What's the difference between self and sen?



  • (a.) Same; particular; very; identical.
  • (n.) The individual as the object of his own reflective consciousness; the man viewed by his own cognition as the subject of all his mental phenomena, the agent in his own activities, the subject of his own feelings, and the possessor of capacities and character; a person as a distinct individual; a being regarded as having personality.
  • (n.) Hence, personal interest, or love of private interest; selfishness; as, self is his whole aim.
  • (n.) Personification; embodiment.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Questionnaires were used and the respondent self-designation method measured leadership.
  • (2) Participants (n=165) entering a week-long outpatient education program completed a protocol measuring self-care patterns, glycosylated hemoglobin levels, and emotional well-being.
  • (3) Results show diet, self-control and parts of insulin-therapy to be problematic treatment components.
  • (4) The authors empirically studied the self-medication hypothesis of drug abuse by examining drug effects and motivation for drug use in 494 hospitalized drug abusers.
  • (5) For assessment of clinical status, investigators must rely on the use of standardized instruments for patient self-reporting of fatigue, mood disturbance, functional status, sleep disorder, global well-being, and pain.
  • (6) When compared with self-reported exposures, the sensitivity of both job-exposure matrices was low (on average, below 0.51), while the specificity was generally high (on average, above 0.90).
  • (7) The voters don’t do gratitude, self-pitying politicians are wont to moan.
  • (8) Electron self-exchange has been measured by an NMR technique for horse-heart myoglobin.
  • (9) In self-opinions on own appearance the children mentioned teeth as a feature which they would like to change as first.
  • (10) It is proposed that microoscillations of the eye increase the threshold for detection of retinal target displacements, leading to less efficient lateral sway stabilization than expected, and that the threshold for detection of self motion in the A-P direction is lower than the threshold for object motion detection used in the calculations, leading to more efficient stabilization of A-P sway.
  • (11) If black people could only sort out these self-inflicted problems themselves, everything would be OK. After all, doesn't every business say it welcomes job applicants from all backgrounds?
  • (12) Subjects who reported incidents of childhood sexual exploitation had lower levels of self-esteem and higher levels of depression than the comparison group.
  • (13) Right hemisphere inactivation caused a decrease in the frequency of lateral hypothalamus self-stimulation, whereas with left hemisphere inactivation it increased, which testifies to right hemisphere dominance in self-stimulation reaction.
  • (14) Poly (8NH2G) does not interact with poly(C) in neutral solution because of the high stability of the hemiprotonated G-G self-structure.
  • (15) In invasive epidermoid carcinoma, the accuracy with the self-collected specimens approached the physician-scraped specimens.
  • (16) US presidential election 2016: the state of the Republican race as the year begins Read more So far, the former secretary of state seems to be recovering well from self-inflicted wounds that dogged the start of her second, and most concerted, attempt for the White House.
  • (17) A study was conducted to determine the usefulness of self-screening of blood pressure in families as part of a school health care programme, and to study the relationship between BP and sodium excretion in school children.
  • (18) However, self-efficacy (defined as confidence in being able to resist the urge to drink heavily) assessed at intake of treatment, was strongly associated with the level of consumption on drinking occasions at follow-up.
  • (19) Jeremy Corbyn could learn a lot from Ken Livingstone | Hugh Muir Read more High-minded commentators will say that self-respect – as well as Burke’s dictum that MPs are more than delegates – should be enough to make members under pressure assert their independence.
  • (20) In a family with hereditary elliptocytosis and an abnormality in spectrin self-association, the membranes had decreased deformability and stability.



  • (n.) A Japanese coin, worth about one half of a cent.
  • (adv., prep., & conj.) Since.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A 45-year-old mother of four, named as Hediye Sen, was killed during clashes in Cizre, while a 70-year-old died of a heart attack during fighting in Silopi, according to hospital sources.
  • (2) Mean VCF (sens 83 percent, spec 80 percent), %S (sens 50 percent, spec 96 percent), EFC (senc 58 percent, spec 96 percent), and EFQ (sens 58 percent, spec 92 percent) were less satisfactory.
  • (3) These results suggest that double-stranded RNA-induced signal 2 is distinct from the interferon-alpha-induced signal 2 (R. K. Tiwari, J. Kusari, and G. C. Sen, EMBO J.
  • (4) Densitometry of immunoblots indicated that there was two- to threefold more PrP-res than PrP-sen in one infected clone.
  • (5) 9.11pm GMT Sen Barbara Mikulski of Maryland asks Brennan if she can count on him to "speak truth to power."
  • (6) 8.48pm GMT Now Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon is up, the strongest advocate for transparency and civil rights on the committee.
  • (7) Here's Reid: Sen. Murray [Patty Murray, D-Washington, budget committee chairwoman] has asked to go to conference 18 times.
  • (8) The revised English system for special educational needs (SEN) was introduced via the Children and Families Act of 2014, and local authorities have been rolling it out, in theory, since last September.
  • (9) Hun Sen's ruling Cambodian People's party won the July polls with 68 seats to the CNRP's 55, a vastly reduced majority but one that the opposition alleges was still biased in the CPP's favour.
  • (10) LF Let's now hear from Gita Sen , professor at the Centre for Public Policy at the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore .
  • (11) Sen did not give up that idea until later than some others.
  • (12) It's hard to quantify the worth to a school of staff with this level of knowledge, but it can save its SEN department thousands of pounds and numerous headaches.
  • (13) These data indicated a correlation between the ability of the SEN antibodies to bind fibronectin from a particular species and the ability of cells from that species to exhibit a stable senescent phenotype in vitro.
  • (14) Further analyzed was the postoperative course of patients after closure of a patent ductus arteriosus (19), correction of aortic coarctation (39), secundum atrial septal defect (26), ventricular septal defect (46), and complete atrio-ventricular canal (15), construction of a Blalock-Taussig-anastomosis (19) or a central aortopulmonary shunt (9), correction of Fallot's tetralogy or pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (25), correction of simple complete transposition of the great arteries by the arterial switch-operation (25) or a Senning-procedure (27), and finally, after a Fontan-Operation (9).
  • (15) But in severe spinal cord trauma with reduction of central blood flow the adjacent spinothalamic and corticospinal tracts survive in couple on the basis of the same anastomotic vascular area: from this results the prognostical unity that belongs to pain sens and motricity.
  • (16) [EPO] was unchanged up to five hours after maximal (MEN) and submaximal (SEN) exercise under normoxia.
  • (17) Among academics Sen's reputation is almost unrivalled.
  • (18) We'll also hear from Lakshmi Puri , deputy executive director of UN Women, and Professor Gita Sen , from the Institute of Management in Bangalore, who writes extensively on women's issues.
  • (19) Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, a former battalion commander in the Khmer Rouge, who has ruled his country for 30 years, will visit Australia in December.
  • (20) The data includes 1,210 suspensions and 20 permanent exclusions of children under five, where timely SEN intervention is seen as crucial and usually effective.

Words possibly related to "sen"