What's the difference between sweet and turd?



  • (superl.) Having an agreeable taste or flavor such as that of sugar; saccharine; -- opposed to sour and bitter; as, a sweet beverage; sweet fruits; sweet oranges.
  • (superl.) Pleasing to the smell; fragrant; redolent; balmy; as, a sweet rose; sweet odor; sweet incense.
  • (superl.) Pleasing to the ear; soft; melodious; harmonious; as, the sweet notes of a flute or an organ; sweet music; a sweet voice; a sweet singer.
  • (superl.) Pleasing to the eye; beautiful; mild and attractive; fair; as, a sweet face; a sweet color or complexion.
  • (superl.) Fresh; not salt or brackish; as, sweet water.
  • (superl.) Not changed from a sound or wholesome state. Specifically: (a) Not sour; as, sweet milk or bread. (b) Not state; not putrescent or putrid; not rancid; as, sweet butter; sweet meat or fish.
  • (superl.) Plaesing to the mind; mild; gentle; calm; amiable; winning; presuasive; as, sweet manners.
  • (n.) That which is sweet to the taste; -- used chiefly in the plural.
  • (n.) Confectionery, sweetmeats, preserves, etc.
  • (n.) Home-made wines, cordials, metheglin, etc.
  • (n.) That which is sweet or pleasant in odor; a perfume.
  • (n.) That which is pleasing or grateful to the mind; as, the sweets of domestic life.
  • (n.) One who is dear to another; a darling; -- a term of endearment.
  • (adv.) Sweetly.
  • (v. t.) To sweeten.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Previous attempts to purify this enzyme from the liquid endosperm of kernels of Zea mays (sweet corn) were not entirely successful owing to the lability of partially purified preparations during column chromatography.
  • (2) Try the sweet potato falafel, quinoa, roast vegetables, harissa and sumac yogurt ($23).
  • (3) Imported sweets and liqueurs were homogenized and extracted with ethyl acetate.
  • (4) It is concluded that the development was influenced by several factors, such as different snacking habits and access to sweets, the study per se, and xylitol-induced effects.
  • (5) The halfwidth of the fluorescence emission band increases in parallel with the loss of sweetness.
  • (6) A sweet-talking man in a suit who enlists the most successful barrister in town holds remarkable sway, I’ve learned.
  • (7) Rather than ruthlessly efficient, I have found them sweet and a bit hopeless."
  • (8) The sensitivity of the taste system to the various qualities was, in decreasing order, salty, sweet, sour, and bitter.
  • (9) A case of Sweet's syndrome developed as a presenting feature of multiple myeloma.
  • (10) Though the thought of a Panama team listening to the USA team huddle coyly sharing their secrets is a rather sweet thought.
  • (11) The sweetness of monellin under these two types of denaturing conditions, temperature and pH, can be predicted by the fluorescence emission spectrum of the protein.
  • (12) Potential, polarization, and pH measurements were performed before and after Coca-Cola and orange juice rinsing and intake of sweets, which were used as test products.
  • (13) A solid-phase extraction method with a strong anion exchanger was used to determine these compounds in sweet wines and in grape musts.
  • (14) Sweet flavours were often correctly identified, with the exception of egg nog, but savoury flavours were recognised less frequently.
  • (15) Thus, the B center of the Shallenberger A-H,B theory of sweetness is best regarded as being -SO3- rather than -SO2- for sulfamates.
  • (16) in Shibuya-ku goes a little easier on the sugary sweet styles.
  • (17) Two subjects with Ph-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in whom pustular Sweet's syndrome was diagnosed are reported.
  • (18) In this paper, the sweetness receptor is refined with use of the shapes of 3-anilino-2-styryl-3H-naphtho[1,2-d]imidazolesulfonate (sweet) and of 3-anilino-2-phenyl-3H-naphtho[1,2-d]imidazolesulfonate (tasteless), two large and almost completely rigid tastants.
  • (19) It was very sweet, really nice, but it was like an obituary.
  • (20) Diluted elements of his style were all over the pop charts: Sweet, Mud, Alvin Stardust.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) A Peperami looks almost exactly like a long dried turd.
  • (2) If My Little Pony produced turds, then these would be they.
  • (3) So we decided to just back off and let [politicians] do their comedy and we’ll do ours.” Parker has previously referred to Trump and Clinton as “the giant douche and the turd sandwich” .
  • (4) For more than a decade, he was leader of the fractious Socialist party, where he once reportedly likened the constant task of calming of ego spats and political rows to clearing up dog turds.
  • (5) 'A little turd' by Edwina Currie, and the 'sleazeball's sleazeball' by David Mellor, which is almost enough to make you warm to him.
  • (6) In a recent cartoon he criticised the regime's offers of reforms, with a picture of an official with rosebuds in his speech bubble – and a turd in his head.
  • (7) For one senior lawyer, the former Law Society chief Robert Sayer, his public designation of one rival as "a dog turd" plainly has no bearing on his current work at Sayer Moore & Co solicitors.
  • (8) 8.19pm BST Howard's not even listening he's just looking at his fruity turd.
  • (9) Trump may say misogynist things, but other Republican candidates do them | Jessica Valenti Read more It’s true, like his fans have said , that the turds hurtling out of Trump’s mouth-hole aren’t created by committee and vetted by a campaign operative (though Nixonian dirty trickster Roger Simon says he tried ).
  • (10) Then we can remind everyone to wear shoes and sandals when they go to the toilet … and to wash their hands.” • World toilet day: public poo, crap compost and a golden turd – in pictures
  • (11) Doubtless fans of experimental music, hysteria and exaggeration have read of the weekend event’s other problems, the final turd blockage in the U-bend of its cash flow being the caught-on-CCTV vandalism of an arcade machine by a person who had gained access to the site by pretending to be a member of the Fall’s entourage.
  • (12) If I'm in a really bad mood it looks like a huge glass turd planted near the edge of the road.
  • (13) Addressing the public relations audience, Walker said: "People outside the communications industry sometimes think that it is possible to spin anything – that the proverbial turd can indeed be polished, if you'll pardon the metaphor.
  • (14) It is a frequent outcome for site-specific work, which began in the late 1960s as a reaction to the growing commodification of art, but during the 80s and 90s was all too often a ready-made garnish for corporate lobbies and commercial piazzas – what American architect James Wines summed up as the "turd on the plaza".
  • (15) Naturally, my birth almost kills my mother, for my head is too big, full of words words words birds turds.
  • (16) Those handy “don’t get raped tips” that keep turning up on the internet like bad bitcoin are just more kangaroo turds for the pile that Western women are expected to carry around in our heads all the time.
  • (17) It would be easy to mock those involved – to accompany Marianne's tutu-appliquéing activities with a comedy trombone, perhaps, or to let us know that it's all a bit infradig by filming Martin unknowingly treading on a turd, then following him as he tramples it around the Northern line.
  • (18) Towards the end of the meal, I stepped into the men's room to pee and there, disintegrating in the western-style toilet, was an unflushed turd, a little reminder saying, "See, you're still in China!"
  • (19) They look like the turds of an animal who has been eating whole peppercorns.
  • (20) With a name so redolent of turd, Mr Murdstone was not a man to whom I warmed and I was not at all unhappy when my mother sent me to stay with Peggotty for a fortnight.