What's the difference between spilt and split?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Spill
  • () of Spill
  • () imp. & p. p. of Spill. Spilled.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Doctors refuse to discharge 'Baby Asha' because of fears for safety on Nauru Read more It’s understood the baby girl, who is about a year old and is known as Asha, suffered burns when boiling water was accidentally spilt on her on Nauru.
  • (2) A major 1970 oil spill in Ogoniland in the south-east of Nigeria led to thousands of gallons being spilt on farmland and rivers, ultimately leading to a £26m fine for Shell in Nigerian courts 30 years later .
  • (3) Federici, fatally, spilt this, and Bony was ruthless.
  • (4) Addition of surfaceactive agents to the experimental solutions, did not spilt the wave into separate acts.
  • (5) Croatia's anthem is played next and at the end of the line of Croatia's line, Ivica Olic is wearing the expression of a man weighing up whether or not to glass somebody he thinks might have spilt his pint.
  • (6) "Of course there's a change in the amount of coffee being spilt," she adds.
  • (7) Many millions of words have been spilt on the subject of the perfect cup of coffee, the vast proportion confusing or downright contradictory.
  • (8) He has captured the elements of nascent rock scenes in New York, London and California: the sweaty fans, spilt drinks and crumbling venues.
  • (9) My hands – hand – simply wouldn't work, and it wasn't just in a slipping-off-keys manner, which would be at least understandable given the amount of ash I'd spilt on my keyboard down the years.
  • (10) The arrogance of the outsiders who argued that anything was better than Gaddafi’s rule has caused much Libyan blood to be spilt, destabilised a vast region from the Maghreb to Mali, and is now encouraging thousands to try their luck crossing the Mediterranean to Italy .
  • (11) It will not serve BP's ambition to stave off that day if its chief executive plays down the scale of the crisis as he did by suggesting in his interview with this paper yesterday that the oil that has spilt so far is – to paraphrase only a little – just a drop in the ocean.
  • (12) According to the joint investigation team, which included Shell, around 3,800 barrels of crude were spilt at Bonny.
  • (13) The probability of spilling the liquid, the quantity of liquid spilt, and subject's estimates of the probability of spillage were determined for all conditions.
  • (14) The vapours caught light, and in the ensuing panic she spilt petrol on her clothes and they also caught fire.
  • (15) As the presentation may mimic a number of neurological conditions, or patients with AIDS may suffer head injury, subarachnoid haemorrhage, or other common conditions, it is probably wise to assume all patients have AIDS and to modify operating technique and other procedures where blood may be spilt to minimise the risks of acquiring the infection.
  • (16) With Sheen such a shoo-in for the lead, producers will now be busily searching for an actor who looks like 2,500 square miles of spilt crude oil.
  • (17) In fact, vastly more ink was spilt on the subject of the internet, MP3s, iPods, filesharing and their attendant effects on the music industry's finances than on even the biggest pop star.
  • (18) This may sound cynical – who has kids with someone thinking they are gong to spilt up?
  • (19) Although my Catholicism remains resolutely lapsed, it was something I could relate to in a wider sense, and I found myself photographing some spilt milk on a Jerusalem street and an oil stain I saw in Bethlehem.
  • (20) Chemical analysis revealed that the isotonically contracting muscle spilt only 25% as much high energy phosphate as did the isometrically contracting muscle.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Split
  • (v. t.) To divide lengthwise; to separate from end to end, esp. by force; to divide in the direction of the grain layers; to rive; to cleave; as, to split a piece of timber or a board; to split a gem; to split a sheepskin.
  • (v. t.) To burst; to rupture; to rend; to tear asunder.
  • (v. t.) To divide or break up into parts or divisions, as by discord; to separate into parts or parties, as a political party; to disunite.
  • (v. t.) To divide or separate into components; -- often used with up; as, to split up sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid.
  • (v. i.) To part asunder; to be rent; to burst; as, vessels split by the freezing of water in them.
  • (v. i.) To be broken; to be dashed to pieces.
  • (v. i.) To separate into parties or factions.
  • (v. i.) To burst with laughter.
  • (v. i.) To divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach.
  • (v. i.) to divide one hand of blackjack into two hands, allowed when the first two cards dealt to a player have the same value.
  • (n.) A crack, or longitudinal fissure.
  • (n.) A breach or separation, as in a political party; a division.
