, politicians and celebrities in the hope of picking up scandalous gossip is not seen as legitimate news gathering and the techniques of entrapment which led to the recent Pakistani match-fixing scandal , although grudgingly admired in this particular case, are derided as manufacturing the news.
  • (16) The Volkswagen Group has announced €1bn (£750m) of spending cuts at its core VW division to help pay for a product overhaul following the emissions testing scandal that has rocked Europe’s biggest carmaker.
  • (17) The Department for International Development said all direct support to the Ugandan government had been cut in November after a corruption scandal, but a spokesman said the £97.9m in this year's budget would not be withheld.
  • (18) The promotion would come as News Corp continues to face legal investigations into the phone-hacking scandal on both sides of the Atlantic.
  • (19) An IOC member for 23 years he has assidiously collected the leadership of the acronym heavy subsets of that organisation, which may be less riddled with corruption than it was before the Salt Lake City scandal but has swapped outlandish bribes for mountains of bureaucracy.
  • (20) At the hearing, committee chairman Senator Patrick Leahy, praised the secret service as "wise, very professional men and women", and called it shocking that so many of the agency's employees were involved in the scandal.