What's the difference between abatement and figure?



  • (n.) The act of abating, or the state of being abated; a lessening, diminution, or reduction; removal or putting an end to; as, the abatement of a nuisance is the suppression thereof.
  • (n.) The amount abated; that which is taken away by way of reduction; deduction; decrease; a rebate or discount allowed.
  • (n.) A mark of dishonor on an escutcheon.
  • (n.) The entry of a stranger, without right, into a freehold after the death of the last possessor, before the heir or devisee.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Accordingly, the present studies were conducted to determine whether acute OVX-induced FSH hypersecretion can be elicited in an animal model in which the anterior pituitary gland is isolated from diencephalic chemical signals, and if so, whether the hypersecretion could be abated by the FSH-suppressing protein, follistatin.
  • (2) The histologically demonstrated degree of activity had regressed significantly after the three-week treatment; in 90% of patients the inflammatory process had completely abated.
  • (3) Adverse effects included nausea, light-headedness, dyskinesias, and hallucinations, all of which abated after the Sinemet dose was reduced.
  • (4) A 51-year-old manic woman who developed acute severe lithium intoxication with neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity during rapid abatement of manic episode was reported.
  • (5) The report of the PSAC Environmental Pollution Panel recommended "demonstration of the feasibility and economy of new developments for abating or controlling pollution through their use at Federal installations" and suggested the coalburning TVA power plants as a likely place for such demonstration.
  • (6) A few days after hospital admission the symptoms abated.
  • (7) "The greater the range of emission reduction opportunities that can be tapped into by countries, the more low cost abatement options there are likely to be," the report said.
  • (8) An accompanying thrombocytopenia was not abated by SQ 30,741.
  • (9) Even as the sounds of missiles around Şemdinli abate, news of bloody clashes elsewhere in the region keeps locals on their toes.
  • (10) In vitro, zinc supplement could abate the death of GalN-intoxicated hepatocytes, decrease malonaldehyde (MDA) content, and maintain reduced glutathione (GSH).
  • (11) Espírito Santo Financial markets regained some poise on Friday as fears abated about the potential spread of problems at one of Portugal's biggest banks.
  • (12) It's not hard to see why inflationary pressure is abating: the eurozone economy has been flat on its back for the past 18 months.
  • (13) Walls of the invaginated stump of the cystic duct are swiftly abated as a result of hydrostatic pressure and cover its gap.
  • (14) Once that abated, the solution for me was to stay and fight the Trump agenda with everything I have.
  • (15) • Rules requiring local authorities to investigate and abate noise, dust and odour nuisances will be liberalised or improved.
  • (16) Under treatment with erythromycin the clinical picture of intense swelling of the lid and the copious purulent discharge abated during the following 2 days.
  • (17) With antiinflammatory treatment the diarrhea abated, the surface epithelial injury decreased, and the subepithelial collagen resolved (two patients), but lamina propria inflammation persisted.
  • (18) Her symptoms abated when treated with prednisone, but she developed diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and compression fracture of lumbar vertebrae while being treated.
  • (19) In cases observed following the time course, the occasionally increased IR-LHRH in plasma and CSF tended to decrease following the abatement of the diseases.
  • (20) These actions were fully abated by the pADPRP inhibitor 3-MBA.



  • (n.) The form of anything; shape; outline; appearance.
  • (n.) The representation of any form, as by drawing, painting, modeling, carving, embroidering, etc.; especially, a representation of the human body; as, a figure in bronze; a figure cut in marble.
  • (n.) A pattern in cloth, paper, or other manufactured article; a design wrought out in a fabric; as, the muslin was of a pretty figure.
  • (n.) A diagram or drawing; made to represent a magnitude or the relation of two or more magnitudes; a surface or space inclosed on all sides; -- called superficial when inclosed by lines, and solid when inclosed by surface; any arrangement made up of points, lines, angles, surfaces, etc.
  • (n.) The appearance or impression made by the conduct or carrer of a person; as, a sorry figure.
  • (n.) Distinguished appearance; magnificence; conspicuous representation; splendor; show.
  • (n.) A character or symbol representing a number; a numeral; a digit; as, 1, 2,3, etc.
  • (n.) Value, as expressed in numbers; price; as, the goods are estimated or sold at a low figure.
  • (n.) A person, thing, or action, conceived of as analogous to another person, thing, or action, of which it thus becomes a type or representative.
  • (n.) A mode of expressing abstract or immaterial ideas by words which suggest pictures or images from the physical world; pictorial language; a trope; hence, any deviation from the plainest form of statement.
