What's the difference between render and repaint?



  • (n.) One who rends.
  • (v. t.) To return; to pay back; to restore.
  • (v. t.) To inflict, as a retribution; to requite.
  • (v. t.) To give up; to yield; to surrender.
  • (v. t.) Hence, to furnish; to contribute.
  • (v. t.) To furnish; to state; to deliver; as, to render an account; to render judgment.
  • (v. t.) To cause to be, or to become; as, to render a person more safe or more unsafe; to render a fortress secure.
  • (v. t.) To translate from one language into another; as, to render Latin into English.
  • (v. t.) To interpret; to set forth, represent, or exhibit; as, an actor renders his part poorly; a singer renders a passage of music with great effect; a painter renders a scene in a felicitous manner.
  • (v. t.) To try out or extract (oil, lard, tallow, etc.) from fatty animal substances; as, to render tallow.
  • (v. t.) To plaster, as a wall of masonry, without the use of lath.
  • (v. i.) To give an account; to make explanation or confession.
  • (v. i.) To pass; to run; -- said of the passage of a rope through a block, eyelet, etc.; as, a rope renders well, that is, passes freely; also, to yield or give way.
  • (n.) A surrender.
  • (n.) A return; a payment of rent.
  • (n.) An account given; a statement.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Expression of transfected CD4 on the surface of HeLa and other human cells renders them susceptible to HIV infection 10.
  • (2) If an E. coli Gal-U mutant strain, defective in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) carbohydrate chain length, was used, each approach rendered 100% labelling.
  • (3) The use of sulphur-containing amino acids and 2-deoxyglucose in growth media led to impaired cell wall synthesis and rendered cells very susceptible to treatment with mercapto-ethanol and various lytic enzymes.
  • (4) This was capable of sensitizing human thyroid (and other) cells and rendering them susceptible to killing by normal lymphocytes.
  • (5) The conventional explanation for the high fatality rate due to cytomegalovirus (CMV) pneumonitis among allogeneic transplant recipients is that immunosuppression renders the host unable to control replication of this opportunistic agent.
  • (6) This chapter describes a systematic approach to the art of collection for services rendered, based primarily on a pay-as-you-go philosophy.
  • (7) Newborn rats were rendered hyperthyroid (daily subcutaneous injections of L-triiodothyronine, 10 micrograms 100 g-1 body weight) or hypothyroid (0.05% 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil in drinking water to nursing mothers) during the first 3 weeks of postnatal life.
  • (8) The rapidity of obtaining the results (within one hour), the complete absence of untoward reactions to the radiopharmaceuticals, the much lower frequency of subtle or indeterminate results, the ability to render useful information in the presence of moderate jaundice and the lack of interference from overlying intestinal contents establishes these radionuclide agents as superior to both radiographic oral and intravenous cholangiography in the investigation of the acute abdomen.
  • (9) Most ears are rendered dry and safe, with cavity problems minimized by careful technique.
  • (10) All initially positive patients were rendered tilt negative by therapy.
  • (11) In a noncontracting in vitro preparation of combined right and left atria we demonstrated by electron microscopy that, at 37 degrees C, transition from zero pressure to a physiological distending pressure of 5.1 mm Hg rapidly rendered atrial endocardial endothelium permeable to the macromolecular probes horseradish peroxidase (HRP; M(r), approximately 40,000) and wheat germ agglutinin-HRP (M(r), approximately 70,000); each probe was introduced at the atrial cavitary endocardial surface.
  • (12) Davis said he would be surprised if an incoming Conservative government did not set up an immediate inquiry into this case and others where Britain is alleged to have been involved in the secret rendering by the US of detainees to prison where they were likely to be tortured.
  • (13) (c) A greater than 80% reduction in clone PAK 17.15 lung colony number was observed in mice rendered thrombocytopenic by i.v.
  • (14) Exact comparisons of recovery of ocular tone (Maddox Wing test) between the anaesthetics were not possible as both Althesin and methohexitone rendered some patients incapable of taking the tests in the early post-operative period.
  • (15) (vii) Two deletions within the EBNA-2 gene which rendered EBV transformation incompetent did not transactivate LMP1, whereas a transformation-competent EBNA-2 deletion mutant did transactivate LMP1.
  • (16) Psychiatrists in the U.S. have raised a host of issues related to their experience with peer review including a concern for the patient's confidentiality, the need to correlate normative standards with local customary practice, the significance of the reviewer's theoretical orientation and training, the optimal documentation required and the impact of peer review on the reimbursement of claims for services rendered.
  • (17) Thus, the solid-phase synthesis of peptides selectively deprotected at the side chain of tyrosine is rendered possible by the use of 2-chlorotrityl resin and Fmoc-Tyr(Trt)-OH.
  • (18) Either vaccine given at full dosage alone, or in combination, rendered birds resistant to homologous viral challenge.
  • (19) This erratic course renders difficult assessment of the efficacy of methods of treatment.
  • (20) Off came defensive midfielder Claudio Yacob, rendered surplus to requirements by the dismissals of Afellay and Adam, and on went forward Rickie Lambert.



