What's the difference between pear and spear?



  • (n.) The fleshy pome, or fruit, of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus communis), cultivated in many varieties in temperate climates; also, the tree which bears this fruit. See Pear family, below.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These receptors were subdivided by their morphology in the next groups: pear-shaped receptors with capsule; capsuled spherical receptors located near vascular walls; ovoidal receptors with capsule and glomerular structure; simple or complex mace-shaped receptors without capsule.
  • (2) This protein was not present in extracts from pears or apples.
  • (3) The pearly skin of these subjects becomes more translucent and the detail extra-perfect.
  • (4) Other designs included short ruffle cocktail dresses with velvet parkas slung over the shoulder; blazers made of stringed pearly pink; and gold beading and a lace catsuit.
  • (5) The aim was to create an infinite number of ways in which the story could be read – though Pears emphasised that Arcadia was not an interactive novel.
  • (6) Computer taxonomic studies using the nucleotide and inferred amino acid sequence of the MOMP of C. pneumoniae IOL-207 and all known chlamydial MOMP sequences supported the designation of C. pneumoniae as a new species, but electron microscope studies suggested that the presence of pear-shaped elementary bodies (EBs) may not be a reliable taxonomic criterion.
  • (7) On admission, she had an asymmetrical pear-shaped tumor in the right supraclavicular region and severe hypercalcemia.
  • (8) Adsorption with extracts from apples and pears had no such effect.
  • (9) Boiling of spinach, pears, grapes, tomatoes, and wheat, treated with different EBDCs, resulted in 3-30% conversion to ETU.
  • (10) The stenosis appeared to be caused by a specific change in the pattern of growth leading up to an anterior narrowing ('pear'-like) of the cricoid ring and a conspicuous thickening of the subepithelial layer.
  • (11) The "startle response" ap peared earlier in the experimental ani mals, as did the development and re sponse of the electroencephalogram to novel stimuli.
  • (12) At least six different cell types are recognizable: (1) nondifferentiated duct cells; (2) cells containing apical secretory granules; (3) goblet cells; the mucosubstances of type 2 and 3 are PAS- and Alcian-blue-positive, also reacting wih methenamine silver; (4) ciliated cells, containing a single cilium with the microtubular pattern 9+2; (5) tuft cells with extremely long and wide microvilli and a pear-shaped cell body; (6) migrating cells, mainly lymphocytes and some assumed eosinophils, showing reaction to Mg++-activated ATPase.
  • (13) I was a dancing Fury; I'm told that Peter Pears came but I never saw him."
  • (14) Such a pear-like geometrical figure is, in fact, formed spontaneously by DNA collapsed under certain conditions in vitro (Eickbush & Moudrianakis, 1978).
  • (15) The character George Bowling bites into a frankfurter he has bought in an milk bar decorated in chrome and mirrors: "The thing burst in my mouth like a rotten pear.
  • (16) They were amacrine cells with a pear-shaped soma and dendrites distributed in 3 sublayers within the inner plexiform layer.
  • (17) We are talking about apples and pears when we compare the two.
  • (18) Children's author Allan Ahlberg, the mind behind much-loved titles Peepo and Each Peach Pear Plum, has turned down a lifetime achievement award because it is sponsored by Amazon and the idea that his success "should have the Amazon tag attached to it is unacceptable".
  • (19) These axon endings are supposed to belong to afferent climbing fibers of cerebellum stimulating differentiation of pear-shaped neurons, localization of these fibers causing a certain succession in the development of perisomatic processes.
  • (20) The trichorhinopharyngeal (TRP) syndrome type I (Giedion, 1966) is characterized clinically by craniofacial dysmorphism with sparse hair, pear-shaped nose and long philtrum, and abnormalities of the extremities (disabling deformities of the hands and feet).



  • (n.) A long, pointed weapon, used in war and hunting, by thrusting or throwing; a weapon with a long shaft and a sharp head or blade; a lance.