  • (n.) The form of a syllogism with respect to the relative position of the middle term.
  • (n.) Any one of the several regular steps or movements made by a dancer.
  • (n.) A horoscope; the diagram of the aspects of the astrological houses.
  • (n.) Any short succession of notes, either as melody or as a group of chords, which produce a single complete and distinct impression.
  • (n.) A form of melody or accompaniment kept up through a strain or passage; a musical or motive; a florid embellishment.
  • (n.) To represent by a figure, as to form or mold; to make an image of, either palpable or ideal; also, to fashion into a determinate form; to shape.
  • (n.) To embellish with design; to adorn with figures.
  • (n.) To indicate by numerals; also, to compute.
  • (n.) To represent by a metaphor; to signify or symbolize.
  • (n.) To prefigure; to foreshow.
  • (n.) To write over or under the bass, as figures or other characters, in order to indicate the accompanying chords.
  • (n.) To embellish.
  • (v. t.) To make a figure; to be distinguished or conspicious; as, the envoy figured at court.
  • (v. t.) To calculate; to contrive; to scheme; as, he is figuring to secure the nomination.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Today’s figures tell us little about the timing of the first increase in interest rates, which will depend on bigger picture news on domestic growth, pay trends and perceived downside risks in the global economy,” he said.
  • (2) To this figure an additional 250,000 older workers must be added, who are no longer registered as unemployed but nevertheless would be interested in finding another job.
  • (3) The criticism over the downgrading of the leader of the Lords was led by Lord Forsyth of Drumlean, a former Scotland secretary, who is a respected figure on the right.
  • (4) Brown's model, which goes far further than those from any other senior Labour figure, and the modest new income tax powers for Holyrood devised when he was prime minister, edge the party much closer to the quasi-federal plans championed by the Liberal Democrats.
  • (5) According to some reports as many as 30 people were killed in the explosion, although that figure could not be independently confirmed.
  • (6) As increases to the Isa allowance are based on the CPI inflation figure for the year to the previous September, the new data suggests the current Isa limit of £15,240 will remain unchanged next year.
  • (7) Shelter’s analysis of MoJ figures highlights high-risk hotspots across the country where families are particularly at risk of losing their homes, with households in Newham, east London, most exposed to the possibility of eviction or repossession, with one in every 36 homes threatened.
  • (8) Mitotic figures and leukotriene B4 levels in lesions decreased 86% and 64%, respectively, after seven days of cyclosporine therapy.
  • (9) Even if it were not the case that police use a variety of tricks to keep recorded crime figures low, this data would still represent an almost meaningless measure of the extent of crime in society, for the simple reason that a huge proportion of crimes (of almost all sorts) have always gone unreported.
  • (10) They urged the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to make air quality a higher priority and release the latest figures on premature deaths.
  • (11) Which must make yesterday's jobs figures doubly alarming for the coalition.
  • (12) Of particular note is the difference between Black American and Nigerian figures.
  • (13) At autopsy, this DOCA-hypertensive rat was found to have a form of hepatitis associated with proliferative activity, i.e., cellular unrest, mitotic figures and oval cell hyperplasia.
  • (14) Okawa, who became the world's oldest person last June following the death at 116 of fellow Japanese Jiroemon Kimura , was given a cake with just three candles at her nursing home in Osaka – one for each figure in her age.
  • (15) If Lagarde had been placed under formal investigation in the Tapie case, it would have risked weakening her position and further embarrassing both the IMF and France by heaping more judicial worries on a key figure on the international stage.
  • (16) The figures, published in the company’s annual report , triggered immediate anger from fuel poverty campaigners who noted that energy suppliers had just been rapped over the knuckles by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) for overcharging .
  • (17) Figures from 228 organisations, of which 154 are acute hospital trusts, show that 2,077 inpatient procedures have been cancelled due to the two-day strike alongside 3,187 day case operations and procedures.
  • (18) It seams rational to proceed to an earlier total correction in these cases when well defined criteria are fullfilled, as the mortality figures of the palliative and corrective procedures have a tendency to reach each other: (3,2 versus 5,7%).
  • (19) It is understood that Cooper rejected pressure from senior Labour figures last week for both her and Liz Kendall to drop out and leave the way clear for Burnham to contest Corbyn alone.
  • (20) Human figure drawings of 12 pediatric oncology patients were significantly smaller in height, width, and area than were drawings of 12 school children and 12 pediatric general surgery patients paired for sex and age.