What's the difference between prudent and riven?



  • (a.) Sagacious in adapting means to ends; circumspect in action, or in determining any line of conduct; practically wise; judicious; careful; discreet; sensible; -- opposed to rash; as, a prudent man; dictated or directed by prudence or wise forethought; evincing prudence; as, prudent behavior.
  • (a.) Frugal; economical; not extravagant; as, a prudent woman; prudent expenditure of money.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Based on these observations, the authors think it prudent to remove such dressings before performing leukocyte imaging.
  • (2) The potential benefits in terms of more rapid return to work, maintenance of the patient's psychosocial integrity, and modification of natural history of the disease make the institution of a cardiac rehabilitation program a prudent activity for a practitioner, clinic, or hospital.
  • (3) Regardless of the exact dose per fraction chosen, it seems prudent to use relatively low doses per fraction initially to maximize the chance of detecting any benefit inherent in the use of neutrons, before exploring increased doses for reasons of improved cost-effectiveness.
  • (4) One would be prudent to avoid marijuana during pregnancy, just as one would do with most other drugs not essential to life or well-being.
  • (5) It seems prudent to avoid hypertriglyceridemia secondary to intravenous fat emulsions, as this alone is a cause of pancreatitis, albeit uncommon, in patients with abnormalities of triglyceride metabolism.
  • (6) For the present, prudent clinical practice should include avoidance of whole blood, fresh frozen plasma, and platelet transfusions and greater reliance on autologous blood transfusions.
  • (7) The author suggests that the most prudent course would be to direct health care providers to accept family decisions unless it appears that the family is acting out of ignorance or in bad faith, in which case the decision would be referred to a hospital ethicist or ethics committee and then--only if there were good grounds to suspect ignorance or bad faith--to judicial review.
  • (8) Based on the currently available data, it seems prudent to diagnose diabetes mellitus only if fasting hyperglycemia is present.
  • (9) From what we know about food adequacy, preparation, and storage, the notion that the postulated "primitive" diet was generally adequate, safe, and prudent can be rejected.
  • (10) Taking out such a deal was, in their view, tantamount to getting into bed with the devil – and certainly out of the question for a prudent financial journalist.
  • (11) It may be prudent to obtain a drug history and urine screen for cocaine before instituting indomethacin therapy for preterm labor or polyhydramnios.
  • (12) Because of the risks of increasing late effects, either due to direct thermal damage or thermo-radiosensitization of normal tissues, it is not prudent to proceed with such testing in sites where there is a risk of excessive normal tissue heating.
  • (13) In such cases especially prudent care is required, for the prognosis may be poor.
  • (14) The National Cancer Institute (NCI) believes that the potential for dietary changes to reduce the risk of cancer is considerable and that the existing scientific data provide evidence that is sufficiently consistent to warrant prudent interim dietary guidelines that will promote good health and reduce the risk of some types of cancer.
  • (15) Three cases of primary adenocarcinoma of the Fallopian tube have been treated at the Gynecology Department of Hospital A. C. Camargo, Fundación A. Prudente, São Paulo, between 1972-1987.
  • (16) For this reason it recommends that banks provide a separate set of accounts drawn up on "prudent principles".
  • (17) The incorporation of interference into niche theory clarifies the competitive phenomenon of unstable equilibrium points, excess density compensation on islands, competitive avoidance by escape in time and space, the persistence of the "prudent predator," and the magnitude of the difference between the size of a species' fundamental niche and its realized niche.
  • (18) It increases in relative importance along with improvement in socioeconomic and environmental conditions and in association with prudent lifestyle.
  • (19) As drug-induced erythroid hypoplasia typically occurs after a relatively long period of dosing, it may be prudent in certain individuals to monitor the CBC at approximately bimonthly intervals after initiation of therapy.
  • (20) These results revealed specific shortcomings in the dietary habits of the CORIS population and emphasised the need for changes necessary to meet the requirements for a prudent diet.



