What's the difference between abduct and seize?



  • (v. t.) To take away surreptitiously by force; to carry away (a human being) wrongfully and usually by violence; to kidnap.
  • (v. t.) To draw away, as a limb or other part, from its ordinary position.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In a debate in the House of Commons, I will ask Britain, the US and other allies to convert generalised offers of help into more practical support with greater air cover, military surveillance and helicopter back-up, to hunt down the terrorists who abducted the girls.
  • (2) Dislocation of the endoprosthesis was found in the 15 hands with unimproved abduction.
  • (3) Five cases of bilateral abduction contracture of the shoulder in adults including the first case of bilateral abduction contractures of shoulder and hip plus bilateral flexion contracture of elbow and extension contracture of a knee are reported.
  • (4) Abducting saccades, which were slightly hypometric, displayed a marked postsaccadic centripetal drift.
  • (5) Global 'abnormality', hunching (rigid arching of back), hindlimb abduction, forepaw myoclonus, stereotyped lateral head movements, backing, and immobility occurred significantly only in drug-treated rats.
  • (6) Duane's retraction syndrome is a congenital eye movement disorder characterized by a deficiency of abduction, mild limitation of adduction, with retraction and narrowing of the palpebral fissure on attempted adduction.
  • (7) The purpose of this study was to test for differences in the maximal isometric hip abduction torque produced between hip sides across multiple hip abduction angles.
  • (8) After training, this abduction-adduction asymmetry was preserved in the light and dark with monocular or dichoptic viewing, indicating again that all adaptive changes were conjugate.
  • (9) Between 1972 and 1985, 17 people were abducted, sometimes tortured, then killed and buried.
  • (10) The recommended position is 25 degrees to 40 degrees abduction, 20 degrees to 30 degrees flexion, and 25 degrees to 30 degrees of internal rotation.
  • (11) Data are also presented that indicate a mediation program may be effective in preventing some cases of parental child abduction.
  • (12) It is characterized by a nonprogressive bilateral facial paralysis, the inability of the eyes to abduct beyond the midline, orofacial anomalies, limb deficiencies, and an absence or hypoplasia of the pectoral muscles.
  • (13) Mz' was greatest in magnitude during the first half of support, when it acted in a direction resisting foot abduction, a component of pronation.
  • (14) This reinforces our initial findings that it is indeed feasible to pace vocal cord abduction in bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis with resultant return of physiologic normality to the glottis.
  • (15) The abduction early Thursday comes amid anger among Libya's powerful Islamic militant groups over the US special forces raid on Saturday that seized a Libyan al-Qaida suspect known as Abu Anas al-Libi.
  • (16) I do still believe he was abducted,” Angela Gui said by phone from the UK.
  • (17) Among the secret papers about their abduction that were discovered during the Libyan revolution was a signed letter from the then head of counter-terrorism at MI6, Mark Allen , in which he boasted of his agency's role in one of the operations.
  • (18) Optic atrophy was present in six patients, nystagmus in three, blepharoptosis in one, cataract in one, and limitation on abduction in one.
  • (19) The US said it had removed North Korea – once a member of George Bush's axis of evil – from the terror list to breathe life into the stalled nuclear negotiations and would continue to pressure Pyongyang to resolve the abduction issue.
  • (20) Dislocation of the talonavicular joint is rare, caused by severe abduction or adduction of the forefoot.



