(a.) Remote from apprehension; difficult to be comprehended or understood; recondite; as, abstruse learning.
Example Sentences:
(1) Ed Miliband should be out and proud about his abstruse interests, his Masters in economics, his political obsession, his prioritising of the mental over the physical.
(2) Britain's sodden fields mean the debate about climate change is now no longer confined to some abstruse problem affecting glaciers in far-off countries.
(3) As if to underline how far leftfield Radiohead have subsequently shifted, it's followed by the instrumental Feral, which in its live incarnation – scattered rhythms overlaid with echoing vocal loops and waves of electronic noise – is arguably the most abstruse and uncommercial piece of music you're ever likely to hear booming around an arena venue.
(4) At its best, British public service broadcasting wants to share the best with everyone, it takes topics or themes which may seem abstruse or unapproachable – the science of the solar system, what you can learn about civilisation through physical artefacts – and then brings them to life with such conviction and creativity that they reach deep across a society.
(5) Thus the abstruse nomenclature in common use is avoided.
(6) Innovative dance music is still being made, but it exists almost entirely out of the realm of the charts: for all its ground-breaking brilliance, there have been few takers among the mainstream record-buyers for the new, deliberately abstruse, genre of "grime".
(7) I think the most abstruse one we've put in here is ferkidoodle."
(8) The lawyer among them, the ever resourceful Markus C Kerber, probably came up with the abstruse idea of supporting their case by quoting the right to resistance.
(9) Filesharing tools have gone from the primitive, easily monitored and abstruse (IRC or the early Napster) to a very easy, attack-resistant architecture that was built in response to entertainment industry attacks.
(10) Or perhaps it's just a load of bumwash with wilfully abstruse bells on.
(11) In a less abstruse way, Twitter has already shown itself to be a useful conduit for circumventing legal or governmental censorship.
(12) The origins of this type of aberrant maternal behavior remain abstruse, as do the long-term psychological effects on the child victims.
(13) Shenouda's hundred books and countless sermons untangled abstruse dogma in a straightforward way.
(14) If it sounds a little abstruse, by the way, to try to solve the feminist framing of the ancient Greeks, the idea of a sex strike has reappeared more recently, in fiction if not in fact.
(15) For the lay person attempting to referee the row, and having to interpret such abstruse concepts as the Gini coefficient and, as Gaffney neatly summarises, whether "the r > g inequality is amplifying the reconcentration trend", illumination is hard to discern.
(16) For children about to undergo surgery and for their families, anxiety caused by the abstruse procedure and the child's separation can provoke a crisis.
(17) Whereas the effects of Fadenoperation on adduction incomitance are perfectly clear, those on the deviation in primary position still remain very abstruse.
(18) This manuscript is concerned with concepts rather than abstruse details or mathematics.
(19) Model theory is a branch of mathematics that treats such abstruse questions as "is there another number system, different from 0,1,2, ... that satisfies all the axioms of arithmetic?"
(a.) Having the constituent parts massed or crowded together; close; compact; thick; containing much matter in a small space; heavy; opaque; as, a dense crowd; a dense forest; a dense fog.
(a.) Stupid; gross; crass; as, dense ignorance.
Example Sentences:
(1) Patients with papillary carcinoma with a good cell-mediated immune response occurred with much lower infiltration of the tumor boundary with lymphocyte whereas the follicular carcinoma less cell-mediated immunity was associated with dense lymphocytic infiltration, suggesting the biological relevance of lymphocytic infiltration may be different for the two histologic variants.
(2) In spite of dense lymphocytic infiltration only 3% of the tumor infiltrating lymphocytes exhibit the activation marker CD 25.
(3) Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated that outer dense fibres were the predominant immunoreactive site.
(4) Electron microscopy revealed the presence of a hitherto unreported peculiar "pilovacuolar" inclusion in numerous mitochondria, composed of an electron dense pile or rod within a vacuole, while globular or crystalline inclusions were absent.
(5) A recent report suggested that neurons in the prefrontal, anterior cingulate, and primary motor cortex of the brains of schizophrenic subjects may be less dense than those in the brains of nonschizophrenic subjects.
(6) Two years ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declared Egypt's Nile Delta to be among the top three areas on the planet most vulnerable to a rise in sea levels, and even the most optimistic predictions of global temperature increase will still displace millions of Egyptians from one of the most densely populated regions on earth.
(7) Chick sympathetic nerve fibers densely innervate expansor secundariorum muscle, but not skeletal muscle.
(8) Electron microscopy revealed a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, an enlarged Golgi apparatus and many highly electron-dense secretory granules resembling those of Clara cells.
(9) In the first assay, we used a simple density separation technique to remove dense neutrophils (PMN) from suspensions of blood and of bone marrow cells prior to culture in semisolid agar.
(10) In contrast to the defect in another packaging-deficient mutant ts1201, the block in the formation of dense-cored, DNA-containing capsids in ts1233-infected cells at the NPT could not be reversed by transferring the cells to the permissive temperature in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor.
(11) The outstanding morphologic feature of cortical cells exposed to microunit ACTH concentrations for 40 min was the abundance of electron-dense granules (0.2-0.4 mum).
(12) The majority of intensively stained and densely packed cells have been observed in tv nucleus.
(13) The wall of the yolk sac thickens as a result of this infolding and the densely packed capillaries.
(14) Viral particles in the cultures and the brain were of various sizes and shapes; particles ranged from 70 to over 160 nm in diameter, with a variable position of dense nucleoids and less dense core shells.
(15) Martin O’Neill spoke of his satisfaction at the Republic of Ireland’s score draw in the first leg of their Euro 2016 play-off against Bosnia-Herzegovina – and of his relief that the match was not abandoned despite the dense fog that descended in the second half and threatened to turn the game into a farce.
(16) Phagosomes and dense bodies reminiscent of Russel bodies also occurred in the Mikulicz cells, in the vacuoles of which formations representing Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis were demonstrated.
(17) Electron microscopic examination of all leptomeningeal and meningioma cultures revealed desmosomes and dense tonofilament formation; in addition, granular, filamentous basement membrane-like material was abundant in the extracellular spaces of all cultures.
(18) Genes of the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are densely clustered on 16 linear chromosomes.
(19) The results suggest that the conversion of the HRP-TMB reaction product to an electron-dense form during osmication is intimately associated with the pH of the phosphate buffer and the total time of osmication.
(20) Chemical binding studies showed that the teichoic acid was the major uranyl binding component in isolated walls, from which it might be inferred that teichoic acid was located in the densely staining regions.