  • (n.) Fig.: A spearman.
  • (n.) A sharp-pointed instrument with barbs, used for stabbing fish and other animals.
  • (n.) A shoot, as of grass; a spire.
  • (n.) The feather of a horse. See Feather, n., 4.
  • (n.) The rod to which the bucket, or plunger, of a pump is attached; a pump rod.
  • (v. t.) To pierce with a spear; to kill with a spear; as, to spear a fish.
  • (v. i.) To shoot into a long stem, as some plants. See Spire.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The work, The Spear, by Brett Murray, unleashed a brouhaha that has hogged headlines for more than a week in South Africa and earned that inexhaustible accolade "painting-gate".
  • (2) To find out if any stone tips were being used on spears any earlier than that, Wilkins examined sharp stones found at a site called Kathu Pan, in the Northern Cape region of South Africa.
  • (3) If they refuse to do so, make the least show of resistance, or attempt to run away from you, you will fire upon and compell [sic] them to surrender, breaking and destroying the Spears, Clubs, and Waddies of all those you take prisoner.
  • (4) will.i.am feat britney spears - Scream & Shout on MUZU.TV .
  • (5) The spear-phishing tricks we saw the Chinese secret police using against the Dalai Lama in 2008 were being used by Russian crooks to steal money from US companies by 2010.
  • (6) The wealth magazine Spear’s noted, in an interview with a company that provides contract cleaners to the Dorchester, that a cleaner at the Park Lane hotel would have to work for 56 hours to be able to take an entry-level room for the night , before tax.
  • (7) Manipulation of intra abdominal embedded spears may require unusual surgical procedures, and no attempt to extract the weapon should be made before emergency laparotomy is carried out.
  • (8) López and Machado were defeated by Capriles in opposition primaries, but they rejected Capriles's willingness to enter into dialogue with Maduro on public safety following the murder in January of Mónica Spear, a former Miss Venezuela .
  • (9) Hemicellulose B and holocellulose from spear grass (Heteropogon contortus) were the best sources of carbon, and the optimum temperature was 27 degrees.
  • (10) Spears joked that she was “thrilled” at being added to the dating app.
  • (11) To evaluate these hypotheses, the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II gene was determined from a bushbaby (Galago senegalensis), flying lemur (Cynocephalus variegatus), tree shrew (Tupaia glis), spear-nosed bat (Phyllostomus hastatus), rousette bat (Rousettus leschenaulti), and nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) and was compared with published sequences of a human, cow, and mouse.
  • (12) Jesus' death was ensured by the thrust of a soldier's spear into his side.
  • (13) What an incredible contrast between the passionate compassion so emotively expressed in Britain and the ruthless bloodlust in Japan, where tens of thousands of dolphins are killed with spears on beaches every year and where crowds cheer the departure of a huge mechanised fleet whose objective is the mass slaughter of these majestic mammals in the Antarctic whale sanctuary.
  • (14) Spectra were obtained with synchrotron radiation from the SPEAR storage ring using highly sensitive fluorescence detectors.
  • (15) Twenty four hours of food and maternal deprivation, shown previously to increase brain serotonin and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid and their ratio in neonates (L. P. Spear & F. M. Scalzo, 1984, Developmental Brain Research, in press) was observed to induce tail flick analgesia, an effect blocked by metergoline.
  • (16) Adult male hunters who used dogs and carried only one spear were injured most frequently.
  • (17) I try not to read my reviews, but there's always some friend who'll come along and, under the guise of trying to comfort you, let you know that you've been speared.
  • (18) This tusk specimen contains a metal spear with a wooden component, which is surrounded by a quiver-like osseous encasement.
  • (19) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Armed with a makeshift spear, an Assam man sets out to chase away the elephant that crushed a woman to death in the village of Galighat.
  • (20) By the 16th century the conduction of sound by a rod or the staff of a spear was reported by a number of writers; however, these writers considered these phenomena as a curiosity rather than having practical value.