(a.) Of or pertaining to Siam, its native people, or their language.
(n. sing. & pl.) A native or inhabitant of Siam; pl., the people of Siam.
(n. sing. & pl.) The language of the Siamese.
Example Sentences:
(1) Symmetrical cases (the so-called siamese twins) have an obvious predominance (92.3%).
(2) Bloody odd combination but those Orange Foam Headphones would blast those magnificent records into my developing brain over and over again" chernypyos – Björk's Human Behavior and Sinead O'Connor's Fire On Babylon: "bjork's 'human behavior' and sinead o'connor's "fire on babylon" oddly stick in my head from that one evening walking in the woods, breathing the damp air, and feeling pleasantly invisible" Pyromancer – REM – Automatic for the People Blood Sugar Sex Magic Pearl Jam - Vs RATM's first album Portishead Maxinquaye by Tricky Manic Street Preachers – Gold Against the Soul Smashing Pumpkins, Siamese Dream "I used to go to the local library and take out a CD (50p for 3 weeks!
(3) The Siamese cat is a mutant with abnormally crossed visual pathways, which provides a model for studying the effects of visual deprivation in the absence of binocular competitive interactions.
(4) Male cats (19; 66%) and Siamese cats (5; 21%) appeared to be over-represented in comparison to the hospital's cat population.
(5) The Siamese cat superior colliculus receives an abnormally large projection from the ipsilateral half-field so that units with visual receptive fields which extend as far as 40 degrees into the ipsilateral half-field can be found.
(6) Both the AO and the Siamese cats exhibited a convergent squint.
(7) One of the patterns seen in ferrets is comparable to the 'Midwestern' pattern previously described in Siamese cats, while the other is comparable to the 'Boston' pattern.
(8) In two Siamese cats there were suggestions of an entirely different projection pattern, superimposed upon that described above.
(9) Prevalent cases (n = 22) were more likely than general population controls (n = 76), matched by sex and 10-year age group, to have: lived longer in Key West, been a nurse, ever owned a Siamese cat, had detectable antibody titers to coxsackievirus A2 and poliovirus 2, and ever visited a local military base (Fleming Key).
(10) Ganglion cell density maps of the retinas of Siamese cats show the same major features of ganglion cell distribution as are found in normally pigmented cats, in particular the area centralis and visual streak.
(11) In the visual system of Siamese cats, the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) receives an abnormally large projection from the contralateral eye and a correspondingly reduced projection from the ipsilateral eye.
(12) It is proposed that that the dual-track theorem generally and the Siamese-twin configuration (with the Moebius-strip twist) specifically offer a unique and useful paradigmatic perspective that allows us to organize and integrate the characteristics and functions of the brain-mind continuum.
(13) The organization of albino visual cortex is therefore different from the organization of Siamese visual cortex.
(14) They are training with Hasadin, a team of elite rangers formed in June 2015, whose mission is to stop the Siamese rosewood tree from being driven to extinction by poachers.
(15) This comparison indicates that the spatial restriction of the retinocollicular pathway occurs after birth in Siamese cats.
(16) In addition, retinocollicular pathways were studied in Siamese cats which were unilaterally enucleated on the day of birth and in Siamese cats which were reared in a stroboscopically illuminated environment.
(17) Seven forest rangers died in 2015 in relation to violent Siamese rosewood crime, according to the Freeland Foundation , an organisation based in Bangkok working to improve ranger training in Thailand.
(18) Siamese cats are known to be resistant to the effects of monocular eyelid suture.
(19) This possibly represents a significant increase in the incidence of Siamese twinning and may be the result of unknown environmental agents.
(20) A Siamese cat raised with both eyes closed had binocular cells in the regions of 17 and 18 subserving the peripheral visual fields, suggesting that the absence of binocular cells seen in the other Siamese cats was indeed secondary to the squint.7.