What's the difference between sickening and vile?



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sicken
  • (a.) Causing sickness; specif., causing surfeit or disgust; nauseating.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Undaunted by the sickening swell of the ocean and wrapped up against the chilly wind, Straneo, of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, one of the world's leading oceanographic research centres, continues to take measurements from the waters as the long Arctic dusk falls.
  • (2) The US media reported Holder was sickened by what he read in Helgerson's report.
  • (3) A concept so noble in the drawing rooms of Manhattan has degenerated into a sickening prelude to more bloodshed.
  • (4) But research showing that they sicken or kill bees and other pollinators means neonics could soon lose their grip in North America.
  • (5) London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, said there would be more police on the streets of the capital on Tuesday after the “barbaric and sickening attack”.
  • (6) It’s a sign there is an utter ruthlessness and depravity about this movement which is hideous and sickening and deplorable.
  • (7) The judge began sentencing for the "sickening and pitiless" attack by saying that Adebolajo and Adebowale were converts to Islam who became radicalised and extremists.
  • (8) The newspaper reader feels a sickening sense of impotence.
  • (9) He already knows that he will be without Troy Deeney, who was sent off for two bookings, while Manuel Almunia injured his left hamstring in the warm-up and had to be replaced by Jonathan Bond, who was taken to hospital after suffering a sickening injury in the first half.
  • (10) "Holocaust deniers are as sickening as they are ignorant.
  • (11) "It's really sickening how much those few chart positions matter," Sharland says.
  • (12) Five (71%) of seven dogs vaccinated with the N protein sickened, with incubation periods 3 to 7 days shorter than that of the control dogs; however, three (60%) of the five rabid dogs recovered without supportive treatment.
  • (13) But they sickened within days and died, and fell apart into scrap and rubble.
  • (14) In a 109-page dossier of complaints by dozens of BBC staff, one manager is accused of targeting a colleague over his sexuality and telling him: "Your lifestyle sickens me but it's your choice."
  • (15) But having largely restricted Austria in terms of second-half chances, their inability to keep possession at the very last had sickening consequences.
  • (16) But as Monsieur de Molière (né plain old Pocquelin and not so indifferent himself to some personal rebranding) makes his way, in 2009, out of the Eurostar terminal and heads off down Judd Street, he has a sickening thought: what if his play has become irrelevant?
  • (17) It’s a sickening feeling, you come off the pitch and the worst thing is you have to go over to the fans who have travelled down; it’s not nice but every single player held their hand up in there, every single one.
  • (18) On Wednesday, Obama repeatedly called Isis “terrorists.” The Committee to Protect Journalists said the murder of Foley, 40, who went missing during a reporting trip to Syria in 2012, “sickens all decent people”.
  • (19) McIlveen wrote: “Utterly sickened that a Christian-owned business has been hauled over the coals for refusing to promote something that is not legal in Northern Ireland.” Meanwhile, the hardline Traditional Unionist Voice leader, Jim Allister, said it was “a dark day for justice and religious freedom in Northern Ireland”.
  • (20) The Murdoch family were said to be "ashamed and sickened..." by Ailes' "horrendous and sustained disregard of the journalistic standards that News Corp, its founder and every other global media business aspires to".



  • (superl.) Low; base; worthless; mean; despicable.
  • (superl.) Morally base or impure; depraved by sin; hateful; in the sight of God and men; sinful; wicked; bad.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Those behind it have once again taken the law into their own hands and dispensed a vile form of rough justice.
  • (2) The deputy prime minister branded the treatment meted out to the four-year-old by his mother, Magdelena Luczak, and stepfather, Mariusz Krezolek, as evil and vile, but suggested it was up to the whole of society to stop such tragedies.
  • (3) Charlie Morris described the column as "vile and disgusting", adding that she hoped the writer "gets the sack".
  • (4) In China, where the Communist party has always determined which news is fit to print, authorities have ordered internet portals to abandon original reporting on political or social topics because of its “ extremely vile effect ”.
  • (5) The massacre was not committed by "the Poles" against "the Jews", but was a vile crime committed by specific individuals.
  • (6) Daryush 'Roosh V' Valizadeh cancels neo-masculinist meetings over safety Read more Roosh and company encountered such uniform hostility because their views are ostentatiously vile.
  • (7) Much porn is samey and some is utterly vile, full of torture, faeces, urine, vomit and blood and the utter degradation of women who become nothing but a series of orifices.
  • (8) Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn claimed the results so far illustrated that the Conservatives’ “vile campaign” had backfired .
  • (9) This whole vile outpouring may just be par for the course in the wilds of social media.
  • (10) I did, though, have my suspicions that the perpetrator of this vile assault was Dolge Orlick, Joe's journeyman apprentice.
  • (11) The description “whorephobic” is usually reserved for feminists who speak or campaign against the liberalisation of the laws on sex work, who dream of a world where this huge, vile industry doesn’t exist.
  • (12) It is true in both cases that secrecy helps to protect some truly vile criminals, terrorists and paedophiles.
  • (13) It was not that he could not play good guys; rather that he excelled at locating the virtues in the apparently vile.
  • (14) Jowell said: "Harriet Harman would have nothing to do with the vile rubbish of an organisation like PIE," adding: "I don't want anyone to think this present frenzy about Harriet, the NCCL and the Daily Mail attack on her is in any way explained by that was then and this is now."
  • (15) Last year the country's most senior judge said only "extremely vile criminals" were executed in 2007 as a result of "kill fewer, kill carefully" reforms that gave the supreme court the right to overturn capital sentences handed down by lower courts.
  • (16) You need locking up.” Vardy posted a screenshot of the threats with the words “shocking and vile”.
  • (17) "That is why I believe George Osborne's calculated decision to use the shocking and vile crimes of Mick Philpott to advance a political argument is the cynical act of a desperate chancellor.
  • (18) Vile stuff – but the Nazi attitude to modern art may have been radically misunderstood.
  • (19) "They will not further any aim or objective by their vile and callous deeds.
  • (20) Vile returned to Philadelphia and enrolled at a community college.

Words possibly related to "vile"