What's the difference between acanthaceous and acanthus?



  • (a.) Armed with prickles, as a plant.
  • (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the acanthus is the type.

Example Sentences:



  • (n.) A genus of herbaceous prickly plants, found in the south of Europe, Asia Minor, and India; bear's-breech.
  • (n.) An ornament resembling the foliage or leaves of the acanthus (Acanthus spinosus); -- used in the capitals of the Corinthian and Composite orders.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In general P. megalurus rediae resemble more closely rediae of the philophthalmid Parorchis acanthus than they do those of P. gralli.
  • (2) Extrinsic enzymes were not needed for C. tilapiae excystation but were an absolute necessity for P. acanthus excystation.
  • (3) Excystment of metacercariae of Parorchis acanthus, Posthodiplostomoides leonensis, Posthodiplostomum sp.
  • (4) n. (Philophthalmidae) from the Bursa Fabricii and lower intestine; and the following previously known species, all representing new host records: Maritrema arenaria and Probolocorphye glandulosa (Microphallidae); Lyperosomum oswaldoi and L. sinuosum (Dicrocoeliidae); Cyclocoelum obscurum (Cyclocoelidae); Himasthla rhigedana (Echinostomatidae); and Parorchis acanthus (Philophthalmidae).
  • (5) Excystation of metacercariae of Parorchis acanthus, Posthodiplostomum nanum, Posthodiplostomum sp., Posthodiplostomoides leonensis and Clinostomum tilapiae in mammalian saline at 39 degrees C was similar to their excystation in mouse peritoneal cavity.
  • (6) But if you want leafiness, there are some species adapted to dry shade: acanthus, or native ferns like the hart's tongue will provide foliage without robbing water supplies.
  • (7) The stages of C. michiganensis resembled those of Parorchis acanthus, a philophthalmid also infecting C. californica, except for differences in the epidermal plate count of their miracidia and in their cercarial stage which was larger in P. acanthus and had a spinuous tegument with a collar of spines.

Words possibly related to "acanthaceous"

Words possibly related to "acanthus"