  • (n.) A piece that is split off, or made thin, by splitting; a splinter; a fragment.
  • (n.) Specif (Leather Manuf.), one of the sections of a skin made by dividing it into two or more thicknesses.
  • (n.) A division of a stake happening when two cards of the kind on which the stake is laid are dealt in the same turn.
  • (n.) the substitution of more than one share of a corporation's stock for one share. The market price of the stock usually drops in proportion to the increase in outstanding shares of stock. The split may be in any ratio, as a two-for-one split; a three-for-two split.
  • (n.) the division by a player of one hand of blackjack into two hands, allowed when the first two cards dealt to a player have the same value; the player is usually obliged to increase the amount wagered by placing a sum equal to the original bet on the new hand thus created.
  • (a.) Divided; cleft.
  • (a.) Divided deeply; cleft.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The 1-0-methylalduronic-acidmethylesters, obtained by the methanolysis of the polysaccharides, are reduced with boronhydrid to the corresponding methyl glycosides; there are split with acid to the aldoses, which are converted in pyridine with hydroxylamine to the aldoximes and than with acetic anhydride to the aldonitrilacetates, which can be separated by gaschromatography without difficulty.
  • (2) Bohler's angle may be reconstituted with apparent reduction of the posterior facet when projected laterally; however, Broden's and axial views show persistent widening and split of the posterior facet.
  • (3) Enzyme preparations catalyzed hydrolysis of a variety of gamma-glutamyl peptides but did not split non-gamma-glutamyl peptides or the transpeptidase substrate gamma-glutamyl-rho-nitroanilide.
  • (4) A 26-year-old man with 40% full-thickness burns was treated by excision and split-skin grafting on the 7th post-burn day.
  • (5) Four separate features could be distinguished in Fe-DNAase-1 digestions of human lymphoblast nuclei: a di-nucleosomal (2N) repeat, a mono-nucleosomal (1N) repeat, a component of "random" DNA, and triple splitting of major peaks.
  • (6) The data indicate that the locus for the alpha chain of the T-cell receptor is split by the chromosomal breakpoint between the V alpha and the C alpha gene segments, and that the V alpha segments are proximal to the C alpha segment within chromosome band 14q11.2.
  • (7) A major part of the iron is in a form which shows magnetically split spectra at low temperatures.
  • (8) In all three species, splitting of the total dose into 3 or more fractional doses given within 1 day approximately doubles the efficacy over that achieved after a single oral administration of the same total dose.
  • (9) Prince was named after his father's own stage persona, and when his parents split up he became determined to better his dad on piano.
  • (10) The £77m, split between Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Newcastle, Bristol, Cambridge, Oxford and Norwich, will help improve existing cycle networks and pay for new ones, creating segregated routes in some areas.
  • (11) The curiously double nature of the virgin in this tale, her purity versus her duplicity, seems unquestionably related to the infantile split mother, as elucidated by Klein--a connection explored in an earlier paper.
  • (12) The enzyme acts on the oxidized B chain of insulin as an aminoendopeptidase: it splits off the N-terminal phenylalanine and the centrally located bond(s).
  • (13) The cervical sympathetic trunk (CST) was split into two bundles.
  • (14) The findings paralleled those of Study 1, including a split among subjects in their evaluations of the nonprototypical issues.
  • (15) From ducks A. laidlawii, M. anatis and various unclassified strains were isolated, among these M. anatis and unclassified arginine splitting mycoplasma strains proved to be pathogenic.
  • (16) Cyclobutadipyrimidines (pyrimidine dimers) undergo splitting that is photosensitized by indole derivatives.
  • (17) When the reactor is running, high-speed particles called neutrons strike the uranium atoms and cause them to split in a process known as nuclear fission.
  • (18) The decision to split up News Corp followed the News of the World phone-hacking scandal, which focused the attention of investors on the company's newspaper assets, which are far less profitable than its film and TV businesses.
  • (19) In the Punjab, the eastern province, the movement has been able to forge ad hoc links with fragmented sectarian groups or freelance operators who have split away from bigger, more established organisations that are under close watch by intelligence agencies, the officials said.
  • (20) The sniping followed an article by Cameron in the Sunday Times , in which he called on the coalition to provide a "strong, decisive and united government" in the wake of acrimonious splits over Lords reform, warning that the public will not stand for "division and navel-gazing" at a time of social and economic insecurity.