(n.) An overflowing fullness; ample sufficiency; great plenty; profusion; copious supply; superfluity; wealth: -- strictly applicable to quantity only, but sometimes used of number.
Example Sentences:
(1) But it will be a subtle difference, because it's already abundantly clear there's no danger of the war being suddenly forgotten, or made to seem irrelevant to our sense of what Europe and the world has to avoid repeating.
(2) In normal seminal vesicle, the reaction product was apparently more abundant in columnar and basal cells than in other cell types.
(3) It is concluded that selection against insertional mutations is unlikely to be the major factor involved in the containment of element abundance.
(4) Proliferating cells were abundant and scattered throughout the stratified epithelium before the appearance of villi.
(5) The papillae on the oral sucker were more abundant than those elsewhere.
(6) Plakoglobin is present in the fertilized egg, increases in abundance by neurula stage, then declines at the tailbud and tadpole stages.
(7) Mitoses were always more abundant after 3-4 days in culture, and were consistently higher in cultures to which phytohemagglutinin had not been added.
(8) Ten of 11 diffuse poorly differentiated lymphocytic lymphomas were composed of cells with large amounts of surface immunoglobulin, whereas only 1 of 5 diffuse well differentiated lymphocytic tumors contained such abundant surface immunoglobulin.
(9) It is of particular interest that in this paraprotein the major component is a biantennary complex-type oligosaccharide that lacks a fucose residue and an oligosaccharide with the structure (Formula: see text) exists as one of the most abundant components.
(10) The outstanding morphologic feature of cortical cells exposed to microunit ACTH concentrations for 40 min was the abundance of electron-dense granules (0.2-0.4 mum).
(11) Abundant ciliated cells were present in all lung specimens.
(12) Electron microscopic examination of all leptomeningeal and meningioma cultures revealed desmosomes and dense tonofilament formation; in addition, granular, filamentous basement membrane-like material was abundant in the extracellular spaces of all cultures.
(13) The appearance of an abundant class of polyribosomes was correlated with globin synthesis by demonstrating that a discrete class of polyribosomes arises in cells treated with the inducers hexamethylene bisacetamide and hemin.
(14) The protein was abundant in all t(14;18)-carrying cell lines and lymphomas and was also found at lower levels in pre-B-cell lines and nonmalignant lymphoid tissues that do not carry t(14;18) translocations.
(15) Phosphotyrosine-modified proteins were also abundant in and highly restricted to the process-rich layers of the embryonic optic tectum.
(16) Prosaposin, the precursor of saposins A, B, C, and D, which activate lysosomal hydrolysis of sphingolipids, exists in various tissues and body fluids and is especially abundant in the nervous system.
(17) In the outer membrane it was one of three or four most abundant proteins.
(18) The abundance of adhesion molecules on leukocytes and keratinocytes in oral lichen planus is indicative of a special state of activation.
(19) Methanospirillum hungatei and Methanosarcina barkeri predominated in ethanol-grown granules, whereas many morphotypes of methanogens were abundant in granules from the full-scale reactor.
(20) Ultrastructural examination of noncartilaginous regions of the tumor demonstrated mesenchymal cells with features suggestive of cartilaginous differentiation, viz, scalloped cell membranes, sac-like distension of abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, and a matrix containing fibrillary and finely granular material.
(a.) Full or adequate supply; enough and to spare; sufficiency; specifically, abundant productiveness of the earth; ample supply for human wants; abundance; copiousness.
(a.) Plentiful; abundant.
Example Sentences:
(1) But last year Rosi Santoni, one of the relatives who helped look after her, said she had plenty of family to care for her and had many friends in the town.
(2) Instead, they say, we should only eat plenty of lean meat and fish, with fruit and raw vegetables on the side.
(3) There are, however, plenty of arguments to be made about the Slim Reaper's supporting cast.
(4) In the nerve fibre running between the sensory cells there are plenty of mitochondria but few clear vesicles and neurofilaments.
(5) But there is plenty here that thrills, from grand plans for offshore power production to the micro-engineeering of intelligent load management.
(6) In a Europe (including Britain) where austerity has become the economic dogma of the elite in spite of massive evidence that it is choking growth and worsening the very sickness it claims to heal, there are plenty of rational, sensible arguments for taking to the streets.
(7) Whilst a charity may seem to have plenty of cash to meet its general liabilities, if the money is in the form of restricted funds it can only be used with permission of the donor or the Charity Commission .
(8) "If you don't want my gear [on TV], I've got plenty of other places to take it," Jamie Oliver told advertisers last autumn, brazenly and a tad cheekily, at a Channel 4 "upfront" preview presentation of its 2014 schedule.
(9) Plenty of people felt embarrassed, upset, outraged or betrayed by the Goncourts' record of things they had said or had said about them.
(10) And there are plenty who think that, as our libel laws are cleaned up, smart lawyers are switching horses to privacy.
(11) And there is plenty of beauty in London - seeing Parliament Square in the snow, the dome of St Paul's rising above the City, the simple perfection of a Georgian terrace or the quietly elegant streets of Mayfair.
(12) There are plenty of creative, lawyerly brains in Brussels: with goodwill, they might just find a way through.
(13) After spending a good five minutes sketching out the vast scale of the economic and social challenge facing the town, Wright is careful to stress that Hartlepool still has plenty to fuel its inherent optimism.
(14) Yes, we can assign more or less responsibility – I blame Austria-Hungary and Germany for their mad determination to destroy Serbia knowing that a general war might result – but there is still plenty of room for disagreement.
(15) But Zhang described $9m of that as legitimate profit from an iron-ore deal, adding: "There are plenty of reasons to argue against the rest of the amount."
(16) Some consumers are aware we are earning so little, but there are plenty who really don’t care as long as it’s cheap John has calculated that he often takes home as little as £5.75 an hour, and rarely earns above the national minimum wage of £7.50.
(17) There have been plenty of calls for the European Central Bank to authorise a programme of quantitative easing when it meets this week, and the ECB president, Mario Draghi, appeared to be responding in a recent speech in the US, only to row back.
(18) Although the crude oil rally has already started at the end of last month when the Opec first announced the deal, I think there is plenty of fuel left in this rally,” he said.
(19) One of his principal worries is up front, where his main man is Michal Duris, who has scored plenty of goals for Viktoria Plzen in the Czech league this season but it is easy to add the caveat that it is only the Czech league.
(20) From Frances O'Grady , the TUC general secretary While it's good news that unemployment is still falling and more jobs are being created, there is still plenty to be worried about.