(a.) Capable, worthy, or sure of being accepted or received with pleasure; pleasing to a receiver; gratifying; agreeable; welcome; as, an acceptable present, one acceptable to us.
Example Sentences:
(1) The generally accepted hypothesis is a coronary spasm but a direct cardiotoxicity of 5-FU cannot be.
(2) The rise of malaria despite of control measures involves several factors: the house spraying is no more accepted by a large percentage of house holders and the alternative larviciding has only a limited efficacy; the houses of American Indians have no walls to be sprayed; there is a continuous introduction of parasites by migrants.
(3) Theresa May signals support for UK-EU membership deal Read more Faull’s fix, largely accepted by Britain, also ties the hands of national governments.
(4) Acceptance of less than ideal donors is ill-advised even though rejection of such donors conflicts with the current shortage of organs.
(5) Madrid now hopes that a growing clamour for future rescues of Europe's banks to be done directly, without money going via governments, may still allow it to avoid accepting loans that would add to an already fast-growing national debt.
(6) Socially acceptable urinary control was achieved in 90 per cent of the 139 patients with active devices in place.
(7) The aim of the present study was to bring forward data of acceptance of dental treatment for 3-16-yr-old children in a population with good dental health and annual dental care, and to evaluate the influence on acceptance of age, sex, residential area, and previous experience and present need of dental treatment.
(8) Reasons for non-acceptance do not indicate any major difficulties in the employment of such staff in general practice, at least as far as the patients are concerned.
(9) Such a science puts men in a couple of scientific laws and suppresses the moment of active doing (accepting or refusing) as a sufficient preassumption of reality.
(10) The mothers of 87 male and female adolescents accepted at a counseling agency described their offspring by completing the Institute of Juvenile Research Behavior Checklist.
(11) This study suggests that the BD VACUTAINER agar slant is an acceptable alternative to the Septi-Chek system for routine blood cultures.
(12) The results indicate that the legislated increase in the age of eligibility for full Social Security benefits beginning in the 21st century will have relatively small effects on the ages of retirement and benefit acceptance.
(13) Urologic evaluation of all patients with congenital scoliosis is recommended; however, diagnostic ultrasonographic evaluations of the urinary tract have proven to be an acceptable alternative as an initial screening modality.
(14) Chris Pavlou, former vice chairman of Laiki, told Channel 4 news that Anastasiades was given little option by the troika but to accept the draconian terms, which force savers to take a hit for the first time in the fifth bailout of a eurozone country.
(15) The correlations between the objective risk estimates and the subjective risk estimates were low overall (r = 0.089, p = 0.08); for women rejecting (r = 0.024, p = 0.44) or accepting (r = 0.082, p = 0.12) amniocentesis.
(16) But employers who have followed a fair procedure may have the right to discipline or finally dismiss any smoker who refuses to accept the new rules.
(17) The continence achieved in this case seems to be in contradiction to some of the accepted concepts of the mechanisms of continence.
(18) The feedback I have had reveals how accepting people are of different cultures and religions.
(19) If no other indication to operate occurs, we accept a conservative treatment of the humeral fracture with radial palsy.
(20) Statistical diagnostic tests are used for the final evaluation of the method acceptability, specifically in deciding whether or not the systematic error indicated requires a root source search for its removal or is simply a calibration constant of the method.
(a.) Capable of being passed, traveled, navigated, traversed, penetrated, or the like; as, the roads are not passable; the stream is passablein boats.
(a.) Capable of being freely circulated or disseminated; acceptable; generally receivable; current.
(a.) Such as may be allowed to pass without serious objection; tolerable; admissable; moderate; mediocre.
Example Sentences:
(1) These results were compared with perceptual judgments of "passability" under static and moving viewing conditions.
(2) After computing admission rates by district per 1000 population, these were plotted against distance from the hospital by the only passable roads.
(3) In 40.9% the therapeutic results are satisfactory with normalization of blood pressure, whereas in 27.1%, are only passable.
(4) Of 28 renal units 25 (89%) were rendered free of stones or had passable calculi of less than 3 mm.
(5) Out of the root canals which were apically not passable and coronally closed the first traces of the instilled 5% hydrogen peroxide appeared after 14 min 45 sec on the root surface.
(6) Failures were due to upward dislodgement of the stone in 5 cases, to grasp or disintegrate the stone in 2, perforation of the ureter in 2, bleeding from the ureteral wall in 2 cases, to reintroduce guidewire in the ureter and to non-passable stricture below the stone in 1 case each.
(7) Out of the patients who underwent EPCN before SWL 13% were stone free and without drainage at discharge, 77% had passable stone fragments at discharge and drainage has been taken out at 15-30 days check up, 10% had unbroken stone and underwent with drainage to ureterolithotripsy.
(8) Even presented with a more than passable opportunity to snatch a point at the death, when Daniel Sturridge played a pass over the Southampton defence to allow Raheem Sterling to run clear on goal, the substitute came up with a wretched first touch to practically pass the ball to Artur Boruc.
(9) Photograph: PR company handout Creatively, it’s all a bit uninspiring, but there are passable moments.
(10) At the second hearing, the stern judge who had been doing a passable impression of Anne Robinson for much of the hearing appeared visibly troubled by Harris's emotional plea to be set free.She told the translator to tell Harris to "be calm", and asked if she would like a break in proceedings to compose herself.
(11) The cumulative analysis within 10 years after operations have shown 27% of endarectomized arteries to remain passable.
(12) With this form of pathology 68% of arteries are found to be passable within 10 postoperative years.
(13) In addition, the CSA was filtratable (0.45 mu), dialyzable, and passable through an Amicon PM10 filter, which indicated a molecular weight less than 10,000.
(14) Seventy percent of the patients with renal stones and 95% of those with ureteral stones were stone-free over the one-month follow-up, while about 15% had small and asymptomatic fragments believed to be passable spontaneously.
(15) At more increasing mean temperature rises 0.49 degrees C and 0.58 degrees C, increasing pyrogenic and decreasing 'passable' qualifications were obtained.
(16) The Howards method of anastomosis was used with prolene thread under fourfold magnification along with a spermiogram and a test of passability of the sperm duct.
(17) We have five special engineering trains out checking that lines are passable, and in the Highlands we have a helicopter out inspecting lines.
(18) The relatively well documented transcellular route is passable for compounds with a low molecular mass (up to about 2000 Da) and sufficient lipid as well as water solubility.
(19) Being a good dad and being a passable, decent husband is something that weighs on me."
(20) France has long claimed Rwanda as part of its francophone fold even though there is only one language common to all citizens of the tiny central African nation — the indigenous Kinyarwanda — and only a minority of the population speak passable French.