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Example Sentences:

  • (1) It has become clear that our diverse minorities are themselves diverse, often riven with internal conflict, with segments committed to political projects that are abhorrent to others both within and without those groupings.
  • (2) The council offered him a tea urn | Frances Ryan Read more Government attempts to decrease the disproportionately high levels of unemployment among disabled people have had little impact, the report notes, while notorious “fit-for-work” tests were riven with flaws.
  • (3) Bridging the Muslim-Christian divide and climate issues are major themes of the trip that also takes him to Uganda, which like Kenya has been a victim of extremist attacks, and the Central African Republic, a nation riven by sectarian conflict.
  • (4) But whereas the earlier book was set in a nameless African state, here the location is explicitly South Africa, where revolution has driven a white, liberal family out of Johannesburg into the protection of their servant, July, in a small village riven with its own conflicts which is none too happy to shelter them.
  • (5) The aim of fostering solidarity and forging common values across a continent that has so often been riven with conflict is an inspiring and uplifting one: count me in.
  • (6) Kiir’s SPLM is reportedly riven by infighting – a leadership convention at the weekend was postponed indefinitely at the last minute.
  • (7) The left has lost eight byelections for parliamentary seats and three local byelections in the last 12 months, while the rightwing UMP has been riven by its very public power struggles.
  • (8) Improving our tax collection would allow artisanal mining to boost local development.” Whether it's Mexico's gold or Zimbabwe's diamonds, mining is riven with violence and business is complicit Read more Anor is also working on setting up a national gold refinery that will be responsible for certifying and hallmarking gold for export.
  • (9) Libya , which has been riven by instability since the overthrow of Gaddafi, has had rival administrations since August 2014, when an alliance of Islamist-backed militias overran the capital, Tripoli, forcing the government to take refuge in the east.
  • (10) Transporting heavy building materials across dirt streets riven with gullies and piled high with detritus is not easy, and theft of building materials is commonplace in Kibera.
  • (11) No: the clear winner in this elite-loathing, privilege-hating, populism-riven island is surely the quiet billionaire: Jonathan Harold Esmond Vere Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere , who emerges ever more obviously as the very antithesis of Lord C. He runs a successful, increasingly diversified business empire.
  • (12) The political establishment is riven by deep divisions, principally between economic reformers loyal to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and clerical arch-conservatives backed by the Revolutionary Guards and a wealthy, corrupt merchant class that has grown fat on the 1979 revolution.
  • (13) A scathing report into the BBC's handling of a shelved Newsnight exposé of Jimmy Savile revealed a culture of "suspicion and mistrust" at the corporation, riven by factions and in-fighting with "rigid management chains" that rendered it "completely incapable" of dealing with the scandal when it was exposed.
  • (14) But all were fiercely antagonistic during the election campaign and the new government looks riven with rivalries and disagreements.
  • (15) A former pine and hazel forest felled by stone age man, the Burren is a limestone desert riven by deep fissures and cracks in which tiny plants thrive.
  • (16) Contemplating an EU riven by currency crises, humiliated by Russia in Ukraine and Syria, and bitterly divided over migration policy, he now has even less cause to seek favour.
  • (17) In conflict-riven Somalia, for example, fierce unregulated competition has made mobiles affordable and prevalent, whereas internet penetration stands at 1.14% of the population.
  • (18) He used to be the speccy ginger herbert from Warrington riding his luck – always on the pull, forever on the lash, rarely riven by self-doubt.
  • (19) The book described Charles’s court as so riven by infighting that it is known by insiders as “Wolf Hall”, after Hilary Mantel’s fictional portrayal of Thomas Cromwell’s devious machinations on behalf of King Henry VIII.
  • (20) The BBC may be mired in scandal and riven by internal mistrust, but it could take a crumb of comfort from not being the only state broadcaster making headlines for the wrong reasons.