  • (v. t.) To paint anew or again; as, to repaint a house; to repaint the ground of a picture.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Nadezhda Tolokonnikova , one of the convicted Pussy Riot members, tweeted a photo of the repainted star with the message: "They're heroes, of course."
  • (2) "We are currently repainting the flat in anticipation of great guests, new members of the extended family and anyone else we can get to flog the tat from Dad's shop downstairs.
  • (3) In addition, tankers carrying Iranian oil are alleged to have switched off their automatic identification systems used to track their locations, and Iranian shipping firms are known to have frequently changed the name, owners, and flag state of vessels – even allegedly to have repainted tankers.
  • (4) Four climbers accused of repainting the Soviet star on one of Moscow's Stalinist skyscrapers in Ukrainian colours , and hanging a Ukrainian flag, are facing up to seven years in prison on charges of hooliganism.
  • (5) Vitaly continues to bring his collection of Soviet cameras, photographs and other paraphernalia to an outdoor flea market, where the afternoon sun gleamed off a Lenin bust that he had repainted to look like a "'90s gangster" with a moustache and a polka-dot tie.
  • (6) Instead, he pretended he knew nothing of his party's promises for a dress code for taxi drivers and a state-enforced repainting of the nation's trains in traditional colours.
  • (7) Using an order usually reserved to force owners to clean up derelict or shabby properties, Kensington and Chelsea council has told owner Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring that she must repaint the garish design back to its original white.
  • (8) The landlord wouldn't do anything and when we moved out he charged us for repainting the wall where the damp was we'd told him about.
  • (9) He got the landlord to repaint it so that the outside walls became the colour of fresh butter and its shutters a rather hideous green.
  • (10) Perhaps more significantly in the eyes of customers, its planes were repainted from white to light blue, and the KAL tailfin logo – a red crane enclosed in a red circle – was replaced with a red-and-blue taegeuk , the Korean yin-yang symbol.
  • (11) In addition to the exterior being painted in red and white stripes, the property’s window frames are in a poor condition.” “The owner has the right to appeal the notice by 5 June in the magistrates courts but, if no appeal is forthcoming, the owner must repaint the front elevation white and carry out repairs to the windows by 3 July.
  • (12) Fighters and weapons have long been able to move freely along the unguarded sections of Russia's border with Ukraine, and reporters in Novoazovsk near the border with Russia say what appears to be hastily repainted Russian military hardware has appeared in the town in recent days.
  • (13) The Ukip leader said he had never read the 486 pages of policy documents that were published alongside Ukip's manifesto in 2010, which included plans to repaint trains in traditional colours, bring in a uniform for taxi drivers, and ban offshore windfarms amid fears they could hurt fish.
  • (14) Infection-control measures, including strict isolation and closure and repainting of the burn unit, did not prevent the transmission of Acinetobacter.
  • (15) An independent defence analyst, Anton Lavrov, said the video had indeed been taken at the Alabino military base, that some of the vehicles were obviously military trucks repainted white, and identified the launcher as Russia's powerful S-300 surface-to-air missile.
  • (16) He said he would take fresh flowers to the grave, which he recently repainted as the 20th anniversary loomed.
  • (17) Workers spent repairing bullet damage, shampooing blood-stained carpets and repainting walls.
  • (18) It’s an attempt to clear whatever the state considers a threat to this image.” In addition to removing street vendors from certain areas of the capital, the government has also cleaned and repainted the facades of buildings in key public places, including Tahrir Square, which was the dynamic centre of the 2011 revolution.
  • (19) Significant engineering alterations to the MRCC and rusting of some of its interior sections necessitated repainting, which was completed in 1988.
  • (20) It was soon repainted from six to eight lanes, but this failed to make a dent on congestion levels – it remains the busiest road in Sweden.

Words possibly related to "repaint"