  • (v. t.) To fall or rush upon suddenly and lay hold of; to gripe or grasp suddenly; to reach and grasp.
  • (v. t.) To take possession of by force.
  • (v. t.) To invade suddenly; to take sudden hold of; to come upon suddenly; as, a fever seizes a patient.
  • (v. t.) To take possession of by virtue of a warrant or other legal authority; as, the sheriff seized the debtor's goods.
  • (v. t.) To fasten; to fix.
  • (v. t.) To grap with the mind; to comprehend fully and distinctly; as, to seize an idea.
  • (v. t.) To bind or fasten together with a lashing of small stuff, as yarn or marline; as, to seize ropes.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Batson believes there is a “mood” that needs to be seized upon.
  • (2) George Osborne said the 146,000 fall in joblessness marked "another step on the road to full employment" but Labour and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) seized on news that earnings were failing to keep pace with prices.
  • (3) Can somebody who is not a billionaire, who stands for working families, actually win an election into which billionaires are pouring millions of dollars?” Naming prominent and controversial rightwing donors, he said: “It is not just Hillary, it is the Koch brothers, it is Sheldon Adelson.” Stephanopoulos seized the moment, asking: “Are you lumping her in with them?” Choosing to refer to the 2010 supreme court decision that removed limits on corporate political donations, rather than address the question directly, Sanders replied: “What I am saying is that I get very frightened about the future of American democracy when this becomes a battle between billionaires.
  • (4) Among the dead were two young young officers, Major Mujahid Ali and Captain Usman, whose life stories the media seized upon, helped by the military's public relations machine.
  • (5) Remember, if he did seize group power and dispose of the Independent , he'd still be boss of the rest of INM: 200 or so papers and magazines around the world, dominant voices in Australasia, South Africa, India and Ireland itself, 100 million readers a week.
  • (6) Lieberman said: "[Amazon's] decision to cut off WikiLeaks now is the right decision and should set the standard for other companies WikiLeaks is using to distribute its illegally seized material.
  • (7) Generals who have mutinied have seized the capital of South Sudan's largest state, Jonglei, and its main oil-producing area, Unity State.
  • (8) The coroner also raised concerns that although the aim of the operation in which Duggan was killed was to take guns off the streets, little attempt was made to seize weapons believed to be held by Hutchinson-Foster.
  • (9) Employers seize the workers’ passports and the only body that can issue a permit for a worker to leave Qatar is the employer himself.
  • (10) Backlogs and staff shortages have long been seized upon by veterans groups lobbying for more resources, but it is the apparent cover-up of the scale of the problem that has transformed these latest complaints into a growing political problem for the White House.
  • (11) Social media has seized on the story, turning the Eastern Washington University’s professor of African studies into a figure vilified and mocked for cultural appropriation in the midst of fraught debates over transgender identity and police shootings of black people.
  • (12) A Yazidi lawmaker, a Kurdish security official and an Iraqi official from the nearby city of Sinjar gave similar accounts, saying Isis fighters had massacred scores of Yazidi men on Friday afternoon after seizing Kocho.
  • (13) "This is a formidable challenge, requiring step changes in the rate at which we improve our energy efficiency and in low-carbon innovation.The Carbon Trust's proposals recognise the need for us to be smarter in focusing our investments, including to help businesses seize the economic opportunities of the transition."
  • (14) The US and Iran have had no diplomatic relations since 1979, when a group of student protesters seized the US embassy in Tehran and took US officials hostage.
  • (15) The militants have also seized a huge chunk of territory straddling the Iraq-Syria border, and have declared a self-styled caliphate in the territory they control.
  • (16) But the Tories edited out a crucial final sentence in which Balls told BBC Radio Leeds on 9 January : “But I think we can be tougher and we should be and we will.” Labour seized on the Tory editing of the Balls interview to accuse the Tories of misleading people to defend their refusal to tackle tax avoidance.
  • (17) The Ukrainian president, Oleksandr Turchynov, had given pro-Russian locals in eastern Ukraine until Monday morning to give up their arms and the buildings they had seized, but instead a pro-Russian mob took over yet another government building in Horlivka that day.
  • (18) The terrorists know that if Iraq and Afghanistan survive their assault, come through their travails, seize the opportunity the future offers, then those countries will stand not just as nations liberated from oppression, but as a lesson to humankind everywhere and a profound antidote to the poison of religious extremism.
  • (19) In 2014, they seized on Osborne’s declaration of a “northern powerhouse” to promote One North, a plan for a £15bn network, dubbed HS3, between Lancashire and Yorkshire.
  • (20) The president’s supporters seized on the incident to plant seeds of confusion and false equivalency: if that Russia story was wrong, perhaps all of them are wrong?

Words possibly related to "abduct"