What's the difference between pleasure and tobogganing?



  • (n.) The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by the expectation or the enjoyment of something good, delightful, or satisfying; -- opposed to pain, sorrow, etc.
  • (n.) Amusement; sport; diversion; self-indulgence; frivolous or dissipating enjoyment; hence, sensual gratification; -- opposed to labor, service, duty, self-denial, etc.
  • (n.) What the will dictates or prefers as gratifying or satisfying; hence, will; choice; wish; purpose.
  • (n.) That which pleases; a favor; a gratification.
  • (v. t.) To give or afford pleasure to; to please; to gratify.
  • (v. i.) To take pleasure; to seek pursue pleasure; as, to go pleasuring.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The bank tellers who saw their positions filled by male superiors took special pleasure in going to the bank and keeping them busy.
  • (2) Black males with low intentions to use condoms reported significantly more negative attitudes about the use of condoms (eg, using condoms is disgusting) and reacted with more intense anger when their partners asked about previous sexual contacts, when a partner refused sex without a condom, or when they perceived condoms as interfering with foreplay and sexual pleasure.
  • (3) Walking for pleasure was generally the most common physical activity for both sexes throughout the year.
  • (4) I like to think of Shakespeare as one delicious smorgasbord that I have a lifelong pleasure in eating.
  • (5) Saudi Arabia As one might imagine, Saudi television rather wants for the bounty we enjoy here - reality shows in which footballers' mistresses administer handjobs to barnyard animals, and all those other things which make living in the godless west such a pleasure.
  • (6) The clashes between the moralistic Levin and his friend Oblonsky, sometimes affectionate, sometimes angry, and Levin's linkage of modernity to Oblonsky's attitudes – that social mores are to be worked around and subordinated to pleasure, that families are base camps for off-base nooky – undermine one possible reading of Anna Karenina , in which Anna is a martyr in the struggle for the modern sexual freedoms that we take for granted, taken down by the hypocritical conservative elite to which she, her lover and her husband belong.
  • (7) Data from human and animal studies indicate a correlation between ictal pleasure or reinforcement and the subject's ability to induce seizures.
  • (8) I have had the awe-inducing pleasure of standing alone among the giant trees, both sequoias and redwoods, and hearing nothing but the chatter of the squirrels and the high wind in the tallest branches.
  • (9) Nondrinkers reported a greater likelihood of both positive and negative effects; heavier drinkers reported more pleasurable effects.
  • (10) A survey last year found that almost 4 million British adults never read books for pleasure , and as in Pellerin’s case, a lack of time was the dominant factor.
  • (11) We like to enjoy ourselves, if you enjoy the way you play you’ll win a lot of games.” It is a long time, and several managers, since Sunderland fans have derived any sustained pleasure from observing their team in action and sure enough, watching Allardyce’s charges was once again, a somewhat gruelling experience.
  • (12) (Like humans, they have sex for pleasure as well as for procreation.)
  • (13) But a big part of the High Line's success is its planting and landscaping, which is intelligent, imaginative and well considered, in the way it converts industrial relics into a place of urban pleasure.
  • (14) There is an enjoyment that comes with owning it, a pleasure, but also he is an astute businessman.
  • (15) He confessed to over-indulgence in this pleasure at some stages of his life, and to the recreational use of drugs.
  • (16) The opposite of a guilty pleasure: a guilty torture.
  • (17) We would have been denied the pleasure of seeing the official Tongan team anorak, for a start, and it was a bit special, wasn’t it?
  • (18) "It gives them a sense of pleasure when they believe that they've destroyed me or taken me down.
  • (19) No changes in plasma beta-endorphin or ACTH concentrations were observed with pentagastrin nor after the meal, despite the combination of very high sensory pleasure with intake of a very large amount of food.
  • (20) It was the book that turned me on to the intoxicating pleasure of theatre criticism and – well-thumbed and much borrowed from – it has stayed with me ever since.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Toboggan

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tobogganers at Gallagher Park What’s the best place for a conversation?
  • (2) It functions as a pair of easy-to-use skis for walking uphill, then when it’s time to head down, it quickly transforms into a toboggan for riding safely and enjoyably back to the resort, perhaps even with a few powder turns along the way.
  • (3) Winning tip: Tobogganing in Zurich The best way to see Zurich is from the top of its own mini mountain, Uetliberg, from where you get a view of the whole city, the lake and the countryside with mountains in the distance.
  • (4) A series of 271 children, injured in tobogganing and sledging accidents was studied.
  • (5) Most accidents occurred on a slope especially designated for tobogganing and sledging.
  • (6) I was tobogganing with friends in the village, and we saw something astonishing in the sky: great columns of white light shifting and shimmering, breaking and floating away, rising from behind the hills.
  • (7) Another pupil, with whom he was racing on improvised toboggans, was killed when he hit a tree.
  • (8) By means of this score it can be shown that the most severe injuries occur during horse riding, skating, tobogganing and bicycle riding.
  • (9) In the Antarctic they lived in tents and spent 15 days travelling by motor toboggan.
  • (10) Tobogganing accidents caused injuries to the kidneys as well as to bladder and urethra.
  • (11) It’s particularly magical in winter when everything is dusted with snow and the toboggan run is open – two miles of downhill fun from Uetliberg to Triemli!
  • (12) Eighty-eight patients suffered skiing injuries, 20 tobogganing injuries, and one injury each was caused by ski jumping and bobsleighing accidents, two traumas resulted from a fall from a chair lift.
  • (13) Twenty-four cases of vertebral column injuries associated with tobogganing accidents are presented.
  • (14) Beyond the festival, Geilo has plenty of other exciting winter activities, including snowshoeing, dog-sledding, tobogganing and fat biking.
  • (15) Facebook Twitter Pinterest The toboggan ride back from Monte.
  • (16) 51% of the accidents were caused by the typical winter sports: skiing, tobogganing, ice-skating and ski-jumping with skiing accounting for 75% of the accidents.
  • (17) The authors review the exceptional causes that may not be considered: drug anaphylaxis, to foods, hymenoptera, effort anaphylaxis, to hydatic antigens, to toboggans, to progesterone.
  • (18) In contrast to traumas caused by skiing, tobogganing injuries were mostly multiple.
  • (19) There's an outlandish car chase that, with Kara's cello case doubling as a toboggan, morphs into a yet more outlandish ski chase.
  • (20) We urge safer and better organization of tobogganing facilities.

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